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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Happy Birthday Scoob!
  2. Maybe later. I gotta clean. There are random medical bills everywhere.
  3. GIMME!
  4. My body is being a shit today, so thanks for cheering me up.
  5. Oldboy - 9.5/10 My main complaint with movies is that I can always see how it's going to end, and that kind of leads to me getting bored by the ending. Oldboy did its thing to where even if I saw what was coming, how it got there was what kept it so on target. Also, this is the kind of movie where the villain usually turns out to be disappointing, but he was like a perfect puzzle piece that brought everything to such an awesome fucked up conclusion. This is probably one of the few movies besides The Thing(80's) that I've watched years after everyone else that still retains its bite.
  6. Just finished my sketch for Inktober so now I'm screwing around online.
  7. @jackiemarie90, same here. I'm sorry we're too dumb to help. More editing because I'll be working on this story until I die.
  8. I'm pretty sure I saw a movie like this where the office was being run by vampires. Don't get bit!
  9. I really was too naive thinking that since it's been out for years and I've seen some movies that are always compared to it, Oldboy would be easier to take in. I was wrong. That was a fucked up movie even by today's standards 😱.
  10. Getting back to editing after I recovered from watching Oldboy for the first time yesterday.
  11. There'a nothing to be sorry for. This was an update. It just featured trash behavior.
  12. Moving on to fanfiction.
  13. Technically both 😋.
  14. I'm editing a fight against demons.
  15. They're gonna be soon.
  16. Jesus H. Christ. There's a reason for that saying, "Don't fuck with the mouse."
  17. This because I can't think of another 8 minute song where I'm happy listening to the whole thing whenever it plays:
  18. Do you pay for your own restraints?
  19. I've only guessed the egg so far because that person was in one of the only 2 sports I watch. *Sigh* It's really annoying that she has to host everything, but I try to tune her out. Sometimes I think the audience votes against the better singer because they want to see who's in that costume. I can't blame them because my curiosity would drive me to do the same thing.
  20. Why is there writer drama everywhere? I just want to lurk one writing messageboard without people having to get into it with each other. And oh my god, this chick's ebook prices. Is she high? Down from a hundred something to 84-this bitch is high.
  21. This is sadly still relevant.
  22. Using gasoline is like the number one reason I see bonfires go sideways and make the news.
  23. I hate calling strangers so much. It makes my stomach hurt which makes it hard to stick to what I need to say. Whoever answered my rep's phone sounds tired, so hopefully his day sucks too.
  24. Did he put gasoline in the fire or something?
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