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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Why is it that like 70% of y'all understand the assignment of posting funny videos while the rest post deeply humiliating or disturbing videos of violence to kill the vibe? I know it's probably funny to them(that 30%), but I need these folks to develop self-awareness of how fucked up they are and perhaps spare the rest of us their 'humor'.
  2. All these daggone Frosted Mini Wheats flavors and not a one as good as the Maple and Brown Sugar. I need them to stop playing and bring my cereal back.
  3. I like Grapico. Edited to add it's been a while, but I think I like the Fanta one too.
  4. Holy shit, y'all are still around? And it looks like y'all hired professional cover artists too? Wouldn't touch ya with a ten-foot pole because of the questionable contracts, but whoa nostalgia. *Looks up another publisher I dodged. Rolls eyes.* You're supposed to promo your own authors, not random popular ones. *Looks up third one* So y'all hired an actual cover artist too huh? Well, for some of your books. So your books from release last month drop straight to 1 million in ranks, and for some reason hiring some weird ass twitter marketing account to promo for you ain't doing shit to help with that. *Sigh* It's nice to know that I'll be self-publishing forever.
  5. Unfortunately, you got like a 2-year wait on that because anything with slavery as a major plot point is a no-go for me until maybe I have the means to move away from here(will cut down on my stress so much). That boundary kinda went up when 12 Years a Slave came out, and I just couldn't watch it. Lovecraft Country got through that barrier a little bit, but then I couldn't even finish it.
  6. I haven't out of determination to deal with less drama in general. If I see nothing to gain and little entertainment value(for me), I force myself to scroll down instead of clicking whatever links are out there. I have seen a few hightlights in tweets and it just confirms my decision to keep to my small social network.
  7. The literary crowd sounds like double the mess of the Romance and Gay Romance groups, and I want fuck all to ever do with them. I've got one literary book in me that I will punt out in a few years and then run the fuck away.
  8. I've seen kaiju movies on horror channels, so multiple people agree with you. They're just kid friendly monster movies.
  9. You're Next. I was about to start dissing this movie because the mother looks barely older than her son, so I google her and it's fucking Barbara Crampton. I ain't seen her in anything in years(which is funny because I just posted about Castle Freak), so I had no idea she took the potion from Death Becomes Her.
  10. I'm going with Playgirl because that pic of JLC persuaded me. Look at how nonchalant she is with her back to the wall where she could watch any potential target walk by. That snazzy all black outfit that hides blood easier than...I don't know what the fuck that other chick is wearing but like sepia-toned🤨? Anyways, I'm just saying Scream Queen is a nice cover because if you see her stabbing someone, your first thought is gonna be, "Oh, so they filming another Halloween movie." I forgot to add, she got that three-word name thing going on too. Un huh. Suspicious.
  11. I thought about watching it for like a split second today, but no, that mug will stress me the fuck out.
  12. Solace. I haven't heard of it before which is unusual when it comes to serial killer movies with psychics because there aren't enough of them out there.
  13. It's so hard finding the right mild distraction to play in the background while I'm writing.
  14. I wish more filmmakers remade shitty ass movies like Castle Freak instead of messing with actual good films. Like please stay in your shitty forgotten lane so I rarely ever hear about your work and when I do, it's just an eyeroll instead of annoyance at yet another movie fucked up by Hollywood's laziness.
  15. Happy Birthday, Scoob! Now shush!
  16. I have physical and digital copies of mostly Yaoi just because it goes out of print quicker and it uses up my manga budget during Holiday sales.
  17. Ghost Ship. I somehow forgot how this movie begins.
  18. I'm guessing Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, but more like someone ended up with the gun. I'll always remember the great 'gun in the vagina' rant my friends and I went on for like an hour after watching it at the theater. So is it called 'porkchop in a can' because of the calories, some sort of weird barley is a food reference, or maybe because beer has been joked about as a meal replacement?
  19. Wait, Hiddleston can sing? Every time he puts on that character, I swear his hotness just goes through the roof.
  20. Whatcha watchin? 😁 I miss the toffee hard candies Werther's used to have in the states. Even my old people candy disappears from shelves. And it sucks because good toffees are hard to find.
  21. https://unevenedge.com/forum/30-dumpster-fires/ I wish I had art that was ready to post this month, but I am an overworked wussy with nadda.
  22. I'm sick and tired of California and their delicious fucking food. And I can tell when a local foodie I follow on Instagram goes to California just based on the new pics they post cuz I know damn well they ain't get that shit in Georgia. Fuck y'all and having money to travel.
  23. I hate seeing posts from wee queers about dealing with their homophobic families and being unable to give them advice. Many choices have been taken away by the pandemic and general state of the economy/housing, so I don't know any comforting thing to say right now.
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