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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. When the fuck did Inukami get a blu-ray release?
  2. Whichever bitch ass official said that shit, I hope they get Long Covid. And that thing where everything you eat tastes like sewage.
  3. I am almost out of potato starch. I still can't remember if I got it from the Vietnamese market or Super H Mart.
  4. Fried chicken and maybe some french toast.
  5. Fuck you person who got to that .hack//Sign deal before me. Fuck yoooooouuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!
  6. I have Bossy by Kelis stuck in my head after counting my Ghiradelli haul. 84 chocolate caramel Santas and nearly five regular size bag amounts of different flavored squares.
  7. I'm 36 with joint issues in my hands. Ain't no way I'm dealing with that shit. Only teenage me would be goofy enough to even consider it.
  8. Bowser is a fave in the queer furry community, so when I hear about Bowser boinking, that's where my expectations are at as far as facial expressions.
  9. *Is summoned into thread*
  10. This is why I never have any damn money! 😭 91 Days (Limited Edition) Ajin: Demi-Human Ajin: Demi-human: Season 2 Antique Bakery Argentosoma Attack On Titan S1 Baccano Barakamon Black Lagoon Blood Blockade Battlefront Blue Seed Case Closed - In Her Eyes Case Closed - Countdown to Heaven Casshern Sins A Certain Magical Index A Certain Magical Index 2 Chihayafuru S1 (Limited Edition) Chihayafuru S2 (Limited Edition) Clannad Clannad After Story Claymore Darker Than Black Dennou Coil Double Decker! Doug & Kirill Dragonball S1 Dragonball S2 Dragon Half E's Otherwise Elfen Lied Fate Stay/Night Fullmmetal Alchemist Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OVAs Full Metal Panic Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu! Genshiken Ghost in the Shell Ghost in the Shell S.A.C. Ghost inthe Shell 2ng GIG The Gokusen Gravitation (Limited Edition) Guin Saga Gungrave Haikyuu S1 Premium Box Set Haikyuu S2 Premium Box Set Haikyuu S3 Premium Box Set Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East S1 Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East S2 Hamatora the Animation Re: Hamatora the Animation Heat Guy J Heroic Legend of Arslan S1 Initial D 1ST Stage Initial D 2ND Stage Initial D 3RD Stage The Irregular at Magic High School S1 Irresponsible Captain Tylor K Karneval (Limited Edition) Kobato Kurenai Level E Log Horizon S1 part 1 and 2 Madlax Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic Magi: The Kingdom of Magic part 1 and 2 Martian Successor Nadesico Mirage of Blaze (Limited Edition) Moeyo Ken Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit (Limited Edition) My Hero Academia S1 Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow Natsume Yuujinchou Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou Natsume Yuujinchou San Natsume Yuujinchou Shi Noir Noragami Otogi Zoshi (Limited Edition) Outlaw Star Paprika Polyphonica Polyphonica Crimson S(the lolicon cover on this DVD pisses me off to this day) Read or Die OVA Rental Magica Part 1 and 2 Rideback Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne Rose of Versailles Part 1 Rune Soldier Saiyuki Seraph of the End S1 Shiki Silver Spoon S1 Silver Spoon S2 Slayers 1-3 collection Sol Bianca Space Brothers Space Dandy Spice and Wolf Steins Gate Tanaka-kun is Always Listless Premium Box Set Tenchi OVA collection The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye Tokyo Ravens Tsurune Trigun The Twelve Kingdoms Ushio & Tora Premium Box Set Vampire Hunter D Vampire Hunter D : Bloodlust Xam'd: Lost Memories Yona of the Dawn Part 1 and 2 YuYu Hakusho
  11. I've honestly just been glad to have any sort of decent deals while I had extra money during the holidays to grab what's quickly going out of print. Especially since I don't know when or if restocks will happen.
  12. Heroic Legend of Arslan S1 part 1 and 2 Re-Hamatora Double Decker Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Tokyo Ravens
  13. I summoned my younger ghetto ass self to go ham on the ‘Fill this stretchy bag with chocolate for $5’ deal. I’m rather proud of how much fit in the bags. Only got 2 though. There weren’t that many bags left, and I’d feel bad getting five of those things. This makes me feel so much better because I couldn't get shit on Halloween and the store shelves were bare after Christmas too.
  14. Why couldn't I be into a cheaper hobby?
  15. I find it absolutely hilarious that Reibun Ike’s work has gotten so popular. She’s been on my fucked up porn radar for years.
  16. *Looks at occupied reserved seating on theater's website. Feels anxiety building* Never mind. I'll just dodge spoilers for a bit longer. I can't even try to fuck around here because Georgia's already back in the news for virus spread.
  17. Naw, the ribs will be for New Year's. No Way Home better not make me cry because crying while wearing a mask is very inconvenient.
  18. Thank you internet folks for showing me how to get rid of Google Lens when I right-click on pics so I can go back to a regular old Google Image Search. Now y'all got me thinking about making sweet and sour ribs on Christmas.
  19. I just read a Chinese webnovel where the MC made chicken feet. He marinated them in some type of wine mixture for a day, then stewed it for a day, and on the third day, threw them thangs on a grill. They were described as the bones being softened to where you could eat them whole. It sounded delicious, but way too much effort for me right now.
  20. Not surprised. A basic search of some of the original voice actors turned up old videos or people talking about old videos where they played online edgelord 'for the lulz'. Going by the comments on the recasts, one of them was still doing some creepy shit too. Yeah, it's nice to have grown up during a time when the stupid shit I said in my teens and early twenties are easily gone from the internet, but it was still mild stuff. I never felt the need to record myself saying a bunch of slurs or rape jokes when there was more ability to upload on youtube because I had some common sense about content on the internet possibly lasting for a long time and knew making videos like that was an asshole thing to do. I also wasn't one of these mostly white suburban spoiled ass folks who went into their twenties thinking that consequences didn't apply to them, so that probably helped too.
  21. Black Panther doesn't deserve all of this drama.
  22. Why do movies and shows have to do so many puking scenes now? Like let me eat in peace while watching, damn.
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