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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I am actually very angry right now. It never occurred to me that in this day and age, a big network with a shit load of money would have been so fucking stupid not to have adequate counseling available to actors when doing a show like Lovecraft Country. That is so fucking irresponsible, especially with the scenes that they filmed. I had to take a break when that show premiered because it was amping up my anxiety. Jesus fucking Christ, I hate people.
  2. That shit is gonna go wrong some kind of way. Why even do this?
  3. Well shit. Looks like y'all do expect me to upload a chapter a day, huh?
  4. I...did not expect that ending of Clickbait. I also need to get off Twitter so I don't call this bitch a cunt. I am a professional, I am a professional, I am a professional, I am a-
  5. I am about to 'OK Boomer' this dude.
  6. Give me a cooking robot! Why do I have to feed myself every daggone day?
  7. I saw this comment a few times about Kazi Ni Nare and wondered what it was about. Caught a twitter vid of another crowd getting to shout it out, so I understand now. Have an urge to watch Kaze no Stigma for some reason 😜.
  8. Okay, y'all aren't liking my book posts but y'all are subscribing. 😍 I like money.
  9. Bah! I want my book tweets to get as many likes and retweets as my shitposts! *Throws table*
  10. Why is it always my shitposts? Whhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyy????????
  11. Evidently I have more work to do on my dad.
  12. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/06/arts/michael-k-williams-dead.html RIP. I don't think I ever saw a bad performance from him. He would literally be the reason for shows I was on the fence on that just one scene with him in it(Boardwalk Empire) made me add that mug to my watchlist.
  13. Black folks can't have nuthin'!
  14. I am still so proud of my delightfully tacky ass title. I want people to pause on the cover and think, "WTF is this?"
  15. They're vampires from the anime Shiki. Their eyes are good for staring at trolls and the people who feed them in other folks' nice threads.
  16. Getting them Marvel and DC checks I see.
  17. I have definitely earned watching the new Suicide Squad.
  18. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    What event was today? I wouldn't have seen it, but I'm still curious.
  19. I want to talk about that show so badly, but again, monkey paw site.
  20. This and the Cowboy Bebop live action show in the works just makes me feel so old.
  21. Can't turn my back on y'all for one minute.
  22. I really wish more of these get made. I'm not into all the possession stuff or annoying people lost in the woods movies that seem endless to me.
  23. I hate writing grieving shit.
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