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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I might have to fan myself. The Expanse with Amazon money is hot. Got fucking tachikomas in this shit. Yeaaahh, Baby!
  2. I thought this said 'titty house' at first.
  3. A certain someone could have gotten a Huion tablet if they didn't buy a bunch of anime on Black Friday. That certain someone is me and fuck you, Aniplex. Fuck me too.
  4. *Blinks* There really is an LDS white lady cabal on Instagram. Frigging Michaels. I almost joined that lady's class they're offering, but my distrust of women with that Stepford Wife look and googling her saved me. These chicks and their little business ventures are getting harder to dodge and I don't like that.
  5. I hope you live in an area where someone won't steal it or vandalize it.
  6. Happy Belated Birthday Misaka Misaka!
  7. I haven't watched it yet because I'm afraid it will break my heart.
  8. You are mistaken.
  9. What? ๐Ÿ˜
  10. It was a great shoow. Shame that it never got a second season though.
  11. *Sigh* It's that time of year again. Here's what I picked up from sales: The Irregular at Magic High School(FUCK YOU, ANIPLEX) Space Dandy Complete Series Hamatora(Will get the second season around christmas) Chihayafuru 2nd Season Ajin Season 1 and 2
  12. Happy Birthday Viper!
  13. When the fuck did Initial D Fourth Stage go out of print?
  14. Me after staring at Andre Springer's out of drag pics to see if he's allowed to use Shaquanda as his drag name: Okay, the ones without a hair wrap or hat are broadcasting some negro in him. I'll allow it. I'm gonna be so tacky today. Accidentally hit the buy button before adding the coupon, so I'll go to pick up, return it, and then buy it right back with my discount. I don't give a fuck. It's against my principles to pay full price for anything around big holiday deals.
  15. After I get caught up on my Patreon work, I'll tune in. As someone who dumpster dived in 90's SciFi cheese back in the day, I am curious how the show will be when I watch it.
  16. I'm so glad my dad doesn't work at the airport anymore.
  17. All this weak ginger ale. Y'all need to go drink some Vernors.
  18. No, but a couple words are all I got in me to describe shitty people right now.
  19. I'm not much into celebrity gossip, but I REALLY want to know what that man's schlong looks like.
  20. I feel like killing someone while they're getting cookies is on the same level as killing them on a toilet. Like, that's just being extra mean. Besides the murder part. I feel bad for whoever owned that cookie shop. Here you are bringing joy to the world, then someone comes along and literally kills the whole vibe. Now it's gonna be the Murder Cookie Shop forever.
  21. I read a depressing ass reddit topic about people being weird about food allergies. It was an eyeopener that there are quite a few out there, even folks' own family members, who are deeply offended by food allergies to the point of purposefully slipping people the food they're allergic to in order to 'prove them wrong'. Cowboy Bebop anime fans need to dial it down a notch on social media because you guys are being very cringy right now. Cowboy Bebop Twitter feed - Non-anime watcher: This looks interesting. Anime stan: THEY CHANGED EVERYTHING! Non-anime watcher: I like it but the fight scenes could be better. Anime stan: WHY MAKE AN EXACT COPY? THIS IS WORTHLESS! I'M GOING TO K-MYSELF! Anime stan: I might...actually like this. Anime stan: *Posts pic of Cowboy Bebop set* I'm watching the anime and not Netflix!
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