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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Twitter nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
  2. Probably the same reason why "Ducky go down the hole" gets stuck in my head. Repetitive phrases I heard in movies and shows always come back to me. God I'm tired, and I have more work to do.
  3. Oh that's right, Nimoy pops up in this show. How the hell did I forget that? I appreciated his guest appearances more on Fringe than the Star Trek reboot because it wasn't for fans but for himself.
  4. Oh folks are still seeing stylists? Broke ass home hair cut crew represent! God I sounded like Nab. At least I made one small step towards being less poor. Now like a thousand more steps to go. Why is writing the only thing that I'm good at? Why couldn't the universe give me the attention span to actually learn about computers?
  5. Y'all hate this man, and I want to know why. Y'all can't convince me otherwise because it's obvious y'all are using bad reviews to shoot your shot and annihilate him. I haven't seen reviews this witty and petty in YEARS! Straight up unloading full clips into this man with zero mercy, and my nosy ass wants to know what he did to piss...y'all...off. Given the situation he created with his rich producer daddy, he's totally capable of some shady shit, so there's gotta be something. And it ain't just the nepotism setting y'all off. Un uh. That's too plentiful in the entertainment industry to bring out the knives like this. It's bugging me so much, I WANT TO KNOOOOWWW!
  6. Teslas have never appealed to me. I just don't get why some people are into them. Other status cars are at least pretty even if they're pieces of overpriced shit.
  7. That's what I forgot to watch! I had that on my watchlist some months ago when I was going through and checking stuff off, and I kept forgetting I had that on DVR. Which probably means it got deleted off because of there not being enough space. Darn, now I gotta got see if a streaming service has it.
  8. I'mma steal that GI Joe gif.
  9. I'm so writing porn after this.
  10. I'm releasing longer chapters on a serial site so I can get this long ass story completed sooner. It'll still be the same amount of editing if broken up, just at a nicer pace. *Sigh* At least I'm almost done.
  11. Why the fuck did I write this long chapter? I don't want to edit it! 😭
  12. Damn those chocolate bars and their high ass calories forcing me to eat only three pieces in one sitting. Gotta nibble on those mofos so I feel satisfied. That's how you can tell besides the creaminess that it's the good shit; the whole calorie count like a fast food meal.
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. Yessss, show your true colors you little fake fucker. Piss off all them stans.
  15. At least I have more than a month to decide on how I'm doing paperbacks or hardbacks because...*Looks at clusterfuck of Covid-19 snafus and port hijinks* I cannot deal with that shit right now.
  16. Why'd y'all have to put a good Golden Krust near me? My piggy ass don't need this. But I still want it. 😜
  17. I have a normal person to talk to about an underrated anime on here, so I guess the price I pay is *Looks at Dune thread*... that. Goddamn monkey paw site.
  18. He grew into such a badass in the manga, and it’s bull the show didn’t get more seasons.
  19. Someone else besides *** has seen Kekkaishi. That's nice.
  20. I had no idea that Katt Williams took out one of our longtime DJs! πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I just thought her ass left for another station or like retired! Maaaannn, 2019, I was out of the loop! 🀣🀣🀣
  21. Gory killing scenes are hard to work on in the morning. I'm still kinda too sleepy to properly describe shattered bone, viscera, etc.
  22. I wish I had it in me to thaw some raw chicken breasts, slice 'em, and then fry 'em up. *Sighs while looking at the frozen Tyson chicken* Fuck.
  23. Look, the bread wasn't hard, the patties weren't dry, and the fries were fresh because I ask for them unsalted. If I don't have to cook shit on a working night, the bare minimum fulfills me. He who hath partaken of Taco Bell in the last five years cannot judge me. Ugh. It's so hard keeping up with a murder timeline for serial killers. Oh wait, I haven't written out an actual timeline for this. Naw, that shit is Future Me's problem.
  24. McDonald's hit the spot tonight.
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