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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I didn't watch much of her outside of Flavor of Love, so she never bothered me. I mainly thought, "Well at least she didn't shit on the floor."
  2. Thank goodness you moved the check, or I was gonna feel horrible.
  3. Oh my god, don't do that!
  4. I'm kinda wondering if I asked you to take what looks like a chapstick or marker out of your bag so I could see the nail polishes better, would you actually do it.
  5. WTF, dude? NO!
  6. I could do it except for the two litter. That sucker's too heavy to be lugging around anyway when a 20oz will do.
  7. I'm too shy to do that. Besides, that's something Nab or Phillies should get tapped for.
  8. JUST FUCK ALREADY, GODDAMMIT! and record it
  9. I'm seeing either Hidden Figures or John Wick 2. Nowadays I'm too lazy to sneak in real food and just bring candy.
  10. I can't remember if I enjoyed Geneshaft. Maybe it was meh for me since not even the video preview brought back any memories other than what the lead character looks like.
  11. I will lose myself in red panda videos all day if I'm not careful because they're so goddamn adorable.
  12. Happy Belated Birthday!
  13. *Sigh* One day we'll have the technology where I can steal things from inside the screen.
  14. I've never read the comics and this looks corny as hell to me. When the other Marvel shows' trailers dropped, they always made me damn near giddy to watch them. This made me feel nothing except a twitch of interest when the old lady appears. Danny Rand and the other bad guys are just blandy mcbland. They really should have gone with the Asian dude as the lead(blonde highlights in his hair for bitchy fans) because he had a better onscreen presence and fighting wise definitely had a better refined style. And it's not just because the lead was kept white. The guy playing Daredevil didn't come off this bland either.
  15. You are absolutely correct. Cochran was a master orator and one of the best manipulators I've seen in my life.
  16. No one innocent puts out a book like that, especially when you've got kids by one of the victims. This was just a rare time when racist cops and incompetence worked in favor of a black dude.
  17. Says the guy wishing for genocide because someone literally thought that your artwork was trash.
  18. DragonSinger


    And you're posting this online because?
  19. I didn't want to be a buzzkill, so I didn't tell people to be careful about celebrating a Falcons' win as they're going into the second half with a big lead. But yeah, we're known for this shit.
  20. Sorry, but I'm not gonna wait for bad things to happen to me in order to care because I possess some empathy and I'm smart enough to know that just because bullshit like a Muslim ban didn't touch me, other EO's likely will given the bigoted intentions. Thinking you're gonna dodge a bullet while others suffer is again a privilege you have, not me.
  21. *Sigh* Atlanta's traditional second half choke.
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