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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Caramel Tim Tams. I don't even realize I've eaten the whole package until it's empty in my hands. Those suckers are almost a hundred calories a piece too, so I double fucked myself.
  2. Blood Blockade Battlefront and Beyond 12
  3. Blood Blockade Battlefront and Beyond 9
  4. They have Hunter x Hunter and Space Dandy is coming back, so I still like watching it.
  5. Someone else can explain to you how ratings work, but I'll do the world a favor and educate you about health issues related to backs and artistic jobs. If you're doing something repetitively for decades, it will fuck up parts of your body, and that shit stays jacked up for life. All it does is get worse. Back pain can especially be hell because it can affect every part of your body. Togashi seems to have a better system of dealing with it since he can get out a volume before going on hiatus now, but it's probably still hard for him to do that much. Older generations of artists didn't concentrate on keeping up with their health, and I've only recently seen them be honest about how much pain they're in while working and warning the younger ones to take better care of themselves.
  6. Pretty much this. Your nose is your buddy when it comes to testing if food has gone bad, and yogurt is will last a while anyways.
  7. Good wow or bad wow?
  8. Why are you ragging on HxH? It usually stops the bleeding from lesser shows and frequently has retention numbers in the 90s. Naruto being more well-known doesn't hurt it either, so I don't even know what that point was about. Yes, Togashi goes on hiatus a lot, but the anime reaches a good stopping point, and I haven't heard any complaints about the manga's quality decreasing. I'm probably more sympathetic towards him because I have health issues including chronic back and joint pain which are aggravated heavily by drawing to the point that I had to give it up for eight years.
  9. I might have gotten a little hungry during Hannibal episodes, so maaayyyybe.
  10. Peanuts can be pricey nowadays. My mom got a great deal on holiday boxes with 3 cans of peanuts that were half off after Christmas. Do you wear sneakers when your feet are completely submerged in water or just hanging off the edge?
  11. That would be the first thing off the wall if I found that at a new place.
  12. Hard motherfucking no. It takes a lot for me to even get into a relationship and like with friends, I only get with people I trust. If someone breaks that trust they are gone, and at the beginning of going out, I let the other person know that if they feel the need to cheat, they should just be honest and break up with me. I was raised in the era of Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes, and I will not tolerate that shit.
  13. So I take it that this was the "Captain Planet" prototype.
  14. Oh forgive me. You didn't think he was drunk but possibly under the influence of drugs and decided that giving him free booze would remedy his aggressive behavior. I was under the impression that you were the owner of the bar. I didn't realize that once you're off the clock, you're no longer obligated to make sure that your bar remains a safe area for customers, and that entertaining your friends would be a higher priority.
  15. You bought the dude a drink, let him grope someone else, FINALLY decided the dude had to go when he got an attitude with your bartender, and then because you're playing pacifist so everyone can have a good time, your wife was the first one to step up. Is your bartender male/female/other? Oh and newsflash, YOU DON'T GIVE GROPEY PEOPLE MORE ALCOHOL!
  16. Posting in here so I remember to stay the fuck out of downtown Atlanta tomorrow. The day of and day before big games turns that entire area into a parking lot.
  17. I was just gonna leave a 'voted for a dude with multiple rape accusations against him' at the end of a quote, but dude, what kind of place are you running? Mistake #2 is when you should have booted that guy instead of letting that situation get worse and worse.
  18. I would never.
  19. I'm up for a rewatch.
  20. You are now Susan.
  21. BracketSpoilerBracket (Your Post) BracketSlashSpoilerBracket
  22. You must not have been hanging around in anime forums too much when Initial D was more popular. We bugged the shit out of Japanese fans about how much were sugar daddies a things over there, which lead to interesting discussions until Natsuki hate would derail threads and get a bunch of posts deleted.
  23. So did you go anywhere, or are you still chillin'?
  24. Happy Birthday Person who's like the only one here who would survive a zombie apocalypse.
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