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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Right now, I just started Reindeer Games on the DVR. I haven't seen it for several years, but something about "onion rings" sticks out in my memory.
  2. My stomach doesn't like being shaken.
  3. Mostly Disney songs with some Nightmare Before Christmas thrown in.
  4. Crossfire 8/10. It's a military murder mystery that takes place a few years after WW2 starring Robert Mitchum. It's a pretty good take on PTSD and a hate crime during the 1940's. A Soldier's Story 9.9/10. Brilliant movie. Another military murder mystery, but it's about the death of a black soldier during WW2 instead of a Jewish man. I can't believe I've never heard of it before. It's got the In the Heat of the Night lead dude(show), a young Denzel and Robert Townsend, and opens up with Patti Labelle singing on stage in a cute red dress. It was on during TCM giving props to folks who did awesome casting and chose badass actors before they were famous. I have one slight little nitpick about the speech to the killer at the end, but it was damn near perfect. Also, I give it props for making me *Big spoiler* Papillon 7/10. It's a Steve McQueen movie I had never heard of before, and I gave it a shot because I was in the mood for a prison escape flick. The first half is great, but by the second half, you can start seeing how full of shit this "autobiographical account" was. Looking up the book it was based on did lead me to a more realistic story of an escaped prisoner from the same penal colony called Dry Guillotine, so I got some entertainment and a book rec out of the movie.
  5. *Digs through the comments to find shows I haven't heard of and add them to my imdb watchlist* The actual article does remind me that I need to get back to watching Atlanta. I'm tired of having to duck spoilers for that online.
  6. Out of the Past 5/10 This has everything I fucking hate about the noir genre in it. Men who are dumb as fuck over a woman, boring as hell, predictable, and feels pointless by the time I reach the ending. I only gave it a 5 because I got to very briefly see black actors allowed to behave like normal people in a 40's movie and the novelty of watching a young Kirk Douglas(Michael Douglas really does have his daddy's voice).
  7. I still like it, but I need 3 or 4 years to pass before I can watch the movie again due to oversaturation.
  8. The first one might be caught up in streaming deals. It was on tv a few years ago. I remember because I finally got to watch it and five fucking minutes in, I fell asleep because of a really bad pain flare draining my energy. After that, I didn't see it on tv again.
  9. Yeesh. Sounds like that piece of glass was waiting in hiding for you.
  10. Did you clean the place before you moved in, and have you thought about letting a doctor see your foot?
  11. Ending my horror movie marathon today with Jennifer's body. I'm at the end and just as I was gonna say it's only sorta good, a certain thing happened that I wanted. Since my pettiness was appeased, I'm happier with it. I do wish the movie was gayer though.
  12. Quit sharing fake pics. This is the real one:
  13. I'll remember to go in with very low expectations. Right now I'm watching Santa's Slay. It's a silly as hell movie with Goldberg the former pro wrestler as a killer santa(way more backstory that I'm too lazy to give). I actually like it but fully admit the part of my brain that digs it is also the part that likes Surf Ninjas.
  14. A gas stove gives you better temp control, but what led me to absolutely loving it was the first major snow storm I rode out with one. The electricity went out, but I remembered some old timey book where they lit the stove with a match and did that. Hot food and water was so friggin nice. After that, I never wanted to go back to an electric stove.
  15. The only person who brings up Kekkaishi positively here is Ben, and the only motherfucker to bring up Merlin is fucking Mumbo. On any other site, I can talk about these shows with a bunch of other female fans. Not here. Nope, this is where fandom dreams come to die. *Goes to cry in a corner*
  16. They were probably not as bad as 70's movie cops, but dumb enough to make a lot of stuff unrealistic and take me out of the scene. Thank you, I was just talking about that movie the other day and meant to go look it up to record.
  17. 9 or 10. My older brother was a Bebe kid so he taught me all the bad words. The gay f bomb and racial slurs were stuff I never said because it sounded dumb to me to use them as insults. Also, only the people I didn't like said them all the time, so I just associated those words with idiots.
  18. I Saw the Devil And this is another film getting thrown into the overrated pile.
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