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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. same style for 15 years. like, exactly the same. why mess with a mediocre thing?
  2. you don't have an executive bathroom? wtf you even doing in that place with no executive bathroom?
  3. they beat a cubs team that hasn't had any respectable offense for a month+, and it took them 13 innings to do it with 2 runs. milwaukee is gonna squash the rockies.
  4. Into the 9th, Cubs and Rockies tied 1-1. Pretty sure the Cubs don't deserve to be in a position to win this game, but here we are. 2019, see you soon.
  5. /thread
  6. my last name is gonna come out your mouth all wrong. but that's because it's northern european. w sounds like v, a sounds like ah, etc etc.
  7. there are 8 different single malts coming in a couple months as well as part of this tie-in. i will buy approximately zero of them.
  8. i felt good about things til september. i'm content with any postseason play, even if it ends with nlds elimination. i don't know that they deserve it this year. lester will probably pitch a great game tomorrow and the cubs will advance to face milwaukee three more times, maybe four, this week. then they'll be done.
  9. cubs fans got to win the world series in that movie, so we remember it pretty well lol.
  10. it's been a thing in chicago for as long as i remember. ever seen "rookie of the year"? that's how the kid got on the team.
  11. doesn't every park's crowd toss back an opposing team's homerun? i thought that was just proper etiquette.
  12. cubbies gonna mess around and go from best in the league to not even getting into the playoffs. this is the 1909-2014 cubs fan coming out, btw.
  13. i think the new series were dropping in august up until this year? idk for sure. but it seems like they were usually through the season a good two months before the xmas special aired.
  14. that double bean dream was actually really good. wife talked me into buying two kegs, and i'm sure we'll have no trouble moving it.
  15. wife latched onto a cream ale with vanilla and hazelnut. it's called "double bean dream", i lol'd. same place also made a brandy barrel aged scotch ale that was delicious, probably my favorite for the whole day. another brewery we hit had just released a wet-hopped pale ale this week, that was maybe one of the freshest-tasting beers i've ever had. it was called "so fresh so green" and the name was quite fitting. we stopped in on 3 breweries altogether, and set up distribution with two of them. the third one didn't have any great beers and also didn't have distribution ability, so we didn't bring anything back from them.
  16. we survived the trip, and came home with a van full of beer. ended up with 5 kegs and a few cases. and a hangover. but it was worth it.
  17. leaving the bank in about 45 minutes, then it's brew tour time. gonna fill up the van with a few local breweries' kegs, and probably drink a few pints along the way.
  18. i never watched those other two. but i do love me some angela bassett.
  19. i mostly liked the season with angela bassett...coven maybe?
  20. if i'm watching a musical, it had better be best little whorehouse. that or the buffy tv series episode.
  21. one of my favs.
  22. one more mile until we get to the chicken ranch, where history and aggie boys get made!
  23. there was a scene in raiders(?) where someone was packed away safely into a basket or something, which turned out to be the back of a box truck that took off. but this sounds like it could have been temple of doom too.
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