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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. i'm starting to think the water heater itself is the problem. if you shut off hot water and the leak persists, but the floor is getting warm, it's possible the water heater has developed a "pinhole" leak somewhere inside the unit, usually in the bottom where you won't be able to see it. if hot water is leaking out the bottom of the heater, it could be warming the floor but it would be making the floor wet in places other than inside the wall. something doesn't make sense. is it possible that the floor is feeling warm in that room because you've recently turned on your house's heating system?
  2. ...something's not right here. is the floor in your laundry room concrete or wood? is there a basement underneath or a crawlspace? you turned off the hot water, and the leak persisted. did you shut the water off before the water heater or at the outlet of the water heater? what room is the water heater in?
  3. renting has its advantages. but i'd never go back to it with my current position in life. maybe when i'm old af and can't wipe my own ass anymore, then i'll rent a room at a nursing home.
  4. i wouldn't do the actual plumbing work myself unless it was an easy fix, but there's nothing wrong with doing a bit of exploring if you're comfortable with it. if you're not comfortable with it, then by all means hire a pro.
  5. do you rent or own? if you rent, then none of the cost should be your concern. if you own, you can take the wall out yourself, rather than letting the plumber charge you for it. just cut out some drywall near the ground where you see the leak coming through. if you find a pipe or dripping water, follow it up until you find the leak. or get one of those scope cameras you plug right into your phone, and stuff it through a small hole in the wall to look around.
  6. i think i'm dying. i think this head congestion is going to make me dead. there's a drill in my truck with a 7/8" auger bit in the chuck. if this doesn't let up soon...
  7. this guy's had a leak before. op, if you turned off the water at the water heater and the leak stopped, it's pretty safe to assume the leak is in a hot water supply line, probably somewhere in that particular wall. but it could be from the next floor up as well, if there's a bathroom or something up there. if the leak didn't stop when you turned off the water heater, then it's either a cold supply line or the main coming into the house. if you can get by without using water for now, turn off the water at the main, or have the city turn you off at the meter (if they'll do it for free). don't fuck around with water leaks. they ruin shit quick.
  8. infinity war, finally. i rate it half the population. roughly translated, that means about 8/10.
  9. it all seemed real good at that point, according to the wife. i just don't get the ending. i mean i get it, but i don't get why they thought it was a good idea to go that route. i guess there's supposedly gonna be a second season, so maybe that's why. but i'm just not sure why the whole thing flipped genres like that.
  10. see, that's why you can't water them with booze.
  11. i get like 12 days every year for pto/health. i might take one or two each year for myself, on average. the kids are usually the reason i take off though. if they're sick and we can't send them to daycare, wife and i take turns taking days off to stay home with them. beyond that, i schedule a few days each year to extend weekends for whatever reason. this year will be the first since kids that i've had surplus days to carry over.
  12. are you watering your cats with it or something?
  13. i spent a little over $2000 on booze yesterday. case of crown, case of jack, case of fireball, 2 cases of well vodka, filled in some shelf gaps and built inventory back up for another week. yee-haw mfers.
  14. the wife started watching this a couple days ago, and i kinda got into it with the last 3 or 4 eps to go. maybe i needed the first half dozen episodes to really "get it" but i was expecting something ... scary? possibly horror-genre-related? the few jump scares that i caught was about all there was to it that helped it qualify as "horror" and that ending ... thought for a minute i was watching some less suspenseful version of downton abbey. didn't know that was even possible. eh. if you're looking for some good horror/suspense to go bone up on the old lady, this ain't it.
  15. i have a feeling the house will be a total loss anyways, and i doubt they rebuild on the same site. move "up the hill" a mile and in 50 years, they'll own the beachfront again.
  16. a friend of mine has a home in mexico beach. she was sure her house was going to be destroyed in michael. luckily enough, her house was one of the few that was spared complete destruction in her neighborhood. they did sustain a significant amount of damage to their roof and probably some flooding (they haven't been able to get down there yet to check on it because of the extensive damage to infrastructure), but the house wasn't blown away entirely. here's a couple pics of their house from satellite view. the first is pre-michael, and the second is on 10/11. their house is the only one on the south side of the street that survived. two of the houses formerly on the south side of the road ended up getting blown off their foundations and pushed across the street into another building. that's a pretty stiff breeze.
  17. it's probably the one where the old man mocked the ambitious young man for working too hard and not enjoying the simple life. then the old man died while scrubbing a shitter in the casino bathroom where the young man was vacationing with his buddies.
  18. can't you just tell 'em someone did that account copy thing that's going around? it was the evil dd who posted all that stuff. well shit, that's not gonna work either. even with an account hack, you'd still be the evil dd.
  19. no insurance agent will write you a dram shop policy you'll be able to afford, with all the potential for bodily injury you're selling in this thread. and without dram shop, you're not getting a liquor license from the state. no liquor, no babes and no paying customers. you need someone who can keep your shit in line. my fee is reasonable and my services are essential. here's my card, guido.
  20. she doesn't even have to be any good. the fact that she'd even look at, let alone suck, that crusty old thing at all is plenty of motivation for this fucking guy.
  21. FIREBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. finally picked up a new (to us), larger capacity ice machine to use at the bar. no more spending $50/wk on ice at the gas station to get through busier streaks. <--- is happy. hooked up the new ice machine. it leaks from three places, out onto the floor and makes a big annoying puddle that has to be mopped up twice a day. <--- is no longer happy.
  23. Felix Sater Day: The Trumpending Story
  24. tenacious D is releasing another album. hopefully it's better than that phoenix they slaughtered the last time. "making love" just dropped off the new album "post-apocalypto" and here it is. does require language warning? you knew that already.
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  25. lol AI runs on command line DOS. fitting.
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