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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. YES HAPP <3
  2. i still have snakebites
  3. ITT: Fuggs makes a thread about her again
  4. The best Hoover:
  5. That is different context.
  6. Uhhhh I think using the term "Bruce Jenner" in this context is pretty transphobic.
  7. Why is it even a debate. Washcloth those motherfuckers.
  8. ............................................what the fuck, did you smoke wet or something Packard?
  9. That means if I make you nut you'll black out
  10. I just noticed he said Germantown. I bet he got robbed.
  11. At least I was able to gather up more evidence on how delusional he is.
  12. If she goes to jail I call dibs on your boihole
  13. I mean I rode a CBR 600RR for 8 years... it wasn't obnoxious, it wasn't loud, it would do 200mph easily, it sat happily at 120 on the highway, it got 50-55 miles per gallon, and it was comfortable.
  14. He knows he is insta-ban on here.. and he *should* know that all of us except Nabs (who he kidnapped) won't fall for his delusional shit. I mean if he is so needy about advertising his moneygrab scam shit on here, you'd think he would personally contact me to gain permissions. Hell, he has made it a point that he knows where I live... he thinks. I know I am prepared for the visit. Mowed lawn, clean floors, loaded defense weapon, etc...
  15. I hate trains because fuckall if something happens, you either have control and crash horribly or lose complete control and crash horribly. I couldn't do a zipline but I can do a bridge to an extent... if it's too unstable feeling Ima high-step it across that fucker
  16. I hate trains and heights... but I ride it out on coasters over and over, eyes wide open, and having a blast.
  17. Find a forward gear, don't touch the shifter once you do, hope it's at least in 2nd or better, don't let the engine continuously rev over 3500 RPM, don't take highways, "limp" it home. I have been through shit 1000 times worse. I drove a Mustang 220 miles from NYC to Boston without a working clutch because the cable snapped. What you're dealing with is pennies. It might seem like a big deal to you but if you're certain it;s a shifter cable and you just can't "shift into a gear like normal", that's a very minor issue. At worst you can flip the arm on the side or top of the transmission to get it into Drive... but you'll need a friend to help AKA hold down the brake pedal.
  18. If it's a shifter cable that has broken off or stretched, you can zip tie the shit to at least get a drivable gear to get it home or to a shop... saves you a tow bill.
  19. How dare you post a pic of my husband
  20. As long as you can get it fixed
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