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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Nice and T H I C C
  2. Mushroom smashing?
  3. We made it official in May
  4. Did... Did I trigger you?
  5. Shhhh it's not that deep
  6. Does that mean the penises kiss?
  7. That's not fucking three years, dude!
  8. @midnight nope
  9. My girlfriend has SHATTERED my last relationship record of four months. Go Sasha!
  10. Naturally she would be with me
  11. grundle butter.
  12. The big bang.
  13. My jib is cut quite plumb.
  14. I never got the notification for this tag...? But hey... CHEERS! I have that High Life because it was 16 dollar for a 24 pack but this weekend during my off-roading & camping I'll be drinking Yuengling since I'll literally be this close to it:
  15. Suddenly my name is balloons.
  16. Heh... copypasta doesn't work on mobile
  17. Honestly, I could give a fuck less... unless Pat says otherwise. But it's fun to play.
  18. You know what'll happen if you do that.
  19. Except I know what you're up to now.
  20. I'll tag Pat in every one of them
  21. I hope your internet cuts out
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