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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. So you have three and one pic that is definitely old... or your phone camera is just that shitty. Either way. This is not your thread, so keep your stank to yourself.
  2. Hol up... as much of your own life you share and we never see any pics of friends. So.....?
  3. Sometimes you need a moment where, once it's done, you felt like you tore the head off of a cow. Usually it's something that had been a constant drag for years and you finally dealt with it. It's a mistake to handle things that way, though sometimes you don't have much of a choice. Alternatives can be hobbies. But your regular everyday hobby won't work. It's a normal thing for you. An example is my bar... depression built it, but doing so helped me feel better and clear my mind. Carpentry is far from a regular hobby for me... so you need to grab an irregular hobby.
  4. Imagine monderating on mobile. Yes, monderating is very hard.
  5. I dunno, it’s been too many years since I’ve even had that game.
  6. I beat that game when it was so new the glitches didn’t matter.
  7. Don't use words like that or you'll be banned.
  8. Part of me wants to say it's some sort of IIHC law that is in place, but Jeep is "grandfathered" as the only US vehicle able to have removable doors and windshield and still considered legal. Also those 2000's Chrysler minivans have mirrors separate from the doors. So I dunno
  9. Is this an assumption? Because I have never ever done what this assumption implies. Oh and junkers? My Jeep will outlast the Mazda you totaled. As well as my 28 year old Mustang. Probably because I know how to maintain my shit. And because it's Ford and Jeep, it's very cheap and easy to maintain. <3
  10. At least when I hut a curb, nothing on the vehicle gets destroyed.
  11. I had the door off to replace a hinge bushing. When I do run without doors in the future, I have alternative mirrors I can run
  12. Since I had gotten my old Jeep back after a 3 year life of extreme neglect, I have been fixing all of the cosmetic issues that had occoured... the main one being the headliner. And yeah, while working A/C is nice, my gf and I are a windows-down and sunroof open kind of people. So when we do that, 20 year old foam blows everywhere. I present to you TV Snow fabric headliner upholstery... cheap as hell and looks great (The pattern was not on purpose. My gf's mom picked it up for us <3 ) Before: After:
  13. Rednecks rock the wrong color doors. My doors match. AND I have A/C.
  14. The real...thing? What, a Jeep? Last I checked, my Grand Cherokee is in fact a Jeep.
  15. In Delaware and Maryland, it "is".
  16. I have a seatbelt and an airbag.
  17. Depending on the state, it's totally "legal" as in the police just turn the other cheek.
  18. Mine has all four tires AND a working shifter thank YOU It also has a FACTORY shower unit in the roof, kthx.
  19. Possibly, if I remove the rear doors.
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