I have to frantically register my Jeep by tomorrow so I can get the 90-day tag for it
Then my mom, stepdad, and I are towing the new camper from here down to Delaware.
Tomorrow night my mom and I are gonna get drunk and grout the tile I put up almost a month ago but haven't had the time to finish
Saturday we have to run about 40 minutes even further south to pick up a couple Jeep parts
Saturday by noon we go over to my friend's house to use his shop so I can reset the rear axle (pinion) angle of my mom's Jeep, and in return I am removing the entire rear axle from another friend's Jeep that's already there and putting it up on a bench so it can get rebuilt
At some point this weekend I also need to clean out the nasty interior of my Jeep that the previous owner left behind, and I need to clean out and open up/re-connect the water tank on my 35 foot camper.
Being a landlord and owning multiple vehicles is rough.