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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. ....shifter linkage or cable?
  2. Nice.
  3. You're fucking banned. This is a goddamn travesty.
  4. @AnimationFan14
  5. So like what is wrong with your car?
  6. Boi I will put it back
  7. I have to frantically register my Jeep by tomorrow so I can get the 90-day tag for it Then my mom, stepdad, and I are towing the new camper from here down to Delaware. Tomorrow night my mom and I are gonna get drunk and grout the tile I put up almost a month ago but haven't had the time to finish Saturday we have to run about 40 minutes even further south to pick up a couple Jeep parts Saturday by noon we go over to my friend's house to use his shop so I can reset the rear axle (pinion) angle of my mom's Jeep, and in return I am removing the entire rear axle from another friend's Jeep that's already there and putting it up on a bench so it can get rebuilt At some point this weekend I also need to clean out the nasty interior of my Jeep that the previous owner left behind, and I need to clean out and open up/re-connect the water tank on my 35 foot camper. Being a landlord and owning multiple vehicles is rough.
  8. Best way to tag me is actually @ButtHurt
  9. I saw this on fb about an hour ago, directly from Dogfish... something tells me they did it to get past some kind of Delaware law, because Dogfish single-handedly "re-wrote" the microbrewing laws down here.
  11. I automatically read this with a strong British accent... is this from Benny Hill or something? I can't pinpoint it.
  12. I actually thought it was a Nabs alt for a bit... or maybe he has Nabs kidnapped and is making him do the posting.
  13. @Hachiman put it baaaaaack
  14. That pitch is extremely similar to Rainmain's delusional shit.
  15. Put it back.
  16. I knew it. Bye bitch.
  17. But I thought you liked cat play...
  18. It's also why they don't have a 7 slot grille.
  19. I feel like there is some kind of discomforting intent way deep down in the bellows of the the context of this post.
  20. Power and torque go hand-in-hand. You probably can leave gearing alone since they already have a very tall gear. Pretty sure they can only do about 65... but they also have an electronic limiter on them. It's been a while since I had last put some research into these.
  21. They can't. The Roxor is not street legal but in some states it can be made street legal. It was part of the deal they made with Jeep when they got the tooling for the old CJ's. They make about 145 torques but they are a turbo diesel... change some plumbing and the wastegate and you can have about double that power...
  22. Or it *can* be. Depends on how you go about it.
  23. Did someone PM you something explicit and it made you uncomfortable?
  24. My bruised ass is not THAT bad.
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