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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. I'm glad my last three funerals were just a little ceremony and they all wanted to be cremated.
  2. It's not a trap, perse... You're able to leave whenever. You just won't want to.
  3. Depends on if he tells her or not.
  4. I aim to please and I please to aim.
  5. I cuddle after and make breakfast and also pleasure her brother at some point in the midst of all of that but never at the same time.
  6. Sounds like someone is very insecure. One Guy simply posted an image.
  7. 100 bucks for all the times he tried to show me he was a "good uncle" and tried to buy me McDonald's?
  8. To sleep? More like the rest of his days...
  9. He looks like Shane from The Walking Dead, trying to be Rick, yet has never worked out.... and would like to be a Mariachi. Also I WANT THAT HAT
  10. I can out whoever the fuck I want, as far as alts go. Nabs is always up to no good.
  11. It's fun being a ride-along spotter... Seriously just as much fun as it is driving. Especially if most of your driving ends up being FUCKING downhill for some reason.
  12. H B D
  13. It makes no sense, literally nobody else in that part of my family that I know is like that.
  14. It seriously takes a lot to wish ill will on someone, especially a relative. but from the shit he said to me... well I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire, to say it nicely.
  15. You aren't my type.
  16. Just use them all at once on yourself.
  17. I'm sure it'll be the best kind of worship :3
  18. I'm a no-bullshit person... I can only bite my tongue for so long. He (Dave) came back and complained to my dad like the little bitch he is... the reason I blew up is because he was all mad and ranting about how "my old man" doesn't help him do anything... when in reality I'm doing my shit FOR my dad. Fuck that house I hope it burns to the ground (probably shouldn't have that last part... bad taste and all that)
  19. Told my racist piece of shit "uncle" how much of a worthless human he is. According to him, the $15k worth of work I did for him for basically nothing isn't good enough for him because I'm not a racist like he is, and because he worked the same job for 40 years he is allowed to be how he is. I'm a "worthless dickhead" and "dead to him." I've been told worse. Today, I cut my losses... as if I would get anything out of that house anyway. It got to the point where it wasn't worth it.
  20. Now you're speaking my language.
  21. I'm poly but I need Jesus apparently
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