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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Fuggs is a good candidate, her vag is definitely stretched enough.
  2. Visited and ended up grilling for a friend who had a farm against his back yard... apparently cows love the way beef smells on the grill.....
  3. What a waste. Should have been a Dodge Dart.
  4. Oh no, Naraku will have to use a different folder!
  5. The patriots are in MA, and I am not.
  6. I did it because she keeps trotting around with her excessive and ignorant use of the term "white privilege". Wanted to see how long it took for her to notice. It definitely took her a bit
  7. New England D:
  8. I qualify, and I'm not one of those "gross guys"
  9. Is this an implication that all autistic people are furries, or vice-versa.... either one seems like it might be an insult.
  10. For real? COME VISIT
  11. I mean, I have experience in HVAC and renovation/maintenance. I can cover up all kinds of bad smells. 20 cats, sewage backup, even week-old dead people.
  12. I was leaving it here because I thought he was going to argue with me that margarine is not one molecule away from being plastic.
  13. Can I fuck you into shape?
  14. It's also not food, unlike butter.
  15. Honestly I think you should have just taken that plunge.
  16. I love 80-90 degree days
  17. Also, it's not what she is spraying. Close your fucking legs.
  18. Yeah... you're that kid that would start trouble and then tattle on the person you fucked with to make yourself look like the good person. I've called you out on it before, you can't deny it, anything you say to try to prove me wrong is actually wrong, and you can't change my mind. Grow the fuck up.
  19. Yep... no common sense
  20. Plot twist" they both have penises.
  21. Mine has never had any "bad" complaints.
  22. Again, I call it how I see it... I let you know, as close to your face as I could (thankfully it's MILES away) how wrong/ much of an asshole/ gross/ whatever. You realize (again I am saying this), the bullshit you catch is because of the bullshit you say. You put a bad vibe on people, they retaliate. Get used to it, or clean up yourself.
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