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Administration of Effluency
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Rogue_Alphonse last won the day on June 20 2019

Rogue_Alphonse had the most liked content!

About Rogue_Alphonse

  • Birthday 01/04/1990

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Monster Mutant

Monster Mutant (22/22)



  1. I lived like 20 mins from all of this shit, when all this shit was happening. Also someone from the boards whose username I can not remember helped create this. He looked worse in 2015. (And so was my phone camera)
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  2. Leave it to my bf to take a selfie while I am spread eagle squeezing my fat ass under my truck replacing transmission lines.
  3. I still see it...
  4. Well uh... if you wanna find out, it's a house (excluding the church) across the Delaware line into Maryland on Bridgeville Road. Can't miss it.
  5. Only if we let them win.
  6. Driving on to the beach early in the AM with friends, setting up a daycamp, and act like I'm fishing.
  7. Friday I was working too fast and had to find ways to kill half an hour. I was so bored I took a selfie.
  8. If only they'd get the front end alignment right and stop using cheap rear wheel bearings! The whole store can hear when I am running toward the ice cream!
  9. No but I smoke carts AYEEEEEE
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