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Everything posted by renjifan

  1. They sell fried butter on a stick at our state fair...
  2. I usually order a caffe mocha. If I'm feeling fancy, I may get some kind of frappuccino. Can't do plain black coffee, though. It's too bitter for me.
  3. This honestly sounds like something I would do... In the beginning of the year, I fractured my foot in two places after tripping over my dog. I feel your pain, girl! πŸ˜‚
  4. I...have no words 😐
  5. Happy Birthday! πŸ₯³
  6. ....Is this real? Like, this is a real person?
  7. I never actually finished the anime. I think I got to the mid 200's before I stopped watching. I may just start the whole show over and start from the beginning... Sad to hear of Urahara's VA passing, though... πŸ˜”
  8. I always hated the SpaghettiOs with the hot dogs in it. Bleh.
  9. No thank you
  10. Lol! I think she just wanted him to have the same kind of experience the older kids were having, so she was trying to get him to participate in more of the activities. She also wanted him to ride a camel, which we had to talk her out of. I mean, girl...he was just terrified of the llama, why would he want to ride a camel?! He's only 2, so I think she was a little bummed that he didn't enjoy it as much as she thought he would.
  11. I'm with @molarbear. You do have pretty fantastic hair. I'm kind of jealous...
  12. Well...I mean...at least it didn't spit at him.
  13. Meh, he's more of a Puppy Dog Pals kid... πŸ˜‹ He was cool with the goats, but once his mom picked him up to feed the llama, he wanted nothing to do with it πŸ˜‚
  14. I read the first two books, then got about 20 pages or so into the third one before I gave up. I tried really hard to like it since it was so popular, but it just wasn't really my thing
  15. As you can see, the llama was definitely his favorite
  16. I'm incredibly behind and just started watching the second season of Attack on Titan...
  17. I have absolutely nothing planned for the day. Which is actually kinda nice. The first weekend in a long time that I get to just hang out at home 😊
  18. That will be a good one! Have fun! 😊
  19. Oh wow... Yeah, I'll probably pass on that, then. I'm not a fan of putting things in my eyes - the reason why I never wear contacts. The last time I had to put drops in was when I had Bell's palsy and my eye wouldn't shut...was not a fun time
  20. Ooh, let me know if you end up getting that done! Everyone I know that's had it has been very happy with the results, but the idea of a laser near/on my eyeball kinda freaks me out a bit...
  21. Lol, yep! Sure am! πŸ€“ Also very, very blind...
  22. Thank you! I might just have to check it out, then.
  23. Happy Birthday! πŸ₯³
  24. Anyone seen this yet? My sister wants me to go see it with her, but I’m contemplating whether or not I want to. We read/owned the books as a kid, but I’m not a huge scary movie person. Is it pretty creepy?
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