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Everything posted by renjifan

  1. Oh trust, alcohol will be consumed tonight. That’s how mature adults deal with their issues, right?
  2. STOP!
  3. Stop that
  4. That it did... 😔
  5. Well maybe they shouldn’t build their home at face level! 😤
  6. Right??? I’m for sure showering as soon as I get outta here. Still grossed out... 😣
  7. I have been traumatized 😭
  8. I’m sure people got a good laugh as they watched me frantically wipe at my face and hair. Now I’m sitting here, seriously contemplating using PTO for the rest of the day to go home and shower and maybe cry...
  9. renjifan


    I know! That’s why I love this pic so much! He’s a happy, healthy boy ☺️
  10. renjifan


    Hijacking this thread for just a minute. Sorry, @molarbear 😋 This is Stewie. He had a tumor removed from his side a little over a year ago. This pic was taken after his last oncologist appointment where we were told he was still cancer free 💗
  11. Yikes...sorry that happened to you! Can’t remember the last time I was catcalled like that, but I did just recently have a client hit on me at work. He was making me so uncomfortable that I actually had to get up and go get one of the attorneys to come out to the lobby...
  12. Aww! How nice! ☺️
  13. renjifan


    Bless you, sir
  14. It was. Very, very hot 😣
  15. Eating lunch. Apparently didn’t let my food cool enough before taking a bite
  16. And it has now blistered... 😭
  17. Constantly lurk, rarely post
  18. Nah, just a sore loser with bad aim 😂 So she says, at least. She swears she just threw it out of frustration and not necessarily at me... 😒
  19. Yikes! Hope the kiddo is feeling better! When we were kids, my sister and I were playing checkers and she got mad that I was beating her, so she picked the board up and threw it at me. The corner ended up catching me right above my eye/right under my eyebrow. Didn’t need stitches, but did leave a nice little scar. Not super visible now, though, 20+ years later...
  20. I got you 😋
  21. Now this...this is the quality content I like to see, Mix 😊
  22. Ugh...not excited. Our clients are already a little crazy, so I imagine that this will be a rough day... 😓
  23. Why? Why was this a thing you needed to share? Now I'm sad, Mix, and it's all your fault! 😤
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