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Everything posted by renjifan

  1. Oh. Well then...I guess you’ll never know
  2. Yeah! That’s what makes it tricky! They’re the ones you really have to pay attention to their clue vids since you’re most likely not familiar with their singing voice.
  3. Lol, I completely understand
  4. You should! I’m telling you, you guys are missing out!
  5. Google it 😋
  6. Right?! That’s why I’m pretty positive on Chris Daughtry, his voice is pretty unique. But it’s a lot harder than I thought it was going to be! They do disguise their voices when they’re talking, but not when they’re singing. And they show little video packages with clues as to who the person is. But they aren’t all singers! There are some athletes, actors, comedians, etc. So it makes it even harder to guess 😣
  7. Hahaha! It’s sooo good! But it is based off of a South Korean show, so yeah, it is a little strange 😂
  8. If so, any guesses on who’s who? I’m like 1000% sure The Rottweiler is Chris Daughtry. Other than that, I don’t have many guesses. I’m bad at this game... 😣
  9. No cake?! Aww... 😔 If it makes you feel any better, the most exciting thing I did on my bday this year was renew my license...
  10. That would explain why I haven’t aged in like 12 years... 🤔
  11. Same. They just sucked me back in, too Welcome back!
  12. Yeah! We can be lost and confused together! To be fair, I never understood anything on the old boards either. I was just kind of there - mostly lurking, rarely posting.
  13. Oh good, so it's not just me! I'm lost like 95% of the time...
  14. Really??? Well, sounds like I made at least one decent life choice 😂 My sister is worse off than I am, though. That girl is actually allergic to the sun. Breaks out in hives and will get really sick if she gets a bad enough sunburn.
  15. Lol, nah. I’m actually in my late 20’s. I suppose I shouldn’t complain, but it would be nice to not always be the only person who gets ID’d when we go out to dinner...
  16. Outside. I had taken my dogs out. I was wearing a tank top and my shoulders were bright red by the time we went back inside I’ve never tried a tanning bed, actually. I just always felt it would be a waste of my money since I burn so easily
  17. I was recently renewing my library card, and the lady told me I needed a parent to sign... Apparently I don’t look a day over like 16
  18. I had pop tarts for dinner one night a few weeks ago...
  19. The scene from Pet Semetary where that cute little zombie baby slices the old man’s Achilles‘ tendon. That one got me, too. My cousin made me and my sister watch that movie one time when we were all spending the night at my grandma’s. After that, I would literally make a flying leap onto my bed so I wouldn’t have to walk too close and risk an undead baby arm getting me
  20. My lunch yesterday was a packet of tuna and a yogurt
  21. I actually cannot tan. Even if I try. I just go from pale to burnt back to pale. I once got a sunburn in less than 10 minutes...
  22. I watched The Blair Witch Project as a kid, and that ending scene with her finding that guy standing in the corner scared the crap out of me. Still creeps me out... I remember that movie! We had it on VHS and watched it all the time as kiddos
  23. What is a tan? My skin has never seen one of those. I’m so pale, I’m practically translucent
  24. I feel that way sometimes. Never tried online dating/dating apps though...
  25. This is why I only eat cooked sushi
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