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Everything posted by renjifan

  1. I would have LOVED to see Spice Girls!
  2. Oh cool! Foghat came to town a few years ago and I tagged along with the parents to the show. When I was a kid, my favorite song was Centerfold. I think I just liked the music because I was 100% too young to understand the lyrics 😂
  3. Nice! I bet that was an awesome show!
  4. Lol! Sounds like he deserved it! Really cool of Axl and GnR to do that! I bet that was a really good concert!!!
  5. Oh yeah, those concerts can get crazy! I’ve been caught in a couple of mosh pits and it’s definitely not for me... I probably would have stayed toward the back too, honestly. Sorry it wasn’t the best experience for you!
  6. Oh! They sing Two Princes, right? I think they have another song I know...I’d have to look.
  7. Really?? Well, are there any bands that you’d like to see in concert?
  8. Topic came up with some coworkers, and it was interesting to hear their answers. Mine was *NSYNC with Smash Mouth as the opening act. I was about 10, I think? 5th grade
  9. Mix! Where were you with these ideas years ago when the vehicular manslaughter took place?! Also, dang...remind me to never get on your bad side...
  10. No worries! But yeah, I haven’t worked for them. I think it would make me too sad. But if it’s something you have a serious interest in doing, you should definitely look into it!
  11. People can be the worst though. And this is coming from someone who majored in Human Services... There was one time where I was driving to work, and it was just me and this other lady on the road. I was in the left hand lane, she was in the right. Two raccoons were running across the road up ahead, so I slowed a bit to finish letting them cross. But the other lady plowed right into the second raccoon. I watched him flip up in the air. Then I cried because I just witnessed a murder...
  12. Aww... 😢 Very weird that they sent cops instead of animal control. Maybe it's because she called 911? And I'm going to guess that they shot him because they probably didn't have the proper equipment to capture/move him. How sad... At my old job, we had a raccoon stuck in our dumpster. My coworker actually called animal control, though. They were like, "Just open the dumpster, he'll jump out." And she's like, "Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of!" So they came out and got him out of there.
  13. This. I can't do energy drinks - they just make me too jittery. I stick with coffee, as well
  14. New hair - she chopped a lot off. It’s going to take some getting used to, but I think I like it... ☺️
  15. I hear Ohio is for lovers... >_>
  16. I made a post the other day about one of the most traumatizing things that's ever happened to me, and this guy had nothing but jokes 😤 This...it's what he deserves
  17. No
  18. Happy Birthday! 🥳
  19. Happy Birthday! 🥳
  20. Oh man, can’t have that happen! You should for sure call that very real number ASAP!
  21. Nuh uh, I checked!
  22. I loved this show 😂
  23. My head still itches... 😣
  24. No thank you
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