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Everything posted by renjifan

  1. Almost there! Did they give you any kind of timeframe of when they’d make a decision?
  2. Happy Birthday! 🥳
  3. Yay! That’s awesome news! ☺️
  4. Ooooh! That is exciting! Good luck! Let us know how it goes!!! ☺️
  5. Hmmm...I'll have to keep an eye out for them. Sounds delicious!
  6. Well good luck on your callback! Are you more excited about this one? Lol! Good to hear!
  7. Anyone remember the old Disney Channel movie Don’t Look Under the Bed? That one was my favorite. I don’t think they play it anymore, though.
  8. How did the audition go? And more importantly, how was your BK???
  9. Yum! Are they basically just like their gummy worms but shaped like candy corn?
  10. Also, sorry to hear of your split, but sounds like it was for the best. If you’re both happier, I’m happy for you ☺️
  11. Lol! Makes me think of this 😂
  12. When I was a kid, there was a house that used to give out raisins... 😐
  13. Aw, you beat me to it! 😂
  14. Happy Birthday! 🥳
  15. Have you ever gone to any live shows? I think those are the best, especially the smaller venue ones. I’ve taken a few friends who don’t watch it at all, and they’ve had a blast. A lot of them have gone with me to multiple shows
  16. Professional wrasslin. Some pretty well known guys/gals and then some smaller named people as well. Should be a good time ☺️
  17. Lol! The clowns put people in them. They’re like cotton candy cocoons or something, I don’t know 😂
  18. I have tomorrow off too! But I’m going to a wrasslin’ show
  19. I had a kid, probably about 7 or 8, cuss me out at my old job. He was alone in the playroom and I told him he needed to be with his mom. Kid: “F*ck you.” Me: “😳...That’s not nice, you shouldn’t say that to people.” Kid: “F*ck. You.” Me: “Go find your mom...now.” Kid: “Go f*ck yourself!” Me: *Storms back to the office while laughing in disbelief/anger* Coworker: “What’s wrong??” Me: “Someone needs to come get this child before I lose my job today.” Coworker: *Goes to talk to kid/find his mom* Kid: *Continues to cuss us out as his mom walks up* Kid’s Mom: “😱! Oh, I can’t deal with this right now!” *Walks away* Me and Coworker: 😐
  20. I don’t mind Mr. Brightside, but I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say it’s “timeless”
  21. My dad and brother used to hunt pheasant. My brother still goes sometimes, but my dad’s knees are in too bad of shape for him to go.
  22. This is probably the most basic/cliché answer, but oh well 😂
  23. Yay! Happy Birthday! 🥳
  24. Lol! Don’t use my favorite meme against me! I didn’t recognize the name, but once I googled I knew who he was 😤
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