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Everything posted by renjifan

  1. I mean, she probably has a fever, yeah... 😜 I actually didn’t really see her face, so not entirely sure what she looks like...
  2. Right in front of the elevator and then again in front of our office door... 😖
  3. Lol! I was going to say the same thing! Since when did you need to start shaving, @molarbear? 😜
  4. My parent's house is for sure haunted. Weird stuff has always happened there. I think I maybe told this story on the old boards, but one time I found a class ring from 1968 in one of my shoes that I wore every single day. And it wasn't even from our school district. I showed my mom and siblings, then set it aside and went to school. Came home and it was nowhere to be found, and haven't seen it since. There are so many more stories - hearing my name being whispered, lights being on that we know we had turned off, stuff out of it's normal place. My sister says she once saw a cup go flying off the counter. And then our dogs see stuff. One of them has growled at the hallway and kitchen on two separate occasions, and wouldn't go near them because she was so scared...
  5. Cute! ☺️ I never get any trick-or-treaters at my place, so I tagged along to take my nephew. He's two and his excitement was so stinkin' adorable!
  6. Aw, come on! We can watch a bunch of Christmas rom coms, each with almost the exact same plot! Not a fan of beer, so I can't help you there. I think I maybe have some Jack Daniel's somewhere, but that's about it...
  7. Wanna come over and binge watch the Hallmark channel?
  8. Lol, sorry for hijacking your thread with my pity party. Just wanted to say that I completely get where you're coming from.
  9. Yeah, it was pretty awful. She at least felt bad about it and ended up telling me. And when I called my ex out on it, he just got pissed. Like he was annoyed that I was upset. No remorse, no apologies. He was the worst...
  10. I completely get it. My ex hooked up with my best friend, like a frickin' soap opera or something. It really messed me up. I haven't really had a serious relationship since.
  11. Oh, that's hard. I can 100% relate and it sucks. I think it's pretty normal to be much more guarded after something like that happens, and it will take time to heal.
  12. I used one of those two sites, as well. I can't remember for sure which one, but that's how I found my current job. You should definitely check those out! ☺️
  13. Hmmm...is this a trap? You’re doing the show for free, aren’t you??? 😜
  14. Lol! I remember being curious about the curtain room and why only the grown ups could go in... 😂
  15. I’m kind of indifferent. If it happens, it happens. I’ve always said I didn’t want kids, because I’ve never had any kind of motherly instincts, but I do enjoy spending time with my nephew. My mom used to tell me I’d change my mind when I got older, but I never really have, so I think she finally accepts my position on the topic.
  16. My coworkers at my old job would always start listening to Christmas music right away. They’d get pissed because I would come in on my shift and change the station, and since I was the assistant manager, they couldn’t do anything about it 😂 I think I let them listen to it like the week of Christmas, but that was it. At least while I was there.
  17. I swear they start playing it earlier and earlier each year. Soon it will just be on year round...
  18. But it’s sooo faaarrrrrr... 😣
  19. Boo...that’s like 10 hours away from me 😔
  20. Awww!!! 💗
  21. Happy Birthday! 🥳
  22. Me either. Twinsies!
  23. You’re more than welcome to some of my snow if you’d like 😋
  24. Snowing again. Teeny tiny flurries. Doesn’t look like any of it is really sticking at the moment, though...
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