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Everything posted by renjifan

  1. Nope, it was just a little bit. Not sure how much more we’re supposed to get the rest of the week, though...
  2. That’s awesome! What was your costume?
  3. Want to trade? I’d take wind over snow any day
  4. Snow is only ok on Christmas. That’s it. 😤
  5. It actually didn’t accumulate too much - just a light dusting. But enough that I had to clean my car off this morning. And we’re supposed to get more. You’re welcome to it!
  6. Ugh, so you know my pain! 😣
  7. Iowa, actually. I would gladly take that warm weather they have there in Hell, though...
  8. I forgot to turn my heater on last night and nearly froze to death 🥶
  9. Gladly! Please take it all away!
  10. I wish I were joking. And it’s supposed to snow more this week 😭 Same - renjifan. Actually I think technically it was renjifan22 on the old boards. I kept it the same when I joined here because I figured if anyone remembered me, they would know me by that name. That and I’m very uncreative...
  11. Winter can just settle it’s tea kettle because we’ve barely had a fall.
  12. I'm not ok with this... 😤
  13. Yep. That was a thing that happened. The hairdryer had been on for several minutes, and he decided it would be funny to stick the metal part against my arm. When I pulled away, he was like, "Oh, that didn't hurt!" and then proceeded to stick it against his own arm. Then we both got to walk around with bright red burn marks that day. His was worse than mine, though. I think his might have scarred...
  14. I mean, I don’t know about the whole crunchy part, but I would like to be fit and know how to cook...
  15. My brother burned me with the end of a hairdryer once. Then burned himself because he didn’t believe me that it hurt...
  16. Update - Now our whole system is down. People are calling and I can’t access anything about their file, even to see who is working on it. I think today just needs to be cancelled...
  17. Is taking 700,000 years to print pages off. Tried restarting it, but I think Spike had the right idea...
  18. Happy Birthday! 🥳
  19. We’ll see! Maybe one day I can trick someone into finding my awkwardness charming... 😜
  20. No, not at all! I tried cooking more when I first started dieting, and I was able to follow the recipes and not burn the house down. The stuff I made turned out fine, but cooking is just not my forte. I’m also lazy, so buying food that’s already made or popping something in the microwave is much easier 😂
  21. Depends on if you want a waifu who can’t cook...
  22. Lol, yes! Or sometimes vice versa and I think I’m being cute and flirty and get nowhere. This is why I’m single 😂
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