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Guest The Hound

If I leave huge shit that I'm proud of, I always leave it if it's somewhere that isn't a friend's house - or if I was able to sneak my way to the bathroom without anyone being able to discern who went last after I do my business.


i would say about...80% of the time I walk into a public restroom....I walk into a stall that someone didn't flush....


I prefer that to the ones who flush it, and leave it plugged.  Especially when you walk in the stall and realize that you've stepped in a puddle of somebody else's mess.


The ones who don't flush have made self-flushing toilets a god-send


Yeah Cidz is too adorable to be upset with.


I'd still yell at her if she didn't flush, tho.


HEAR THAT cidthekitty[/member] BETTER FLUSH THE TOILET?  >:(


back when my brother and his gf lived with us we had an issue with the toilet handle so it wouldn't stop running the water out of the bowel and she would leave it up all the goddamn time ...she never washed her hands...and I always made sure to do the dishes after she did, because like most sensible adults, you don't just wave the plate under a running tap and put on the rack like it's clean ...you use SOAP...FUCKING SOAP...YOU GODDAMN HORRIBLE WOMAN... ...sorry I kinda lost myself there...


I do the preflush thing when I'm pissing... like I have no idea why I do it but when I pee I flush the toilet mid stream and I always wonder why.... not like my bladder knows I'm trying to hurry it up.


Automatic toilets



this is my best guess.



like, either its not an automatic flushing toilet and people just aren't paying attention to that in their hurry to leave the public restroom, or its an auto toilet of which most are janky and either have weak ass flushes or just don't flush half of the time. like at work, they are janky and only really half flush. i always have to wait and hit flush a second time. ALWAYS. but i hear the toilet next to me flush and the person rush out leaving behind shredded paper and half their waste.



this is my best guess.



like, either its not an automatic flushing toilet and people just aren't paying attention to that in their hurry to leave the public restroom, or its an auto toilet of which most are janky and either have weak ass flushes or just don't flush half of the time. like at work, they are janky and only really half flush. i always have to wait and hit flush a second time. ALWAYS. but i hear the toilet next to me flush and the person rush out leaving behind shredded paper and half their waste.


hell the ones at my new job is crazy power

water compressed flush


What are they supposed to do? Use the invisible plunger that the janitor didn't leave inside the stall?


I don't care if they use their bare hands. (although it might be simpler to tell the staff.)

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