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Saw a UFO swarm tonight

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Guest The Hound

Wasn't drones.

Take my word on it.

Was too dark to take a video.

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Wasn't drones.

Take my word on it.

Was too dark to take a video.


it could be a ufo and still be drones. i mean, if you couldn't identify what you saw, it's by definition a ufo.


also, it might have been me.







Guest The Hound

IDC if i sound crazy but I firmly believe we can't find the missing link because humans are genetically altered.


But that's just my 2 cents.





Guest The Hound

What color were they? Were they orange orbs?





No blinking lights.



There was a total of three. They were all moving in erratic motions and fairly high up in the sky. Let's say one of them was moving in random directions - well at any given moment the objects would move the exact opposite direction at 10x the speed they were originally moving. Completely 100% unnatural movement for anything we've reached technological wise. One of them even approached an plane that was pretty high up, and the immediate changed directions. I know what drones look like, and what birds look like. Keep in mind this was at night.

Guest The Hound

So you saw objects in the sky that you could not identify? That is what UFO stands for, unidentified flying object.

Well. Duh. Lol.
Guest The Hound

lol, what you're smoking, can I haz? ::spin::

I'm serious. Lol.

IDC if i sound crazy but I firmly believe we can't find the missing link because humans are genetically altered.


But that's just my 2 cents.


  We can't find the missing link because in all probability the fossilized remains are in countries where the locals have AKs and are kind of hostile towards outsiders, and science.... S:


I believe you on the UFO though.  ::spin::


Guest The Hound

There were 3 of them doing erratic, unnatural movements. Like going one direction at like 600 mph, and then quickly going the exact opposite direction, immediately, and 2-2.5x the speed it was originally going. I've been to air shows before, these mother fuckers were hauling ass.



Tl;dr version


I was out back of my friends house smoking a cig, when i noticed something moving in the sky. As I began to focus on the UFOs I noticed there were three. They were all moving in different directions but in a tight cluster together, until one of them got close to another one, and then darted off in the opposite direction on the completely opposite side of the sky - disappearing out of focus. This all happened within like... 6.. 7 seconds? Then I ran into my friends house and told em to come out side, at which point my friends saw the remaining two - the second one did something very similar to the first one that disappeared, and then there was finally one. The last one remained in the sky for about 10 minutes - but it was way... way to faint of an object to capture on camera. I tried but nothing showed up each time.

Guest The Hound

the second one that disappeared was the one that approached the plane.


Missing link? what is this, 1920? Pick one.



If you are expecting a flipbook then I hate to break it to you, fossils don't work that way. We get what randomly self preserves. It just so happens the human evolutionary linage is especially well studied so we have a pretty solid lock on how and why it evolved the way it did.


We started walking upright when climate change turned jungle into savanna, we started to grow larger brains when we discovered how to cook meat, use of tools and refined hunting techniques increased protein consumption lead to increased brain size and therefore better tools and more protein. Which lead to anatomically modern humans. Further advances in culture lead to what we are today.


Claiming aliens did it is like claiming god did it, its what stupid people who don't like uncertainty say in a desperate attempt to explain things beyond their comprehension.

Guest The Hound

Yea dude.






Guest The Hound

I'm not getting into this in FFA. Take it to bab... oh wait.

Guest The Hound

oh thats just a weather balloon. dont worry about it

:D :D :D :D :D



i hope you're joking

Guest The Hound

have you taken your meds

not sure why this comment was necessary.

There were 3 of them doing erratic, unnatural movements. Like going one direction at like 600 mph, and then quickly going the exact opposite direction, immediately, and 2-2.5x the speed it was originally going. I've been to air shows before, these mother fuckers were hauling ass.



Tl;dr version


I was out back of my friends house smoking a cig, when i noticed something moving in the sky. As I began to focus on the UFOs I noticed there were three. They were all moving in different directions but in a tight cluster together, until one of them got close to another one, and then darted off in the opposite direction on the completely opposite side of the sky - disappearing out of focus. This all happened within like... 6.. 7 seconds? Then I ran into my friends house and told em to come out side, at which point my friends saw the remaining two - the second one did something very similar to the first one that disappeared, and then there was finally one. The last one remained in the sky for about 10 minutes - but it was way... way to faint of an object to capture on camera. I tried but nothing showed up each time.

Did you hear anything?  Or were they too far away to hear?


Missing link? what is this, 1920? Pick one.



If you are expecting a flipbook then I hate to break it to you, fossils don't work that way. We get what randomly self preserves. It just so happens the human evolutionary linage is especially well studied so we have a pretty solid lock on how and why it evolved the way it did.


We started walking upright when climate change turned jungle into savanna, we started to grow larger brains when we discovered how to cook meat, use of tools and refined hunting techniques increased protein consumption lead to increased brain size and therefore better tools and more protein. Which lead to anatomically modern humans. Further advances in culture lead to what we are today.


Claiming aliens did it is like claiming god did it, its what stupid people who don't like uncertainty say in a desperate attempt to explain things beyond their comprehension.



I have seen something similar, years ago. A large, spherical object, that constantly shifted colors. Stranger yet, was smaller round objects coming from it, also changing colors. There were eight in all, besides the main one. Also, as the smaller ones came out, the larger one decreased in size with each one. It was still larger than the rest, but not as prominently as before.


The main one was stationary, with the smaller ones flying erratically around it, into it, and back out again (the main one changing size as they did so). This went on for about thirty minutes. There were five of us out in a yard watching it, and the mother of two of the girls came out of their house with some binoculars. Everyone took turns looking through them, but all you could see was the lights, but nothing else as far as any aircraft or anything causing the lights. Eventually, the smaller ones re-joined with the larger one, then the larger one began decreasing in size until it disappeared. We kept watching for at least ten minutes, but it never came back, and I haven't seen it ever since.

Guest The Hound



What a cop out to a reasonable response to your silly theory


I mean if steven hawking thinks aliens are real, your disbelief is borderline cringe.


I mean if steven hawking thinks aliens are real, your disbelief is borderline cringe.


saying aliens probably exist is one thing, saying they visit earth, or have visited earth, or in your case created humans is something else entirely.


Its the difference between an obvious statement, and a crackpot one.

Guest The Hound

Do aliens exist? Almost 100% likely.


Have they visited Earth? There is absolutely no evidence for that claim



Rofl there is evidence LITERALLY everywhere  :D :D :D


I love how people can go from, "I see strange lights in the sky that I can't explain" to "its the aliens that created mankind because I flunked evolutionary biology class"


You admitted you have no fucking idea what they are, I would put a lot of money on an astronomer, or meteorologist, or even an amateur star gazer being able to tell you, and no, they won't confirm your argument from ignorance.


I love how people can go from, "I see strange lights in the sky that I can't explain" to "its the aliens that created mankind because I flunked evolutionary biology class"




Ever notice how the people who see aliens are usually the same ones who already believe Prometheus is real, the aliens built the pyramids, etc


Ever notice how the people who see aliens are usually the same ones who already believe Prometheus is real, the aliens built the pyramids, etc


you mean crackpots? yeah I have noticed that. It makes sense, if you can believe one absurd conspiracy theory, why not believe all of them? Even ones that contradict each other.


yea america




If you lived in a place like Saudi Arabia, they would imprison you, sentence you to death, drag you out to the town square and publicly remove your head with a sword.


Now stop pretending America is awful because you've been beat up by a few people who didn't much like the fact that the chick they thought they picked up suddenly has a penis.


Maybe you should be upfront with your clientele instead of stringing them along.


Like if Stephen Hawking wrote a post like op's I would be less skeptical of the account


But when op follows up his anecdote with "aliens made us, just look around you" it makes it hard to take the sighting claim seriously


Like if Stephen Hawking wrote a post like op's I would be less skeptical of the account


But when op follows up his anecdote with "aliens made us, just look around you" it makes it hard to take the sighting claim seriously


Plus Stephen Hawking doesn't claim to have mental illnesses that he's controlling exclusively with self-medicated bong rips that like totally work bruh it's nature how can something natural be bad for you bruh anti-psychotics aren't real medicine cause it was made in a lab bruh and like the pharmaceutical industry is just about making that paper bruh.

Guest The Hound


cool  what did they look like


fuzzy glow around em

kinda like a cylinder

Guest The Hound

you mean crackpots? yeah I have noticed that. It makes sense, if you can believe one absurd conspiracy theory, why not believe all of them? Even ones that contradict each other.

  i mean if u wanna talk about crackpots.....
Guest The Hound

Like if Stephen Hawking wrote a post like op's I would be less skeptical of the account


But when op follows up his anecdote with "aliens made us, just look around you" it makes it hard to take the sighting claim seriously

just blindly believe the mainstream bruh


Little protip: if there's a civilization out there advanced enough to master interplanetary travel, there is literally nothing they would need from our insignificant little rock of a planet.  Least of all our anuses.


Duuuuuude I had a freaky experience last week with a UFO

There were 3. Doing weird movements that I'm pretty sure no plane/jet could do

First one would maneuver then the other two would follow suit before one by one they just shot up higher into the distance and disappeared


Wasn't drones.

Take my word on it.

Was too dark to take a video.

That's what the world needs right now... a bunch of creatures in flying saucers to come down here and kick everybody's ass.  I mean it.

  i mean if u wanna talk about crackpots.....


Reality isn't a scify movie, and if aliens created us I would expect them to have done a better job, I mean the recurrent laryngeal nerve? why would anyone run a wire from our throats down into our chest then back up to our head?


Then there is the little matter of what is going on downstairs, reproductive organs that double as waste removal? Or the fact that we breath and eat out of the same hole, guaranteeing some number of us will choke to death.


Oh and we are self important psychotic hairless apes half a chromosome away from a chimpanzee who react to novelty which physical violence and spend most of our resources devising means to kill one another over tribal god concepts and resources.


That last bit, is why the aliens will never visit us. We're too primitive and crazy.


Reality isn't a scify movie, and if aliens created us I would expect them to have done a better job, I mean the recurrent laryngeal nerve? why would anyone run a wire from our throats down into our chest then back up to our head?


Then there is the little matter of what is going on downstairs, reproductive organs that double as waste removal? Or the fact that we breath and eat out of the same hole, guaranteeing some number of us will choke to death.


Oh and we are self important psychotic hairless apes half a chromosome away from a chimpanzee who react to novelty which physical violence and spend most of our resources devising means to kill one another over tribal god concepts and resources.


That last bit, is why the aliens will never visit us. We're too primitive and crazy.


Ease up on making so much sense, this is his world view we're talking about, you're about to break something in him


Ease up on making so much sense, this is his world view we're talking about, you're about to break something in him


To be fair a lot of that was paraphrased from Tyson, Dawkins, and Hitchens. This is really just another form of creationism, replacing gods with aliens doesn't really change the inherent flaws in the position.

Guest The Hound

Little protip: if there's a civilization out there advanced enough to master interplanetary travel, there is literally nothing they would need from our insignificant little rock of a planet.  Least of all our anuses.

I mean considering the drake equation, I think you're wrong lol.

Guest The Hound

Duuuuuude I had a freaky experience last week with a UFO

There were 3. Doing weird movements that I'm pretty sure no plane/jet could do

First one would maneuver then the other two would follow suit before one by one they just shot up higher into the distance and disappeared

This is literally what I saw  :D  Funny how people's stories on these matters coincide all the time - yet you have borish disbelievers that always pop out and try to put asinine logic to these situations.




Guest The Hound

To be fair a lot of that was paraphrased from Tyson, Dawkins, and Hitchens. This is really just another form of creationism, replacing gods with aliens doesn't really change the inherent flaws in the position.



I'll give you a perfect example of how you can be considered just as crazy as me.

You're a history buff right?


You don't even know for a fact that the scripts, text, and engravings that your ideals are based on are even properly translated - etc. The same goes for any form of hieroglyphic based language - it's all educated guess work, based on the available information and intelligence that our society is currently graced with. Now please I dare you to tell me everything we believe to have happened in history is 100% true - with no chance of it all being doctored to prevent mass hysteria.


Please try and deny that possibility.

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