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4 hours ago, blueraven1999 said:

Caught a second Wobbuffet too so now I have both genders.

Wobbuffet is the only one I care about having both genders for, because wobbuffet is hilarious.

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, lupin_bebop said:

Miltank is ONLY in your region now. At least, in the wild. The one I caught was in San Antonio. I just happened to be there during PAX, and that’s the region it was in. Porygon hatching from eggs is rare, too. Easier to do a raid. 

I didn't know either of those things.  I thought Miltank were all over the US and I think I

hatched Porygon during the first month I was playing.  I guess I'm just lucky.

6 hours ago, lupin_bebop said:

Miltank is ONLY in your region now. At least, in the wild. The one I caught was in San Antonio. I just happened to be there during PAX, and that’s the region it was in. Porygon hatching from eggs is rare, too. Easier to do a raid. 

I just caught a militank today in the northeast 


I think I just missed a Mewtwo EX raid. 23 minutes to go, but no one here looks like a pogo player and I saw a bunch of people with phones out heading to where a ho-oh raid is.

Guess I'll sit here til the time runs out.

Posted (edited)

My anus is prepared


Edit: my game crashed while sharing this picture so basically all I got was a free raid toward me 10 raid mew quest

Edited by Admin_Raptorpat

So.....AFTER I did a mass transfer of Eevees from Community Day.....I still have a fuck ton left. These are any that weren’t the lowest 2 ratings to start. Good news is I have room in my box now, but still need to gear up. 


9 hours ago, blueraven1999 said:

Yeah that is pretty bad although hatching eggs (for me at least) isn't very hard.

On the plus side, Miltank can be caught in the wild.  Just caught one yesterday.

Also it is possible to get Porygon by hatching eggs.  That's how I got mine.

I was laughing this morning because the last gift you sent me made me level up through the power of friendship. xD That's just so pokemon.

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, blueraven1999 said:

I didn't know either of those things.  I thought Miltank were all over the US and I think I

hatched Porygon during the first month I was playing.  I guess I'm just lucky.

I hatched a Porygon a few months into playing the game originally in 2016. Haven’t had one since until a few days ago as part of a quest. 

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So I mosied on up to the ho-oh after he failure of Mewtwo and there were about 15 people there. They were clearly pogo pros because they were about to jump in but I heard the classic "wait, there's another one coming everyone back out" as I was walking into range. That's the story of how I at least got a ho-oh out of today.

They also all told me to to join the discord (which I did) because, for example, I could have given a heads up that I was doing Mewtwo but would be 20 minutes late and people would have waited for me. Then a few made friends so I got that quest item out of the way.

  • Like 3
5 hours ago, SorceressPol said:

I was laughing this morning because the last gift you sent me made me level up through the power of friendship. xD That's just so pokemon.

That is funny.  I leveled up to 29 from a gift too.

14 hours ago, Admin_Raptorpat said:

So I mosied on up to the ho-oh after he failure of Mewtwo and there were about 15 people there. They were clearly pogo pros because they were about to jump in but I heard the classic "wait, there's another one coming everyone back out" as I was walking into range. That's the story of how I at least got a ho-oh out of today.

They also all told me to to join the discord (which I did) because, for example, I could have given a heads up that I was doing Mewtwo but would be 20 minutes late and people would have waited for me. Then a few made friends so I got that quest item out of the way.

I love stories like this that counter the, “The PoGo community is so toxic” complaint. 

  • Like 1

I've literally never seen a less toxic and more friendly community than organized PoGo folks.

At the end yesterday they said they hoped to see me on their 'raid train' today. Which I am not, but it was nice to be invited.

  • Like 2
5 hours ago, Admin_Raptorpat said:

I've literally never seen a less toxic and more friendly community than organized PoGo folks.

At the end yesterday they said they hoped to see me on their 'raid train' today. Which I am not, but it was nice to be invited.

Trueee words have never been spoken. I’ve always had positive experiences with the ad-box PoGo groups I’ve been with. Always looking to get people on the “raid train”. I’m one of the higher level players in my group, and I’m always telling them “Hey, I’m here to help you. I don’t really care about rank or color (Mystic, Valor, Instinct classification), I wanna get this raid done. I’m here to help you. Just hit me up, and if I have a few minutes to spare, I’m in.”

  • Like 1

we went to the park with my sister because a ho-oh raid had just popped. this time, we caught the crowd in time, large enough to have three separate color-coded raid groups. and that raid then turned into three raids. it was my sister's first time actually doing any raids, and we each got two ho-ohs with one of them being shiny.

and then i totally lucked into getting the excellent curveball quest item done, so i feel it was a good use of pogo time.

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, SorceressPol said:

We have a ton of sunkern in Georgia. Is there some kind of slugma event? Those things just popped up everywhere.

Nah. They just started popping up everywhere. They are celebrating that gen now. Redistributed nests and all. 


Johto spawns are boosted til tomorrow, idgaf about Slugma with no shiny out

I heard a goddam wild Ttar actually spawned a block from me...while I was asleep this morning. Sonuvabitch

Been hunting down all the Larvitars and Pupitars that have been showing up 


Finally hatched an Alolan Vulpix after wanting to get one since the Friends thing started.

That only took forever.  Also caught my first Ekans.  Only two eggs to hatch before I'm done with part of the Special Quest.

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lol, I'm getting really tired of this gift crap.  They cap the number of gifts you can hold to 10 but when you have 70+ friends and stops don't give gifts every time you need them it's become a chore instead of a fun thing:(

2 hours ago, 1pooh4u said:

lol, I'm getting really tired of this gift crap.  They cap the number of gifts you can hold to 10 but when you have 70+ friends and stops don't give gifts every time you need them it's become a chore instead of a fun thing:(

Yikes and I was having trouble with just 15.  I don't think I'd ever have that many friends.

Although since I get so many gifts from the pokestops near me, I don't think I'll ever run out.  At least not for long.

  • Like 1

Open question to anyone:

I tried to turn the volume on just now. Normally when you boot the game the volume buttons switch from controlling the ringer to controlling the program volume.

Except when I boot the game, the volume buttons still control the ringer. It's not the game settings, audio is turned on in the menu. If I switch to YouTube, I can mess with the program volume, but when I switch back to the game, the volume doesn't carry over. It's as if the program doesn't have an audio component to it for some reason.

I dunno what to do, but I'm really irritated that I can't figure it out.

25 minutes ago, blueraven1999 said:

Yikes and I was having trouble with just 15.  I don't think I'd ever have that many friends.

Although since I get so many gifts from the pokestops near me, I don't think I'll ever run out.  At least not for long.

No lie I’ll pass 10 stops and I’ll be lucky if I get 3 gifts. I’m going to trim down my list. Like all the peeps that were for Celebi I’m going to remove. 😬

16 minutes ago, Admin_Raptorpat said:

Open question to anyone:

I tried to turn the volume on just now. Normally when you boot the game the volume buttons switch from controlling the ringer to controlling the program volume.

Except when I boot the game, the volume buttons still control the ringer. It's not the game settings, audio is turned on in the menu. If I switch to YouTube, I can mess with the program volume, but when I switch back to the game, the volume doesn't carry over. It's as if the program doesn't have an audio component to it for some reason.

I dunno what to do, but I'm really irritated that I can't figure it out.

A few times I had to uninstall and reinstall the game when it behaved funky. Maybe that will work?


I uninstalled and reinstalled, same thing. i think it might be the phone.

but when i booted up for the first time after reinstalling, it asked me my birthday, which was last thursday so i hope i didn't miss some new birthday feature.


I finished the hatching eggs portion of the quest. 

Now I'm working on walking Eevee.  I've never walked any small pokemon before and it makes me so

happy to see eevee on my avatar's shoulder.  It's so cute.  So far I've currently walked 2.2/5 km.  So that's a good start.


It might be because I have Google but shiny animation still shows up on my phone.

Just noticed because I hatched a shiny cp292 Togepi yesterday.  I have 47 candies for it so far.


Question:  Do anyone know if the name trick still works for evolving Eevee into Espeon or do I have to evolve it during the day?

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Name trick only works once, you'll have to evolve Espeon during the day while Eevee is your buddy once you've gone over 10k and got both candies if you used Sakura before, same goes for Umbreon at night

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I got to play outside of the suburbs for once in downtown Atlanta during DragonCon and finally got to battle. It was just gyms because I was too tired to do any meet-ups. It was no surprise that my Snorlax was giving serious beatdowns, but I didn't know furret could whoop ass too. I just evolved sentret into them because they're so cute. Furret kept coming up as a suggestion, so I went with it, and my furry babies made me proud. No surprise about my vaporeon either, but I also totally underestimated exeggecute.

  • Like 3
8 hours ago, viperxmns said:

Name trick only works once, you'll have to evolve Espeon during the day while Eevee is your buddy once you've gone over 10k and got both candies if you used Sakura before, same goes for Umbreon at night

That's good to know.  How early in the day do you have to evolve Eevee? 

Does it have to be in the morning or does it work in the late afternoon like between 4 and 6 PM?

4 hours ago, blueraven1999 said:

That's good to know.  How early in the day do you have to evolve Eevee? 

Does it have to be in the morning or does it work in the late afternoon like between 4 and 6 PM?

I'd think going by daytime/nighttime in the game should be enough, but you can wait a bit/restart once the game transitions to be safe

  • Like 2
17 hours ago, SorceressPol said:

I got to play outside of the suburbs for once in downtown Atlanta during DragonCon and finally got to battle. It was just gyms because I was too tired to do any meet-ups. It was no surprise that my Snorlax was giving serious beatdowns, but I didn't know furret could whoop ass too. I just evolved sentret into them because they're so cute. Furret kept coming up as a suggestion, so I went with it, and my furry babies made me proud. No surprise about my vaporeon either, but I also totally underestimated exeggecute.

I heard Unown that spell out Dragoncon were out like crazy. Did you see any?🙀


Spinda type #3



  • Like 1
38 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

I heard Unown that spell out Dragoncon were out like crazy. Did you see any?🙀


Spinda type #3



xD I had no idea there was an unown event for DragonCon until I read this. Since they looked weird and were obviously different symbols, I just caught them just in case they were important. I looked them up on google and see that I caught the letters, dagonc. It annoys my ocd so much that I didn't get an 'r'. 

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, SorceressPol said:

xD I had no idea there was an unown event for DragonCon until I read this. Since they looked weird and were obviously different symbols, I just caught them just in case they were important. I looked them up on google and see that I caught the letters, dagonc. It annoys my ocd so much that I didn't get an 'r'. 

I’ve had nightmares about Unown. Lol one was I was on the ferry and one spawned in the river. I kept tapping it but the encounter wouldn’t happen 😆

that’s awesome that you got a few. They’re so rare it’s good trade bait. Sorry you didn’t get the “r” though 😬


Well I made good progress this morning.  Finished walking my Eevee 10 km and I evolved it

into Espeon.  It's much better than my first Espeon with over cp2000.  My first one was cp1300 or so.

Now I just have keep on sending gifts.  I think I've sent 9 so far.

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