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Mr. Osomatsu #15 and #16
Aggretsuko #1

That was a nice duo of episodes, although I felt that the Chibita-focused segment in the first was confused about if it wanted to be genuinely serious or as surreal as usual. The flower girl he loved "dying" didn't come off well when it was juxtaposed with Karamatsu being forced to marry her demented goth counterpart. O.o

From the second, the post-apocalyptic plot about lubricant was just stupid enough to be enjoyable, and it probably had the first instance ever of high-pressure blood being caused from extremely chapped skin. Man, I should probably talk about how I want this show to air on Toonami, and not just so the S&P people have to witness that.

Edited by Blatch
The spoilers are glitching out. =O
Posted (edited)

Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor 1 - 12(END)


And so Glenn-sensei saves Sistine from her marriage to "Leos" and the two fight together against a common enemy. Boy it got rather gruesome there at the end huh? Casual murder of zombie-esque drug addicts and seeing the real Leos' mangled, decaying corpse. Yeesh. Well uhhhh this was an alright series. Nothing particularly original for the most part, but there were a few cute subversions here and there like Glenn actually getting his ass handed to him by Sistine in their duel early on. It seemed to me like the series was divided into 4 3 episode arcs. Each of which either featured Rumia being kidnapped or threatened to be kidnapped/killed in some way. I probably liked the second arc with her mother best. I was dreading that necklace brainwashing her turning her evil from the moment she put it on, but thankfully it was just a standard instant-death plot device instead so we avoided that garbage.I would have liked a little more time of them bonding together at the end but oh well. Re=L's arc was probably my least favorite. It went too fast from her attempted murder of Glenn and Rumia to everyone just forgiving her no problem. Feh. But from what readers of the source material have said this entire series was very rushed so maybe it's handled better there, who knows? I did grow to like Glenn's relationship with Sistine and Rumia and the rest of the students. I could see myself giving this a generous 7 but I'll keep it at 6 out of 10. I'd probably check out a second season at some point if we ever got it, but don't think we will. Oh, and for what it's worth the best end card easily came from episode 11 which depicted Sistine playing with Rumia's massively big, beautiful tits! Yes I did need to throw that out there thank you very much.xD

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 14


A bit later on the subs this week, but it was worth the wait. They even saved the best two segments for last this week. Always love Saiki's parents, but I was a bit confused by the ending. Does Saiki's mom's reading being the same mean she loved him and her husband equally? Or were they both measuring their affection for Saiki all along. Considering how fast his dad left when the attention turned to Saiki I'll guess the former, but maybe he was just embarrassed or something.xD Gotta love those Dragon Ball shoutouts in the last story. Teruhashi with Burter's body? Now I've seen everything! Well....except baseball, cause that's next week! xD

Golden Kamuy 3


Oof, well that cg bear looks awful as usual. And there was a bit of editing/censorship regarding the dude who got his face ripped off that was disappointing. I dunno, this adaptation just feels off to me in someway so far. Oh well, the Ainu culture stuff was good at least. And the beginning of the osoma/miso runner put a large grin on my face.xD

Edited by BUU8800

Kuroko's Basketball 34

It's all fun and games until one of the middle school prodigies with stand-out hair colors absolutely smokes you. And if not then, then it's when the other team starts getting inner city physical with you while the ref's distracted by some inane bullshit, which is way too often for basketball.



Posted (edited)

Scorching Ping Pong Girls 1 - 2(DROP)


Gonna hafta be really petty on this one but I was rooting hard for Agari to win and remain the ace but after reading episode 3 spoilers she just goes through the "oh I lose but regain my desire to have fun" garbage. No thanks, maybe on  a different day were I in a different mood but that day was not today. A shame too as I loved the look of the series but oh well. 6/10

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Theater #1 to #5
Megalo Box #3
Magical Girl Ore #3 and #4

  • Despite me having used it for about a week, my Syoko avatar still looks awkward to me. At least I still like her in general. Also, this is the first season of the show. I guess Crunchyroll streams both, but they're separated under the folders as "(TV)" and "(Web)". I have no idea what's up with that.
  • Welp, this show really is that good. For whatever reason, the group of poor little kids felt like they originate from a Watanabe anime. In particular, them combined with one dude who had flowy hair alongside the more rural area everyone was in gave me Michiko & Hatchin vibes, which I guess is never a bad thing.
  • The third episode's flashback sequence was tremendously overlong; I thank the ANN reviewer for warning me in advance about that. Considering how subversive the show is in general, I think they could've redeemed it by joking about how long it took to get to the damn point. I didn't particularly care for how Sakuyo cares for her brother, either. He's barely even there as a character other than an idol everyone likes.

My biggest complaint with Magical Girl Ore is that, while it engages in the kind of stupid comedy that I like, it actually isn't stupid enough, and it doesn't have that much energy. Sometimes, I felt the material was just neurotically plodding along, occasionally dipping back into the melting pot of running gags and such, but not adding much in the way of new material. ¬¬

Edited by Blatch

Rewatched Usagi Drop 3 and Black Clover 15

While the chapter of Kinky Kunoichi I'm currently working on has involvement in both storyboarding and direction by Tsuru himself, I decided to follow Pierrot's tradition of outsourcing as much as they can and put a decent chunk of the episode in the hands of outsourcing studio Drop. The unit director from there that I have credited as assisting Tsuru in my "ideal staff listing" is Rokou Ogiwara, who had actually worked on a number of episodes of stuff I'd already watched. Now I could've gone and watched episode 11 of TOKYO TRIBE2 to start, especially considering that episode looked different in spots from the series as it normally is, but I decided to go for something I've watched less than four times and watched my first episode of Usagi Drop in over 6 years. Truly the brightest spot in Production I.G's 2011 downturn. Rewatching BC, as controversial as that decision is, wasn't a bad choice either. The Clover Clips at the end was pretty great, mostly because they made Lotus's daughters sound like Bob Epic Team. xD Either way, unlit interiors during daytime and indoor settings reflecting it being sunset outside appear to be the primary order, which is good considering a couple of scenes I have planned take place at sunset. Hopefully my intended watches of Ogiwara's Black Jack and Magical Girl Ore episodes keep up that tic that I'm starting to think isn't much of one. :|

Posted (edited)

Tachibanakan Triangle 4


Too bad Konomi, nearly got to use the toilet in time.xD

Lupin III: Part V 4

3D Kanojo: Real Girl 4


Wow so they really went the "get everyone to believe he's a lolicon pedophile so I can steal his girlfriend" route huh? Uhhhh that's a bit much show, don't you think?xD And only two people actually believed him! I'll ignore the mom and brother since, while fucking stupid, their doubts were clearly meant to be humorous. Again, they totally failed in that regard, but still. I'm probably taking this more seriously than the show wants me too, in fact I'm sure I am, but wow just...wow. So literally everyone in their class except of course Igarashi and Ito are irredeemable scumbags now in my eyes. Even Arisa I'm sorry to say even if, again, her doubts were supposed to be played for laughs. Good job if that was your intention show! Well whatever, blonde douche is already beginning to get some comeuppance from his sister I guess and maybe as the weeks go bye I'll forget this garbage plot point but the show definitely took a step backwards this week.

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai 4


I KNEW IT! I fucking knew it! I even called it back in episode 2. Pin-senpai was right about her big, beautiful tits too, but they look so much smaller in her school outfit it's absurd. You know, I already shipped them hard, but now it's effectively a done deal as far as I'm concerned. They MUST end up together with lots of babies!xD Meanwhile more foreshadowing of Teresa as royalty. How the show handles that reveal and the fallout will be crucial, though it'll probably be a few more weeks first. Next week: the return of Nyanko Big and fanservice! Sigh me up! xD

Comic Girls 4


A beautiful rainy night and exposed belly button sight!xD Gotta love that Ruki adoration. Kaos makes for a fine plushy. Well it makes sense to use Koyume as the model, she is easily the sexiest of the four with the biggest, most beautiful tits. xD And then the autograph session. Boy she put it on pretty thick there, but I guess it all worked out in the end, not that there was ever really any doubt. Wear your lewdness with pride girl! xD 

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Joker Game 4


I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but the heavy tans that Honma (non-spy MC of the episode) and Yoshino (the soldier in love with the boywhore) had made them look more black than Japanese, and I thought that was pretty cool. B|

Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted (edited)

Initial D: Fourth Stage 6


Call it an asspull if you want, I still think the animal leaping out into the road assuring Takumi victory was well-foreshadowed.


Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted (edited)

Hinamatsuri 4


Disowned Hina! Well seeing her with Anzu's always a treat. Just like a married couple, and well...Nitta and Hina's reunion was pretty sweet. And Hina will always have options in the music industry if things go south again.xD Meanwhile best-girl Anzu remains way too pure for this world as Hitomi found out the hard way.

Toji no Miko 16

So the original Princess whatherface possessing Yukari broke off into 3 separate princesses who each manifested in physical form instead of possessing everyone? Things have certainly gotten more convoluted. At least the show was self aware enough to point out the apparent pointlessness of everything via Kanami. Her thoughts while sparring with her mom mirrored my own. And now Yukari's back in the fold though that wasn't surprising. Still, I'll be interested to see how Hiyori reacts. Oh, and Happy Birthday Sayaka.

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Amanchu! Advance 4


The wonders of Fall Food, Fall Flight Fantasy, and Fall Foliage. Well Fall always has been my favorite season, and for an already calming and soothing show like this it really does work wonderfully. Despite this being probably the least diving-centric episode yet, and Teko and Pikari being apart for most of it, it was probably one of my favorites so far. Looks like sensei may take the spotlight next week with the return of diving.

Edited by BUU8800

Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online 4

I bet you anything that Anime FMK nitpicks the whole "bullet circle" thing. Considering they criticized the character randomization and JSDF team using GGO for practice, I wouldn't be surprised.



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