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Osomatsu-san 2, 21 - 25(END)

And so our sextuplets end their journey in the most fitting place for them: hell! Honestly I'd say this season's batch of episodes as a whole were probably weaker than the first, but I'm not sure if that was due to me experiencing franchise fatigue(I also watched season one for the first time earlier this year) or if they were legitimately of lesser quality. Honestly the two season's kinda just run together in my mind. I definitely still enjoyed them of course. Combined the two would make for a solid 50 episode series. This season probably only deserves a 7, but I'll give it a generous 8. Hopefully if a third season comes it'll be long enough to where I'm hungry for more by the time it gets here.

Posted (edited)

Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody 12(END)


Potions and vial making continue to take speedy focus in our finale this week. Plus some harem shenanigans and fanservice thankfully of the non-loli variety. I mean Nana and her big, beautiful tits of course!xD I guess there was a bit with that hand licking stuff but I'm gonna ignore that. Anyway this was a solid adaptation overall I'd say. Although I must admit I wasn't as enamored with it as I was the manga when reading it. I'm not sure if it's because it was my second time experiencing the material, or if the manga wasn't as good as I remembered or the pacing was off or what. Still I'd say 7 out of 10.

Koi wa Ameagari no You ni 12(END)

And so the series ends, and I suppose in the only real way it ever could. Witch Akira and Kondo each experience renewed focus in their passions of running and writing respectively. It was a beautiful, somewhat bittersweet ending for a series that could probably be described in similar terms as a whole. Strong 8 out of 10

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Miira no Kaikata 7 - 12(END)


And so Mii-kun is saved from the evil collector and we end with a heartfelt and fluffy summer festival reunion. Plus the promise to be together, forever. I think Frieza Anubis would have enjoyed Yuru Camp btw.xDYou know, as adorable as this was I think Gakuen Babysitters just barely edges it out in that category to take the cuteness title of the Winter season this year. Both shows had moments of drama, but this one definitely had more, and even dared to end an episode on a cliffhanger. I suppose there's merit to having more dimension, more depth, but really this show, like that one, was at its best when it was just being adorable. For me at least. Anyway this was still a very good, solid 8/10 series. Isao was probably my favorite of the little ones, slightly beating Mii-kun. And of course Kaede, who was sexy as fuck, was the best human. And uh...yeah, that's it. xD

Edited by BUU8800
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Hakumei to Mikochi 12(END)


And so Hakumei and Mikochi ends with another animal encounter, Ryokubirou, involving a glimpse into Hakumei's caravan past life! I think I can say without the slightest shadow of a doubt that this was the most underrated and overlooked anime of the Winter season. At least among the ones I actually watched. So cute, so relaxing, so beautiful to look at, such endearing characters set in an interesting universe. And it didn't ever really seem to get any attention. Maybe it was the calm, cool, unassuming nature of the show working against it, I dunno. But I loved it regardless. Strong 8 out of 10 and definitely one of the most enjoyable anime of the season. I hope we get more one day.

Edited by BUU8800
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Killing Bites 12(END)


So wait...was that hooded guy in the end Nomoto and Hitomi really didn't kill him? Or just another random new character like those two girls that were meant to tease/setup the sequel I don't see us ever getting? Either way wow. You know, I said two episodes back Shidoh should have just been the male lead since Nomoto really didn't get much screen time or development. Then all during that ending scene I was wondering two things: First how Nomoto's development seemed to contrast with his whole "I let others decide things for me schtick," which in and of itself I've commented before makes no sense. And second, why they were teasing romantic developments between Hitomi and Nomoto now when there was never any before and she's always been shown to be blindingly loyal to Shidoh anyway in every sense. Knowing all that, plus that this was the type of series to imply rape in multiple episodes, even then I admit her actually "killing" him still caught me off guard. It makes sense as I just pointed out and shouldn't have been at all surprising, but my initial reaction was still just...."woah."xD Ah Killing Bites, shameless, trashy junk food to the very end. xD Not every series would just toss aside the male lead like nothing in the last few minutes, but then not every series is trash. For the most part I viewed this show as the good kind of trash, the junk food kind. I had fully intended on giving it a 7 out of 10 good for doing what it tried to do from the beginning and not shying away from it, but honestly that last little stunt kind of annoyed me enough to drop this to a 6, making it my lowest scored of the 15+ anime I watched during the winter season. A bit hypocritical on my end I suppose but...eh, I don't care. xD I will also say though that in the unlikely event a season two comes I'll probably at least check out an episode or two, but as I've said I don't see it happening.

Edited by BUU8800

Magical Girl Ore #1 and #2
The iDOLM@STER #21

So there were multiple fourth-wall breaking jokes in the opening scene... but it was revealed as a fake-out, and I guess they decided to permanently drop that kind of gag immediately afterward. And then Saki's tenure as an idol is shown to be a huge failure. They even went for the grand prize of cynicism by explicitly saying that she can't have a boyfriend.

Also, is there no actual OP for this show? The ED in the first episode is live-action, and the second apparently spoils many scenes from future episodes without context. What the hell is going on... it has the kind of surreal composition you normally see in five-minute gag anime, and yet this one somehow manages to justify its own existence. My mind did start to wander after the introduction of the titular crossdressing magical boy, but I don't think it marks a step down for the show; I'm just not meant to watch more than one episode of it at a time. :$


Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens 7 - 12(END)

Oh darn, I vastly prefer the ending theme for this series so I wish that played over the credits instead of the op. Anyway so the baseball crew teamed up to rescue Mao and Banba from Fei Lan and Mao settled his little score. Well having just marathoned the last six episodes this was a pretty fun series. Certainly never shied away from the violence. I've read it compared to Durarara and yeah, I probably enjoyed this about as much. Really would have liked at least one notable female character besides the little girl and Banba's seldomly seen ex, and some of the plot twists in the second half were extremely obvious/predictable, but oh well. Still enjoyed it enough for a 7/10 I'd say.

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Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 21 (rewatch)
Evil or Live 7


I opened one of my flavored hard ciders for this episode, and by the time I got to the point where Hibiki got screwed over the worst he's been all series and Shiori told him never to see her again for the second time, I felt that was the right decision. But as soon as the second act started and it switched gears over to Shian's backstory, I feel that maybe I shouldn't have been so presumptive. Or maybe, the alcohol made my experience watching it all the more wonderfully engaging. Even so, I think Shian's my favorite character now. Easily the most fleshed-out dude in this show, even more than our designated protagonist.

Also, Jean, I love you and all, but I wouldn't want you as my dominatrix for the evening, if you're gonna keep my medicine from me in the event I have a heart attack. :/ Also, a devil tail but no devil horns? Come on, girl...


Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted (edited)

Takunomi 12(END)


Makoto job hunt blues for our finale. And practicing pouring beer in social situations. Overall despite  me not drinking alcohol, which was the entire point of this series, it was a cute little short. The girls were cute and best-girl Kae's big, beautiful tits are enough for me to give it a generous 7 out of 10.xD

Edited by BUU8800

March Comes in Like a Lion 43

I freakin' love this show. Not in a 10/10 way - at least, not yet - but let's be honest, all of the stuff I found annoying and bothersome in the first season? No longer bothers me in the second. The spoken-word sound effects, the "talking" cats, Momo being diabetes-inducing levels of cute? If I went back and rewatched season 1 in the original sub format, I don't think I'd be as bothered as I was the first time. This show has grown on me, and I can't wait to see what the finale has to offer.


Because you can never have enough of Hina being cute.


One Piece 491 and 493

Funimation didn't include 492 on their site because that's the One Piece crossover with Toriko, which is under another contract, and which Funimation didn't license.

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The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 11


Yeah, Nendou was just being recruited for baseball. But he should totally stick to being a judo master instead!xD Meanwhile Kuusuke met his match in Teruhashi, Saiki met his average dream, and a future couple met over a mystery series 20 years ago. Most importantly though: we'll meet that awesome hamster again next week! xD

Edited by BUU8800

Uchuu Senkan Tiramisu 1
Souten no Ken Re:Genesis 1
Yowamushi Pedal: Glory Line 13
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi 1
Captain Tsubasa (2018) 1
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou 1

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Overlord II 13(END)


It's a good thing I checked MAL before writing this because I see a season 3 is already confirmed for July! Excellent! Now I won't have to worry about possibly forgetting stuff like in the gap between seasons 1 and 2!xD Anyway Demiurge's plan seemed like a total success. And who knew Brain made for such nice nail clippers? xD Overall I feel like this season was a huge improvement over the first, and definitely one of the winter anime I enjoyed watching the most. Solid 8/10.

Edited by BUU8800
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Tachibanakan Triangle 1


Ah man, didn't realize this was just a short. That's disappointing, especially with all that fanservice! Hanabi sure is lucky seeing all those big, beautiful tits! We got Yoriko, the blonde girl, and the mysterious silver-haired girl who seemed to have the biggest, most beautiful of them all! I wonder if those cherries were meant as censorship and there'll be an uncut version too.

Lupin III: Part V 1 - thoughts for this, as with Academia, will be given in their threads.

3D Kanojo: Real Girl 1

Well uhhh....that sure was a ton of development flags all jam packed into one episode. Pool cleaning together, she saves him from two bitches, he saves her from some karate dude, then later from shoplifting and catching a cold, not to mention three kisses! And then they start going out officially and that bombshell gets dropped. Goddamn show! You know you're allowed to pace yourself right? Funny thing is I actually read a bit of this waaaay back but remember just about none of it. Oh well, not really a bad start I guess, just hectic.

Edited by BUU8800
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March Comes in Like a Lion 44.

Good finale. Loved the anime original first act. All I can say about the second is that I like Hina's new haircut. Took me longer than I should've to realize she looks like Mako with that bowlcut. :D Great show, still hoping for that season 3. 9.5/10. And yes, the missing half-point is because I'm still sour about that time Smith and Yanagihara got all over Rei for his inadvertently making the annoying tics of his one-time shogi opponent of the week even more annoying.



Say no to JPEGs, kids. Artifacting sucks.

[so it does]

Edited by PokeNirvash

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