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Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack 3
Trigun Stampede 3


While I completely understand her coldness and resentment, I really wish Rosa's last words to Vash didn't make her sound like a total bitch out of context. Kinda makes me wish she died, really. Fuck her.

On a more positive note, I'm looking forward to seeing how the dub works its way around Senpai not having any idea what Nagatoro's first name is.



My Hero Academia 118
Rizelmine 6


I can't believe it, an episode where Rizel didn't explode anything! I look forward to future few-and-far-between "Tomonori actually does care" episodes.



Made in Abyss S2E7/8
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls 18
Last Period: the journey to the (end) of the despair 12
Birdie Wing -Golf Girls' Story- 12

Last Period is a decent show. I started it in late 2019, and the reason it took me so long to finish is its first two episodes are easily the weakest, being more childish and featuring repetitive fourth-wall breaking jokes. Immediately after that, the show's writing picks up, and it becomes a funny parody of gacha games and related stuff that's surprisingly pointed at times. Also, I wasn't a fan of this show's OP and I guess I still ain't, while I eventually came around to the ED in spite of it being... a little much, mostly visually. Interestingly, the show's rating on Crunchyroll is just 3.2, whereas every recent show I've watched on the platform (not that any of them are all that bad) are close to 5.0 as a matter of principle. And the first review I saw of this show was negative. What gives? Life's too short to be a hater; do it too much, and you might even turn into a Spiral.

The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Episode 18: "A little bit of courage shows your way."


Totokira Academy is off to a flying start, and it's all because of a bunch of idols who lied about their ages. And it's getting new segments, like Ankiranking, where Anzu and Kirari talk about... stuff. Like sports. But also gossip, and fun places to go around town. Chieri and Kanako will help out by taping an interview segment. This episode continues Cinderella Girls's march toward a muted and drab-looking future, but at least the music has some pep. I didn't really feel anything about it other than some warm fuzzies, but that might be because of an acute case of brain fog I acquired after coming down with COVID over six months ago.

For starters, all the characters do what they're programmed to. Chieri is looking for four-leaf clovers, because that's her image object, while Kanako brings cookies with one of them shaped like a four-leaf clover. Kirari is happy-happy all the time, whereas Anzu can only muster up a little effort after she eats some candy. Oh, and KYBD shows up again, this time dressed as flight attendants. Sachiko is smarmy and self-centered and knows you want a good time, but only if it serves herself. I think every franchise should have a character as inherently bully-able as her, if only for the LOLs. They end up colliding with Chieri and Kanako in Edo, where the latter two are going to visit an artisan who makes pretty glass vases and bowls. It is here that... Kanako collapses, because she's on a diet and I guess not having sweets at every waking moment is enough to kill her. And then there's something about Chieri saying the word "frog" as a means to act all stoic. Huh?

They end up fixing their problems in the end, of course, with TakeP (haven't mentioned him yet) using the candy he got from Kirari earlier as the requisite Chekov's gun to fix Kanako, and this is juxtaposed with some surprisingly low-stakes scenes of Anzu asking Kirari why they like each other so much, like it was ever in doubt. Next!

Random thoughts (there are a lot of them this time):

  • Clockwatch: Right at the end, it shifts from 5:54 to 5:55, definitely PM. I'm guessing the minute hand is what matters here.
  • Nao watch: She gets a grand total of two lines in this episode, one of which is shared with Karen. That's the real disappointment of this episode. And she hasn't even made her CD debut yet. Aww. Maybe she'll get one in time for the Cinderella's Ball, regardless of whether or not it's successful and the Cinderella Project faces being dissolved as a whole.
  • Kudos to whoever animated the hell out of Anzu blowing on her hair, causing it to briefly pop up. The shot lasts not even two seconds, but it's enough to make me wish the rest of the show was like that.
  • More Pinya content is welcome, even if the first time they appear has them jump really high, probably not someone in a costume like that could do. But hey, this is an idol show.
  • There's a pretty good amount of cameos in this one, between all of the fake kindergartners, Love Laika and the Veteran trainers appearing near the halfway point (but after the commercial break), and then Yuki and Sae also looking pretty as stewardesses. There's also one idol who appears twice, and her presence makes me smirk knowing how she'll contribute to the plot later on. See? Even though I've been spoiled on a few things this time, I can still have fun with the show.
  • Chieri manages to find a four-leaf clover, but when she goes to take it out of a book it was used as a bookmark in, one leaf falls off. I'm thinking that's bad luck.
  • Rated TV-G. Goddamnit. This is one of the most boring shows to rate I've ever watched, ya horsey bastards. At least throw in some unfitting profanity next time.
  • Da music - "Heart Voice": Electronic, and very pleasant. Not a fan of how the show continues to have a good chunk of each song play w/ voices over them, but hey, at least we get a longer cut than usual for this ED. By the way, Kanako sings it w/ Ankira.
  • Meme (self-promotion edition):

[omnibus next week?]

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Record of Ragnarok S2 7-10.

The last time a Netflix anime got this popular this quickly was Cyberpunk Edgerunners, which single handedly saved that game.  It’s kind of crazy.

Posted (edited)

Sword Art Online: Progressive: Scherzo of Deep Night

My sister invited me out to see this one. I agreed, despite knowing it was subbed and I'd have to dedicate a chunk of time to watching the first. We both liked it. But of course I liked it, SAO's flaws don't matter as much to me as they do to the haters and other disliking parties.

Edited by PokeNirvash
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Posted (edited)

Birdie Wing -Golf Girls' Story- 13
Interviews with Monster Girls 10-12 and OVA (end)
Made in Abyss S2E9/10

Oh, huh, I finished two of these. But Birdie Wing has another season coming. I thought it was weird how this episode wasn't advertised as a season finale. It even had a next-episode preview, with no mention that it isn't coming for another three six months. Couldn't you have at least snuck in a pithy meta comment from Ichina? But hey, this is an excellent show. I just feel like it peaked early on with the underground mafia stuff and the shift to a golfing school hasn't been nearly as entertaining.

As for Demi-chans, I also liked this show, but the fact that it also took me a long time to finish (I started it in Spring of 2018!) should maybe tell you something. I wasn't expecting this show to be so cavalier when it comes to sexualizing its characters! Even all the aphrodisiac stuff involving Sakie couldn't have prepared me for the casual jokes about sexual harassment, or focusing on a character's wet feet. This might be kryptonite for some viewers, but I didn't mind it too much. And as I alluded to on Twitter, watching the last few episodes in a row was nice because it not only sync'd up (albeit perversely) with the cold weather we've had in New England, but it made me feel more in sync with the characters. Too bad the show ends on a literal dirty tease that probably won't be followed up on involving a new demi.

Edited by Blatch
Minor tweaks, like less emphasis.

My Hero Academia 119
Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon 48


Compared to even some of my domfus, Setsuna is one of the characters I've warmed up to the most, my thoughts on her going from "I don't really like this wet blanket" to "I'd kig as her if I had more money and less shame".

[and so the band of seven remains unseen still]


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Posted (edited)

Catwoman: Hunted.  Basically “what if Catwoman was Fujiko Mine?”

Kind of surprised Toonami didn’t get this given their love of DC and Lupin III.

Edited by Jman

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