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Yuri!!! on Ice 12 (Final)  Yes, just yes!  We get a season two.  :)

I'll watch it as soon as it becomes available to non-members,



Thank god they didn't break up, the fanbase on tumblr almost killed me




- Library War 1-12 +special [end]

- Yuri!!! on Ice 12 [end]

- Scorching Ping Pong Girls 12 [end]

- Magical Girl Raising Project 12 [end]

- Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 12

- Heybot 8


Keijo!!!!!!!! 12(END)

Final Thoughts:


Heh, and I was just about to say it was too bad nipple man got cut, but they saved him for the very end. xD Anyway a pretty solid adaptation I'd say. As I said way back in episode 1, when I read the manga that first arc really made me dislike Nozomi. Them cutting it out worked out well in fixing that. Although we did lose a character I really loved, but it made sense seeing as she pretty much was instantly dropped by the author after that arc. I'll miss the glorious bath scenes though, but the anime probably would have censored them anyway. Still loved Miyata's little arc with her father, still wish Aoba wasn't given the short end of the stick in-ring as much as she was, but those were feelings I had with the source material too. Pretty goofy, ridiculous premise and they had fun with it and I had fun watching it. 7/10 Don't really see this getting a season 2, but I'd watch if it did.




Drifters 12(END)

Final Thoughts:


Soooo...season 2 confirmed? Hope so, cause that ending felt like more of a beginning than anything else. Pretty fun show, full of blood, violence, action and quirky characters. With even a bit of strategy, humor, and Olminu boobs! xD Not much else to say about it though, let's continue the story! 7/10



What up fam?


Mmm... nice Dia.


  • Kantai Collection #6


When I originally sat down to watch the show on a sluggish netbook connected to the TV through VGA and audio cables, I liked this episode the most out of the first six. I can't doubt that it was because Fubuki only spoke two lines, but that's probably why. Also, typical moe cuteness. I don't care for the shipgirl battles that much, so making something as innocuous as a curry contest seem like a hot-blooded affair was cool. Oh, and the episode has a good unethical moral: Never bother trying to properly prepare for any sort of competitive event. As long as you don't do something crazy, you're most likely to win.


I also have a burning desire to spend a night with Akatsuki. Not for any sexual reasons, of course, but for her unbridled cuteness.






And with that, I'm all caught up. I might as well take a break and give some other shows the content ratings magic.



  • Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "The Justice Hole" and "Knifin' Around"

[you don't know from fun!]


Mmm... nice Dia.


I can't decide if she is my best girl or if Mari is....


Sound! Euphonium S2 END 7/10


God, Reina has been so embarrassing/frustrating this entire season. That confession only made me second-hand embarrassed. Thank god Taki-sensei didn't take it seriously. I hope third season (if there is one) will downplay that. I really liked Kumiko's plot concerning her sister though. I'm glad she caught up with her at the end.



Izetta: The Last Witch END 6/10


I really started to dislike this anime midway through. Fine was a saving grace. I wish her and Izetta happiness from here on out.



I haven't watched Girlish Number in a few weeks but I might drop it anyway. Chitose is honestly too insufferable to continue.


Caught up on Sangatsu no Lion. That scene at the end of the latest episode was very powerful.


If his adopted sister weren't a fucking rapist, I'd find her more intriguing.



I haven't watched Girlish Number in a few weeks but I might drop it anyway. Chitose is honestly too insufferable to continue.

It seems she may be getting better, based on the latest episode.


Wait, is that 3-gatsu spoiler something that's more from the manga?


Sound! Euphonium 2 12

Jojo DiU 39 [end]

Drifters 12 [end, until season 2]

March comes in like a Lion 10

Brave Witches 10-11

Izetta 9


I'm kinda dreading watching Izetta now.


It seems she may be getting better, based on the latest episode.


Wait, is that 3-gatsu spoiler something that's more from the manga?


I'm kinda dreading watching Izetta now.


Number's been weird about her.


I interpreted that last episode as her admitting her flaws, but not needing to actually change them...and the show seems to agree! It's...certainly different.



Regarding 3-gatsu I've read similar things elsewhere, but dunno for sure as I don't read the source material. She seemed like an awful bitch to me even before then though.


Euphonium has another episode left...unfortunately. Easily most disappointing series of the season for me. More on that on Wednesday!


Is it really? That certainly felt like a season finale. I haven't really paid attention to episode counts these days, so that's pleasantly surprising.


I'm glad I'm not alone on that opinion. At least this was pretty to look at.



Wait, is that 3-gatsu spoiler something that's more from the manga?




I haven't read the manga. It's definitely implied in the anime via flashbacks of her in a semi-compromising position with him. I use the term rapist kinda loosely, but it is implied that she sexually assaulted him in someway.



JJBA: Diamond is Unbreakable END


That was a very satisfying ending.


Lostorage Incited WIXOSS END


I have so many complaints about this but I will try to keep it short since I doubt many people here watched it anyway. This was the series I was looking forward to the most before the season even started.



I really liked the first series a lot, but I feel like having male selectors in this series really killed it for me. Namely, the main antagonist whose name I can't be bothered to even google right now was so annoying. The way his face turned ugly whenever he had a "big bad" moment and how he constantly used bad sexual innuendo with underage girls. Nothing killed this series more than he did. I basically wanted Suzuko (or anyone really) to kick his fucking ass card game style. All the other men in this show were pretty useless or terrible too.


Not having Okada write this was probably the main downfall of this series imo. While I loved Suzuko, she felt underdeveloped until the later half. Hanna was the only character that felt well written throughout. Chinatsu was a pain in the ass until it neared the finale. Piruluk making appearances to explain what the hell she was doing there was kind of my saving grace for this series too.





Anyway, I'm not sure what the chances for a continuation are right now, but I don't know if I'd want to keep going. I'll probably watch the Selector movie when it's available.


And one more minor gripe I had was that the OP was not nearly as good as the ones for Selector. I wish they got Kanon Wakeshima back for it. However, that is the very least of my complaints regarding the whole series. Cyua was still killing it with the ED though! That's one positive thing I can say about it.



I haven't read the manga. It's definitely implied in the anime via flashbacks of her in a semi-compromising position with him. I use the term rapist kinda loosely, but it is implied that she sexually assaulted him in someway.


Hm, she definitely seems to enjoy abusing him emotionally. Seems he might have some other issues of his own, too, with that outburst.



As for GN:

She's been aware of her flaws for a while, but this felt like the first time she seemed to be willing to do something about it, even though she doesn't know the boss is so willing to cut her without hesitation. We'll see if she starts putting the effort in next episode, though.



Izetta 10-12 [end]


That wasn't as bad as I expected, but it did not need 12 episodes to tell that story.


Hatsukoi Limited. 1-2


Girlish Number 12(END)

Final Thoughts:


So...was Chitose's heartfelt speech supposed to be an apology or not? Because it didn't exactly come across as one. Pretty much just felt like she realized she couldn't do things half-assed anymore because she was replaceable. I...guess that's a moral? Only be half-assed when you're irreplaceable so...lesson learned? I mean she almost immediately afterwards oversleeps anyway and winds up being fine due to the support around her so...huh? Well I guess she's putting in more effort anyway, taking all those appearances and whatnot, unlike that perpetual sack of shit Kuzu. I dunno though, maybe all the cynicism is getting to me but I didn't care much for the way it was presented, if not necessarily the moral itself. It may be more realistic but that comes as little comfort to me personally.


What a strange show. In general I liked it, episodes often flew by. And yet...I didn't really like the main girls' attitudes/personalities much, but loved their designs. Even though none of them looked like adults so their attitudes and actions came off as extremely jarring until I remembered how old they were supposed to be. Maybe I'm just too naive or sentimental. I did absolutely love the 2 or so episode arc near the end about the different approaches to parenting. That was great. The rest was merely good and I can't ever see myself rewatching this. I'll take Shirobako as far as a look at the many facets of animation production and voice work go. 7/10



Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari 12(END)

Final Thoughts:


Aw damnit they separated them afterall, opting for the bittersweet ending I really, really didn't want. Damnit, what a disappointing ending to the best show of the Fall season. And I still consider it to be the best too, I won't let the ending ruin that for me. I even had tears in my eyes the whole goddamn episode! Fuck man...I mean it makes sense with the central theme of Souta realizing his father loved him and his hometown wasn't a bad place and the tanuki lore and whatnot but...he easily could have realized that AND kept Poco around! Give me that 100% happy ending for once damnit! Sigh...well I dunno. Maybe that tanuki at the end was Poco? I don't see how but...maybe. Either way I wanted something more concrete if it was.


But yeah, despite the ending not going as I wanted this was a fantastic series. Constantly emotionally moving. Best show this season, but before that ending I had it pretty high in my planned Top 10 anime of 2016 list whereas now I honestly might take it off completely. Can't see myself ever wanting to rewatch this now with that ending so I can't justify putting it above something I had #11 that I actually would rewatch. A shame that my final sentiment regarding a show I loved winds up being a sense of disappointment....but, oh well. 8/10



Dragon Ball Super 72

One Piece 770


Christmas Eve:

Toradora 3-19 (the Christmas party)


Christmas Day:

Hatsukoi Limited. 3-6

Modern Magic Made Simple 1-7


Both had Christmas episodes/arcs, which I did not remember when I ordered them just the other week.


Lupin III: Part II 131


In which an old foe tries to steal Goemon's famous sword during a time of weakness! Straight up adventure episode. I couldn't help but think of early Dragon Ball as the gang traversed the trap infested castle, though this obviously came first. That musta been quite the awkward 8 hours stuck in that room though. I figured Lupin would mess with the clock. As far as gruesome villain deaths in Lupin goes acid pit with only your skull remaining ranks fairly high. The gang's reaction was both appropriate and kinda unintentionally humorous...in a sorta black comedy way:



Oh, and I was gonna complain about Fujiko's one trillionth betrayal that led to her being betrayed, but her little slap session with Lupin in the chopper at the end was so cute I'll let it slide. xD




Lupin III: Part II 132


In which Lupin chases after a thief masquerading as a religious cult leader to take back valuable rare currency stolen from him! Lotta nudity in this one. Lupin himself spends over half of it in the buff. Another very violent episode too what with that headshot and Lupin's fake death:



That guy certainly went out with a bang...heh, heh...ugghh. Second one in a row that ended involving Fujiko and a chopper I found fairly cute. Don't skip out on the jewels next time Lupin! xD



The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 116 - 120(END)

Final Thoughts:


What a sweet ending. See Saiki? Your friends love you just as you are! This series...was pretty damn fantastic. I loved the format, and it was easily one of the funniest series of the year. It all traces back to a fun premise with strong characters that constantly interact with each other in humorous ways. I could watch another 120 episodes/shorts no problem. Thankfully we're getting a season 2! So I just might get that chance! xD 8/10



Lupin III: Part II 133


In which Lupin is set against Jigen and Goemon by the mysterious Claudia while pursuing a volcanic treasure only accessible once every hundred years! Pretty fun outing, second in a row that had Lupin foaming at the mouth by something. xD Most of my enjoyment though came from Claudia. Been awhile since Fujiko wasn't the female lead in an episode. She was certainly beautiful, and her time with Lupin in the beginning was adorable:



Thanks to Fujiko I've been trained to expect female double-crosses, so hers was expected. The blatant twinkle in her eye even made her eventually helping Lupin again obvious. Definitely didn't expect her to be FBI all along though, that was cool. Glad she left Lupin on good terms too:


We won't see her again in all likelihood, but I'd enjoy it if we did. :)



Lupin III: Part II 134


In which the UN gives Zenigata millions of soldiers to go after Lupin! Stop me if you've heard this one before.

Lupin goes after a treasure Fujiko told him about:


Gets betrayed by her:


And immediately gets betrayed herself forcing Lupin to help her:



You have? A trillion times? You're kidding! Yeah...this one didn't do much for me. Not bad perse, just meh. The scale of Zenigata's force was larger and there were some nice musical cues, but it felt too formulaic. Even the outlandish ending. Oh well, better luck next time. Although I'll never really tire of Lupin's eternal gushing over Fujiko. xD



Lupin III: Part II 135


In which Lupin infiltrates a prison to retrieve an elderly woman for a jewel wanted by Fujiko! 2nd Fujiko betrayal/captured episode in a row!


Jigen summed it up best:


At least she got punished in the end this time...Goemon you perv.




Also, if I never see Zenigata in drag again it'll be too soon:




Lupin III: Part II 136


In which Lupin goes after a one of a kind butterfly, capable of finding gold! 3 for 3 regarding Fujiko betrayals turned into Lupin rescuing her the past 3 episodes. Well, at least this betrayal gave us a pretty cute skydiving rescue scene:




I wouldn't say her actions at the end were a betrayal so much as her being greedy, but either way Lupin saves her again:




That aside fairly action packed second half with a bit of an environmentalist message. I totally called the bridge the bad guys used being made of butterflies...a fitting end. Well lesson learned: Don't mess with butterflies! xD





Lupin III: Part II 137


In which Lupin's gang tries to steal a valuable gem, Cleopatra's Tear, from Zenigata's protection. Well this was about as basic an episode for Lupin as it gets. No betrayals, no supernatural phenomena, just the four working together to achieve a common goal. Honestly though as nice as the titular teamwork was it all felt a bit too...mundane. They spent an awfully long time teasing a very obvious Lupin/Zenigata switcheroo in the first half, acting as if they haven't done that numerous times before. Zenigata looked rather pathetic really. Well, at least he wasn't in drag. The practice for the heist was fun, but short. The ending was sweet but yeah...pretty much just an episode. Can't decide which ending image I liked better so here:





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