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It depends largely on the type of work you do, how much relevant experience you have in that particular field, and the typical cost of living for your area.


But given no other context, the number in and of itself is not egregious.


That's like below minimum wage isn't minimum like 10

Anyways a jobs a job dude and if you are strapped for money take anything you can


Depends on where you live. They cant pay less than minimum wage. Thats illegal.


That's like below minimum wage isn't minimum like 10

Anyways a jobs a job dude and if you are strapped for money take anything you can

No, federal minimum wage is 7.25. His pay is above by almost a dollar. Took me 4 years to get there at my crappy retail job. That's my college degree working for you, only the best pay.

No, federal minimum wage is 7.25. His pay is above by almost a dollar. Took me 4 years to get there at my crappy retail job. That's my college degree working for you, only the best pay.


I dont know how people work retail jobs that dont pay commission.


It actually did used to do so only on warranties on computers and such.


They technically still do but only if you are in the top 1% of the company.


It actually did used to do so only on warranties on computers and such.


They technically still do but only if you are in the top 1% of the company.

do you still sell paper and paper accessories?


It actually did used to do so only on warranties on computers and such.


They technically still do but only if you are in the top 1% of the company.


Sad. I worked retail but my commission was always $1000 up to $3000 a month and i was considered an underperformer.


That's like below minimum wage isn't minimum like 10

Anyways a jobs a job dude and if you are strapped for money take anything you can

No, if the minimum were raised to ten, a gallon of milk would end up costing seven.  That's capitalism.  Currently, I pass through offices and see cubicles loaded with people who have masters degrees or better.  Their jobs are often advertised on the company bulletin boards at $9.50 an hour.

No, federal minimum wage is 7.25. His pay is above by almost a dollar. Took me 4 years to get there at my crappy retail job. That's my college degree working for you, only the best pay.


I made $5.15 a hour before it went up 8-9 years ago. 


That's when I had a roommate that would always claim he was broke (he didn't work, his parents just funded him)  and showed me his bank statement once.... he had fucking $4,500 in his account. 


I had to inform him that if he had a "," in his bank account he was indeed, not broke. 




No, if the minimum were raised to ten, a gallon of milk would end up costing seven.  That's capitalism.  Currently, I pass through offices and see cubicles loaded with people who have masters degrees or better.  Their jobs are often advertised on the company bulletin boards at $9.50 an hour.

Just fucking shut the fuck up, Packtard.

Just fucking shut the fuck up, Packtard.

  Come on, then... try applying for a job in this casino if you don't believe it.  It's an employers' market around here.  So few available jobs that just getting ANY job at all is worth your time, even when it barely pays enough to cover your transportation costs.

No, if the minimum were raised to ten, a gallon of milk would end up costing seven.  That's capitalism.  Currently, I pass through offices and see cubicles loaded with people who have masters degrees or better.  Their jobs are often advertised on the company bulletin boards at $9.50 an hour.


If this is true, Atlantic City should be burned down just to give people an incentive to leave the shithole.


To be clear California minimum is about  10.00 an hour, so I was going based of that, of course the cost of living here is also more expensive.

And no a gallon of milk doesn't cost 7 dollars here it's like about to 3.50or or 2.70 in some stores


I can't accurately say it's fair or not without knowing what the job is. I mean an hour of flipping burgers isn't the same thing as an hour of building a cruise ship. and also it's better than zero dollars an hour


If this is true, Atlantic City should be burned down just to give people an incentive to leave the shithole.

Unionized jobs here tend to pay better.  Cubicle Dilberts can't strike or file grievances.

To be clear California minimum is about  10.00 an hour, so I was going based of that, of course the cost of living here is also more expensive.

And no a gallon of milk doesn't cost 7 dollars here it's like about to 3.50or or 2.70 in some stores

That's gotta some very well diversified "milk" industry.  When the wage is ten an hour, you have to have at least ten an hour entering the cash register.  Add ten more for each additional employee who is active on that shift.

I try not to consider myself poor because my bills r paid but my cell phone car and car insurance is killing me.

I thwarted the car insurance problem by not owning a car.  I didn't die.

Damn, you guys. My old job was shit, but I was still pulling in 10.90 an hour.

i mean to be fair i never earned commission in retail. i think the most i ever made in retail was $9.00 but that was a job i only held for like a month. my other retail jobs was around 7.25-8.00. i mean i guess i TECHNICALLY did when i worked for Macys and they gave us like $50 for every 100 people signed up for a credit card in a month but i never hit that and i don't think anyone else really did. even in college i only made like $8.50 an hour working for IT. i finally had a job in the double digits only after i graduated.


  Come on, then... try applying for a job in this casino if you don't believe it.  It's an employers' market around here.  So few available jobs that just getting ANY job at all is worth your time, even when it barely pays enough to cover your transportation costs.

How the fuck would working in your shithole casino prove to me anything about the price of milk, you incredulous retard?

That's gotta some very well diversified "milk" industry.  When the wage is ten an hour, you have to have at least ten an hour entering the cash register.  Add ten more for each additional employee who is active on that shift.

Or it could just be that you have some very well diversified stupid.

How the fuck would working in your shithole casino prove to me anything about the price of milk, you incredulous retard?

u silly. don't you know that five red poker chips = 1 gallon of milk? if you have 10 blue poker chips u can trade that for a gallon of milk and a shoe shine from the local newsie. why back in his day people drove their carriages all around the thoroughfare to get a real shoe shine


Damn I make more than most of you and still poor....


I'm working 2 jobs, one at $12/hr and the other at $13/hr. It's not incredible,  but comfortable for the time being.


Kinda on the poor side, but still doing okay.



I'm working 2 jobs, one at $12/hr and the other at $13/hr. It's not incredible,  but comfortable for the time being.


Kinda on the poor side, but still doing okay.

how many hours on both, because if you have two full time jobs with that, that's 25/hr and that's REALLY good


I try not to consider myself poor because my bills r paid but my cell phone car and car insurance is killing me.


I do. If I didn't have my state and federal student loan payments, I'd be doing just above poor, but I really have no extra money after bills.


how many hours on both, because if you have two full time jobs with that, that's 25/hr and that's REALLY good

Only, like, 12 on the 12/hr. Around 24-30 for the 13/hr.


Nowhere near enough time to work 2 full time jobs.  :D


And it'd only be 25/hr if working both simultaneously.


Only, like, 12 on the 12/hr. Around 24-30 for the 13/hr.


Nowhere near enough time to work 2 full time jobs.  :D


And it'd only be 25/hr if working both simultaneously.

that's still really not bad. if my company let me, i'd probably have a side job making a couple extra bucks myself. stupid sexy legal agreements


If you've ever been hired at places that give you more than $12 an hour, I wouldn't settle for anything less after that honestly.

my biggest jump was from my college job to my first job out of college. after that i didn't have jumps that were as much


im not sure where some of you live, but if you can't find a job that pays decently no matter how hard you look, that's pretty shitty man

there's a ton of laborer type jobs around here if i was ever desperate enough for cash.

they pay like $14 starting.


im not sure where some of you live, but if you can't find a job that pays decently no matter how hard you look, that's pretty shitty man

there's a ton of laborer type jobs around here if i was ever desperate enough for cash.

they pay like $14 starting.


How do you know, where do you see those jobs advertised


craigslist, facebook groups

my uncle used to spam me with messages when facebook groups would be looking for people to work in landscaping/construction/remodeling houses

you could probably find a construction/landscaping business and get a job there.

ups and fedex are always hiring, but only part time.

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