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1. Is Stardust Crusaders coming to Toonami directly after Battle Tendency, and

2. If so, will we get a new promo for it?

we don't know yet


ask them on their tumblr




or one of their other social media sites


I keep hearing JoJo's is getting poor ratings and if Toonami has to cancel it or just stop airing it with the end of Battle Tendency while a stagnant franchise like Dragon Ball continues to thrive in the premiere slot for the foreseeable future, then I feel pretty justified in losing interest in the block a while back.


Yeah, just judging by the ratings, I would think they wouldn't go right into Stardust, if at all, BUT I have heard rumblings on Twitter from some VAs that would indicate it's coming sooner rather than later.


Yeah, just judging by the ratings, I would think they wouldn't go right into Stardust, if at all, BUT I have heard rumblings on Twitter from some VAs that would indicate it's coming sooner rather than later.


That's what I love about Richard Epcar. He just straight up tells you about things he's working on that haven't even been announced, like Lupin.He's probably one of the nicest most accessible VAs out there


That's what I love about Richard Epcar. He just straight up tells you about things he's working on that haven't even been announced, like Lupin.He's probably one of the nicest most accessible VAs out there

The thought of Epcar as old man Joseph gives me a massive stiffy.


The thought of Epcar as old man Joseph gives me a massive stiffy.

Epcar was at ACEN last year (last year? whenever it was) when they screened the first three "test dub" episodes of Stardust Crusaders. It was magical all the way around.


I'd give it another week or two before we find out what JoJo's 1/2's replacement is. And if it is Stardust Crusaders, they'll probably take some extra time because a lot of their audience has already assumed it's coming.


I'd give it another week or two before we find out what JoJo's 1/2's replacement is. And if it is Stardust Crusaders, they'll probably take some extra time because a lot of their audience has already assumed it's coming.


Considering that slot's first vacancy would be April 29th, I'm thinking March 29th for the announcement kinda like they did with Kai and Super being announced on December 7th for a January 7th debut, and Ghost In The Shell HD on like January 4th for a February 4th debut!


Then again, Tokyo Ghoul was a complete surprise on March 10th for its March 25th debut, so maybe not?


Considering that slot's first vacancy would be April 29th, I'm thinking March 29th for the announcement kinda like they did with Kai and Super being announced on December 7th for a January 7th debut, and Ghost In The Shell HD on like January 4th for a February 4th debut!


Then again, Tokyo Ghoul was a complete surprise on March 10th for its March 25th debut, so maybe not?


They love to keep us off balance when it comes to show reveals. Sometimes its at conventions, other times its PreFlight, and every now and then  its on a food truck  :-D


We got Anime Boston this weekend, where I believe they will be premiering the first episode of Stardust. We may here something about it soon. No doubt though that it'll be on the air by the summer, even if they get a 12 episode show to temporarily take its place. I feel like Toonami was willing to let Part 1/2 play out to get to the more popular Part 3 which would be a better match for the DBZ crowd. I think the thing to do is to give it a small break, run something short, and come back with promos that highlight the action.


If it does end up being shown without a break, I hope at least it gets its own marketing and promo anyway .  Each new Jojo should be treated as a new series and not just the next episode.I think part of the problem with Phantom Blood/Battle Tendency is that no one get any heads up that this was anything different. If people were turned off by part 1 and left, they had nothing telling them to come back and give this a try.  Hell, it still shows Jonathan and Dio on my DVR guide. Especially since they did 2 episodes in one night when the switch occurred, it would've been cool to get some kind of promo about a brand new Jojo starting up.


My wife is usually willing now to give anything new Toonami airs a try. She was going to drop Jojo after episode 2. (her quote "I get it! Jojo and Dio don't like each other! ") so I had to give her heads up that it wouldn't be this way for long and once Joseph took over it'll be way better, so she hung around. Now she loves it. But if I hadn't told her it would change, she would be gone and I had to sort of ruin the surprise of Jojo. I feel like a lot of casuals need to know that Jojo still isn't about 2 step brothers fighting each other in the 1800s.


Why would they premiere the first episode of Stardust at Anime Boston? Besides, that wouldn't exactly be a premiere since it looks like they'll be using those test dubs for the first 3 episodes. Maybe they'll show the first 3 episodes and premiere the FOURTH episode??


Why would they premiere the first episode of Stardust at Anime Boston? Besides, that wouldn't exactly be a premiere since it looks like they'll be using those test dubs for the first 3 episodes. Maybe they'll show the first 3 episodes and premiere the FOURTH episode??




Yeah it just says "special episodes" premere hosted by Viz media.  No idea what that means.




Yeah it just says "special episodes" premere hosted by Viz media.  No idea what that means.

I was just looking at this. It does say "East Coast premiere," which could mean it's the same episodes that premiere-premiered at ACEN. But since all they say is "special episodes," it's hard to tell. It could just be the next few episodes of the Battle Tendency dub for all I know.


But with the Japanese director there (and Johnny Yong Bosch and Patrick Seitz) it should be fun either way.


I was just looking at this. It does say "East Coast premiere," which could mean it's the same episodes that premiere-premiered at ACEN. But since all they say is "special episodes," it's hard to tell. It could just be the next few episodes of the Battle Tendency dub for all I know.


But with the Japanese director there (and Johnny Yong Bosch and Patrick Seitz) it should be fun either way.


Probably wouldn't be the next few episodes of the Battle Tendency dub, since they're not dub premieres. Remember, Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency were released by Warner almost a year before the first episode of JoJo premiered on Toonami!


Also, JYB gets recast as someone new in Stardust Crusaders!? Interesting, because he's not in Battle Tendency!


Probably wouldn't be the next few episodes of the Battle Tendency dub, since they're not dub premieres. Remember, Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency were released by Warner almost a year before the first episode of JoJo premiered on Toonami!


Also, JYB gets recast as someone new in Stardust Crusaders!? Interesting, because he's not in Battle Tendency!


Meh, Richard Epcar's played about 10 minor characters already. :D


Meh, Richard Epcar's played about 10 minor characters already. :D


In Gundam, maybe. In JoJo, he's only been the policeman that "New York's" JoJo (the current one) encounters in Episode 10...



so far...



Also, JYB gets recast as someone new in Stardust Crusaders!? Interesting, because he's not in Battle Tendency!


No. He and Seitz are going to be guests at Anime Boston, along with Jojo's Japanese director.


No. He and Seitz are going to be guests at Anime Boston, along with Jojo's Japanese director.


So nothing to do with JoJo? Well alrighty then.



But Seitz will indeed return for Stardust Crusaders...



So nothing to do with JoJo? Well alrighty then.



But Seitz will indeed return for Stardust Crusaders...



Do you think the 3 episodes will get a full rerun or just a partial one to correct the accents and maybe replace the narrator?


In Gundam, maybe. In JoJo, he's only been the policeman that "New York's" JoJo (the current one) encounters in Episode 10...



so far...



Uhhhh...no? :D He was vampirized by Dio in part 1, was one of the gladiator vampires in the arena this week, and has been heard several other times. :D


Do you think the 3 episodes will get a full rerun or just a partial one to correct the accents and maybe replace the narrator?


You mean do I think they'll be redubbed different from the test dub on Crunchyroll? I suppose so, even if they use the same voice actors. But I really don't see why they wouldn't just use the test dubs; those are pretty good!


Maybe we get a different narrator?


No, aside from the fact that he played Jonathan, he has nothing to do with Jojo.


No, I meant his appearance at Anime Boston isn't part of the panel or other events dealing with JoJo, he's just also there.


If it's a panel featuring him, Seitz, and JoJo's Japanese director, that would be something to do with JoJo...



Although it's bizarre why Epcar wouldn't be part of that.



You mean do I think they'll be redubbed different from the test dub on Crunchyroll? I suppose so, even if they use the same voice actors. But I really don't see why they wouldn't just use the test dubs; those are pretty good!


Maybe we get a different narrator?


It's a weird thing. Even if the episodes sound good enough, they were made such a long time ago... and I'd like to know who'd have a problem with including them. :blank:



Uhhhh...no? :D He was vampirized by Dio in part 1, was one of the gladiator vampires in the arena this week, and has been heard several other times. :D


I guess Anime News Network missed a few appearances, then!


In other news, I want to try to do an Unevenedge rewatch of Battle Tendency during the month of April (while Adult Swim is still streaming the episodes) leading up to the season finale on April 22nd! It would be a thorough examination of each episode, capturing the Japanese on-screen action text and translating it!


I guess Anime News Network missed a few appearances, then!


In other news, I want to try to do an Unevenedge rewatch of Battle Tendency during the month of April (while Adult Swim is still streaming the episodes) leading up to the season finale on April 22nd! It would be a thorough examination of each episode, capturing the Japanese on-screen action text and translating it!


You rely on their unreliable database over your own ears? ::D::


You rely on their unreliable database over your own ears? ::D::


Well, it was once hailed as one of the most reliable sources for information on anime!


But yeah, it has gotten quite a bit less reliable in recent years!


You mean do I think they'll be redubbed different from the test dub on Crunchyroll? I suppose so, even if they use the same voice actors. But I really don't see why they wouldn't just use the test dubs; those are pretty good!


Maybe we get a different narrator?


Two  of the characters are portrayed to have accents in this current dub and in the test dub,  they have no accents. so I assumed that Viz would at least redub those characters and leave the rest of it alone.


No, I meant his appearance at Anime Boston isn't part of the panel or other events dealing with JoJo, he's just also there.


If it's a panel featuring him, Seitz, and JoJo's Japanese director, that would be something to do with JoJo...


All three of them are going to be involved in at least one Jojo panel, as I indicated in my first post. (I'm not sure where you got the idea of him being recast in Stardust Crusaders.) The news blurb doesn't specify which guests are going to be involved with the episode screening, but I'd expect the director at the very least and possibly Johnny and Seitz even if they're not in the episodes they're showing.


Two  of the characters are portrayed to have accents in this current dub and in the test dub,  they have no accents. so I assumed that Viz would at least redub those characters and leave the rest of it alone.


I don't remember that, because of course I only watched it once, and on the same night Space Dandy Season 2 premiered, but you might be right.



Also, it's 48 freakin' years later, so who's to say they wouldn't just naturally "lose" their accents over time?



I don't remember that, because of course I only watched it once, and on the same night Space Dandy Season 2 premiered, but you might be right.



Also, it's 48 freakin' years later, so who's to say they wouldn't just naturally "lose" their accents over time?




In the teaser for SC at the end this season, Richard Epcar uses an accent. So I would be inconsistent if they didn't redub it. They could've used that part to change it up but they didn't. Dio sounds more like a regular Patrick Seitz character in the test dub rather than the voice he uses in Phantom Blood also.




In the teaser for SC at the end this season, Richard Epcar uses an accent. So I would be inconsistent if they didn't redub it. They could've used that part to change it up but they didn't. Dio sounds more like a regular Patrick Seitz character in the test dub rather than the voice he uses in Phantom Blood also.



Well OK then. The question is, would a minor recast such as this reclassify Episodes 1-3 of Stardust Crusaders as dub premieres?


Well OK then. The question is, would a minor recast such as this reclassify Episodes 1-3 of Stardust Crusaders as dub premieres?


Since it's a unique case, I suppose it could be classified either way ! It certainly would be after episode 4. I wonder if they'll keep  "Walk Like an Egyptian"?  I don't think the test dub did..


Since it's a unique case, I suppose it could be classified either way ! It certainly would be after episode 4. I wonder if they'll keep  "Walk Like an Egyptian"?  I don't think the test dub did...


Somehow I believe Toonami will come through on that, even if Battle Tendency isn't doing as well as they had hoped.



If by "hot fire boyfriend", you mean Avdol, then he's voiced by Chris Tergliafera. He's a fairly new guy, and the only Toonami shows he's been in were SAO II (as a GGO player), OPM (as one of the douchey tank-top guys), and HxH (as Killua's dad).


Hell yeah that's him. Any time there's a hot dude with fire powers, just assume I'm going to pop out of the nearest trash can and claim him as my boyfriend the moment I discover him.  <3


I did like Killua's sexy dad, so this is acceptable.


Also no I totally didn't speed through the rest of part 2 to start on part 3 because I'm impatient and have no self control.




Let's see what comes out of the panel...


No news on Toonami continuing with the series, but Viz is rereleasing it on DVD/BD in a special new Limited Edition package!


And apparently there was a preview for Diamond is Unbreakable? That doesn't even make sense! (I guess that's what "PV" stands for?)


["stands"--Get it?]


There was a short trailer-type video for Diamond is Unbreakable. It was pretty rad, more of a style thing than just a collection of clips from the show.


They also showed a clip from the dub of episode 5 of Stardust Crusaders, which they said was not necessarily the finished cut. I didn't recognize Polnareff's VA, but Epcar and Mercer are definitely still in their roles from the test dub, and Avdol sounded like the same guy too. Polnareff didn't have a French accent, but he did say "Monsieur." I don't recall anybody else having any particular accents.


At Director Tsuda's panel he was asked about prospects for animating part 5, and it sounded like nothing had been confirmed by the suits yet, but he definitely wants to do the project.


Later on in the weekend they aired the Stardust Crusaders test dub, which was their special "East Coast premiere" event thing. Nothing new there, but it was fun to see again.

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