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Ceci n'est pas une ressource...


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1 hour ago, eklipse said:

Ok, you made me curious.  So, “this is not a resource”?  Kind of like how the below is titled, “this is not a pipe”?

https://www.thehistoryofart.org/rene-magritte/the-treachery-of-images/  [The Treachery of Images]

And hey you ranked up!



Yes, but I want to paint a copy and glue a "real" dollar bill to it, just to help get the point across. :LithiumSmileyLMAO::headspinning:

This parody was my idea, but I also saw a painting of an angler fish with money on the lure, which was similarly revealing... :LithiumSmileyLaugh:

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By the time this thread is over, my ignored user list won't be missing any of the assholes :LithiumSmiley::painfap:

Edited by Lasty
so come on down and be a dick so I can complete my collection!
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9 minutes ago, Lasty said:

By the time this thread is over, my ignored user list won't be missing any of the assholes :LithiumSmiley::painfap:


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3 minutes ago, LoverDemon said:

I mean I thought they were just joking, since I was joking around, but if they took me seriously, I wasn't trying to be a dick, just having fun. It's cool either way, internet misunderstandings happen all the time.

No, it was in response to me, as I am being a dick. I won't go into detail, as to not be more dickish, but I don't really care.

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Someone is altering the website function. Multiple assholes on my ignored user list made posts that were visible AFTER  they had been blocked.

Stuff for mods to look into...

Edited by Lasty
I wonder if it was a user or if the corruption is systemic... >___>
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20 minutes ago, Lasty said:

Someone is altering the website function. Multiple assholes on my ignored user list made posts that were visible AFTER  they had been blocked.

Stuff for mods to look into...

No one  is altering the site function.  If you refresh a thread with someone who's on your blocked user list, the system doesn't always block the user.  If you leave the thread and come back, the post will be blocked.

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Well then, since we're being all reminiscent and shit, I recall an IB thread where the OP was complaining about money and a certain someone was like "yOu WoUlDn'T bE fAcInG tHiS iSsUe If We HaD a ReSoUrCe-BaSeD eCoNoMy."

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20 hours ago, The_annoying_one said:

I read this entire thread and I am…..very confused. :LithiumSmileyLaugh:

The treachery of images is a famous joke painting of a smoking pipe that has a caption: this is not a pipe. The point is, a painting cannot be used to smoke tobacco, therefore the painting is not a pipe, but a facsimile of one. It was the first meme ever, I think? lol

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18 minutes ago, Lasty said:

The treachery of images is a famous joke painting of a smoking pipe that has a caption: this is not a pipe. The point is, a painting cannot be used to smoke tobacco, therefore the painting is not a pipe, but a facsimile of one. It was the first meme ever, I think? lol

That’s not entirely correct.  The point is that an image doesn’t capture the true essence of what it represents.  Magritte, like his fellow surrealists, was exploring the use of iconography in art and how symbolism could  warp under the intense glare of the viewer.  In overly simplistic terms, the image isn’t what you think it is specifically because you see a pipe.

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17 hours ago, katt_goddess said:

I feel like you missed the whole 'Sponge's Asshole' arc.

Trust me, you want to miss that one. :D :D :D 

lol! i vaguely remember that, i caught a brief part of that being brought up a lot but i never actually saw his asshole. i don't even remember when that was 

how is sponges these days, btw? haven't seen him in a while lol

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8 hours ago, Lasty said:

sure this isn't a projection, and that I responded in kind to the intrusion of said sentiment?

Твоя мати була хом'яком, а твій батько пахнув ягодами бузини Ягоди!

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