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The November Replacement is Made in Abyss (Another Poke Sorta-Megapost)

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Posted (edited)

There's probably already a thread like this out there already, but whatever. We're a little over two weeks away from November 5th, the first Saturday after the most recent Toonami schedule. With Lupin Part 6 having ended and Housing Complex C coming really close to ending, it's natural to assume that they'll be replaced by new acquisitions, ones I've dubbed the "November Replacements". Naturally, I've prepared for the possibility of there being zero replacements made, a rehash of last year's exhausting buy for time. But if there were replacements to be made, what would they be? What could they be? After much thought I've come up with five "Potential Replacements" (yes, I proper-nouned that) that I could see Toonami picking up for a broadcast starting next month at the earliest.

(I wrote the below paragraphs up last night in a sort of journalistic essay style, with a couple tweaks made for public viewing, so bear with me.)

Potential Replacement #1 is Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War. This one’s a no-brainer. The original Bleach was an [adult swim] mainstay for the better and worse parts of its eight-year run, even serving as Toonami’s anchor for the first few years of its revival. Nowadays, with no reliable anchors in stock between our only Dragon Balls being reruns, Zaslav writing off every original that’s less than commercially stellar, and the surefire hits being under lock and key by a streaming service that doesn’t realize that Netflix is already the Netflix of anime… even a split-cour version of Bleach would be acceptable midnight slot material. With VIZ holding the U.S. master license, and no word of Disney+ having their mitts on it stateside, plus its dub having a scheduled premiere of the Friday after this year’s Halloween marathon (featuring the first four episodes of only the second worst anime to ever air on the supposedly Better Cartoon Show), Bleach being the first, if not only November Replacement will be one that’s as unsurprising as it is welcome.

Potential Replacement #2 is My Hero Academia season 6. On the other hand, this one has a much slimmer shot of getting on. Two words: Crunchyroll Monopoly. FUNimation held the rights to My Hero since the beginning, but now that it’s been absorbed into Crunchyroll, their “no TV broadcast for you” policy may affect it as well. There’s a single workaround to that, though, and that’s the Japanese licensor. Demarco admitted that certain shows under the Crunchyroll umbrella can be acquired through the Japanese side of production. It was through Sunrise that they got all those Gundams; it was through TMS that they got all those Lupins; and it was through Toei that we managed to regain One Piece. And that’s without getting into how they used their partnership with Production I.G to reverse IGPX’s write-off… So yeah, Toonami could go through TOHO Animation, who wants My Hero on TV in America, to get My Hero back on American TV, but we don’t know how much sway Crunchyroll has over that decision, so we can’t hold too much confidence. After all, if they can’t go through the Japanese side to get season 2 of Mob or SPYxFAMILY on the block, what hope does My Hero Academia have?

Of course, there’s always other U.S. licensors besides Crunchyroll to get your shit from. VIZ being one of them, like I said. The other being Sentai, who we’ve seen greater amounts of content from lately, between Made in Abyss and Lupin Part 6. In fact, the second season of Made in Abyss is Potential Replacement #3. But there’s a problem with airing The Golden City of the Scorching Sun on November 5th. You see, there’s a movie in-between the two seasons of Abyss that’s kind of required watching. They leave Layer 4 in the season 1 finale, they arrive in Layer 6 in the season 2 premiere, and Dawn of the Deep Soul is where everything having to do with Layer 5 goes down. (More than necessary, I might add.) Now, the movie airing on Toonami also is just as possible, but only in the timeline where Black Lotus was cut short in reruns for low ratings and not in an attempt by Zaslav to memory-hole it. (Idiot doesn’t know how seriously animation fans take preservationism.) Between that disappointing reality, the ongoing movie embargo outside of special events, and S&P’s own brand of stinginess, Dawn of the Deep Soul may wind up being an outside-Toonami watch on my part, and only if The Golden City of the Scorching Sun is the only one to make it on the block.

Potential Replacement #4, meanwhile, is a Sentai title that doesn’t require any special movies for broadcast, but is even less likely than Abyss season 2 on account of its obscurity. The Kaiji anime has been a favorite of mine since I watched the first season all throughout the month of March 2011, balanced daily with two chapters of Nana to Kaoru. It wasn’t until the Tonegawa spin-off that the franchise would experience the thrills of having an English dub, and this year, three after Sentai licensed both seasons, Kaiji himself will follow suit. Announcements were made earlier this year that season 1 of Kaiji, subtitled “Ultimate Survivor”, will premiere on the HIDIVE streaming service in "Q4", or this autumn. But to date, no word has been given on exactly when the dub is premiering, let alone who’s going to be in it. (Calling it now, Blake Shepard as Kaiji, and everyone who was already in Tonegawa’s dub reprises their roles.) So it’s possible they may be trying for a parallel premiere setup, where the Toonami broadcast and HIDIVE release are done in close proximity to one another. A more than fitting follow-up for Lupin Part 6’s dub, a fellow practitioner of the parallel premiere. (At least, until the marathons and movie nights started trickling in.) It’s a real stretch, but it’s not an improbable guess, let alone an impossible one.

What’s really improbable, though, is, the final Potential Replacement, #5: Magic Knight Rayearth. I know. There’s a lot to it, and I mean a lot, working against it. It’s as old as me. The dub is early Bang Zoom and therefore super-stilted. It’s not the kind of thing you’d imagine airing on a block normally watched by teenage boys and adult men, being one of those shounen-shoujo fusion manga titles. And I've already seen season 1, so personally, it would be more than a little redundant. But there’s some stuff going for it too. Demarco said he was hoping to air older anime as a substitute for the shows they want that are being gatekept by Crunchyroll, and Rayearth fits that bill. Toonami has licensed shows directly from TMS, TMS produced Rayearth, so it’s fair game in that sense too. While it is being streamed by Crunchyroll, the U.S. license is being held by Discotek – whose regular practice of not picking up broadcast rights is another reason to go through TMS – so no worry of being frozen out on that front. And let’s not forget Toonami wanting to air Rayearth back when it was new and fresh, and missing out on that chance because Fox Kids snapped it up and sat on the rights, just to keep it from being made big by the superior block. Lastly… there’s gotta be a reason behind that Rayearth poster that showed up in Housing Complex C’s first episode, especially when the only overlap in staff and cast are Wada and Koba voicing Alcyone and Geo Metro respectively in both dubs, and Toonami having the rights to air Rayearth would be a good reason to include it, even if it is a bit silly.

Still, we can’t be certain that the November Replacements are Bleach, My Hero, Abyss, Kaiji or Rayearth. As I said earlier, it could be none of the above. But like all announcements, we cant be certain of anything until the moment the announcement is made. Except for the time gen:LOCK got on Toonami, but that was a lucky conjecture. (Word of advice, Toonami? Keep season 2 of that shit the hell away from your block, unless you wanna make season 2 of Promised Neverland look like a “Top 5 Shows Ever Broadcast” contender.)

So, your thoughts? Anything I might have missed, or have I gotten all the reasonables covered?

Edited by PokeNirvash
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Posted (edited)

Let's see here -

1.  Bleach is wholly dependent on how much Disney put up for the rights.  Yes it's on Hulu here, but Disney practically owns the service (and once the remaining owners sell their shares in a few years, it's widely speculated Disney will mothball the service and integrate it into Disney + similarly to how they've done so internationally).  But if Viz is running the show, it might be doable.

2.  MHA is probably dependent on the pre-signed contract and if [adult swim] has  a right of first refusal.  My guess is CR wants to break the contract and keep the show for itself (and Hulu!) but it may not be feasible.

3.  That movie is the wrench in the proverbial gears.  Given it's required viewing, there's no TV show style airing the way Demon Slayer did for Mugen Train, it's probably not an option.

4.  Now we're entering the "theoretical, but outside of the realm of common knowledge."  Nothing is stopping Kaiji from airing (unfriendly licensors, costs, lack of dub, etc), but...why?

5.  This meanwhile, is outside the realm of possibility.  It's too old, the dub is from the mid-90s and sounds like it, and just because of a cameo in Housing Complex C and appearances in Super Robot Wars T and 30 means they want to push older material.  What I DO think might be possible, to everyone's admitted consternation, is that Netflix, who has a relationship with CLAMP and TMS, just out and out remakes the show, because a magical girl/isekai/super robot anime is the sort of raw, concentrate anime per square inch those guys love.  And given Rayearth's recent re-emergence in other products, a remake to sell the franchise makes more sense than showing outdated material.


l’m sticking with my standard but generally accurate prediction -


Edited by Jman
  • Sad 1

Been trying to figure this out since the start of the month when the October schedules came out, and there isn’t a single option that feels like a safe bet. Your first 3 options make the most sense, and if it was 2019, those wouldn’t be predictions, those would be inevitability’s. We would have a power hour of Bleach/MHA in the lead, and MiA tucked a little later.

I’d say something like Kaiji had as much chance as anything else in the Sentai catalog. We did get MiA, so there is some precedent they don’t mind going back a few years, but only time will tell if they are willing to give another Sentai show a chance. 

As for the super old stuff, Demarco may want to air it, but I think he has a steep uphill battle convincing his superiors that stuff that old isn’t a money pit. 

Posted (edited)

Hm, I honestly have no idea what we might get, if anything. As you said, there is a chance we do not get anything new. I am more or less just hoping we could get something like MiA S2 or Bleach TYBW.

I think if we do get something new in November, that MiA S2 has the best chance. The dubs are just about done coming out and depending on if Toonami does get it then, I could completely seeing them just not showing Dawn of the Deep Soul and going right to S2. Who knows, maybe they show the Movie and S2, but I doubt it. My hopes are on them getting S2 for November, and if not then, maybe farther in the future. But my hopes are on MiA.

I do not even see us getting more than one new replacement, if anything at all, and any other additions to the block just being reruns maybe? But what do I know? I can only hope that we could get a few new replacements next month, or soon after. Anything is welcome to me. We will see.. 

Edited by atomicinumatt
4 hours ago, atomicinumatt said:

do not even see us getting more than one new replacement, if anything at all, and any other additions to the block just being reruns maybe?

This is another thing worth discussing. In total, the November 5th schedule has a whopping 4 slots to answer for. HCC which is the major one, Lupin, and both MiA slots. Double Naruto could stick around which would handle one, but those rerun slots are tricky. With the 3 CR originals written off, the options for that slot are limited. The last run of Bebop made a pretty good case that fans are finally getting tired of it, and we have been so sparse on content this year anyway there really aren’t many acquired shows to fall back on. I would not be surprised at all if the a November 5th schedule drops and it’s one slot lighter, with the other rerun going to, unfortunately, the other 7 episodes of TPN S2. Then next year, that slot could be cut as well. It’s not ideal, but I do have a feeling that the block is currently overextended for its budget and staff. 

Slightly related, but as we are now at the end of the day on Friday and November 5th schedules will be going live soon and we have no announcements, my already low expectations for good news have decreased slightly more. 

  • Thanks 1
13 hours ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

This is another thing worth discussing. In total, the November 5th schedule has a whopping 4 slots to answer for. HCC which is the major one, Lupin, and both MiA slots. Double Naruto could stick around which would handle one, but those rerun slots are tricky. With the 3 CR originals written off, the options for that slot are limited. The last run of Bebop made a pretty good case that fans are finally getting tired of it, and we have been so sparse on content this year anyway there really aren’t many acquired shows to fall back on. I would not be surprised at all if the a November 5th schedule drops and it’s one slot lighter, with the other rerun going to, unfortunately, the other 7 episodes of TPN S2. Then next year, that slot could be cut as well. It’s not ideal, but I do have a feeling that the block is currently overextended for its budget and staff. 

Slightly related, but as we are now at the end of the day on Friday and November 5th schedules will be going live soon and we have no announcements, my already low expectations for good news have decreased slightly more. 

You definitely have a point, with 4 slots opening up, there is a lot of room to fill. I am all for Bebop coming back for reruns but I know that that is probably not the best route for ratings. I would not mind some of the other Toonami/[as] classics for a bit of a nostalgia line up.

It does seem that they may just shorten the block, as you mentioned. November is less than two weeks away and we have not heard of anything new announced yet. I know [as] and Toonami can be rather last minute with announcements but I do not have a good feeling either..

Like I said, at this point I am just hoping that we get one new, decent show but I am fully prepared to take the diarrhea to the face haha

Posted (edited)

Crazy theory for 5-hour expanded-by-DST-end Toonami:

12 AM - Made In Abyss Dawn of Deep Soul

2:30 - One Piece ×2

2:30 again - Shippuden

3 AM - TPN 205

3:30 - Primal or Lupin

It COULD work!

Edited by OwlChemist81

As far as new content is concerned, I'm ride or die with Bleach: TYBW. Not sure what else could fill midnight, though I'm also wondering if Toonami has enough left in the coffers to be able to get it. What might replace the reruns is a topic I find more interesting. I have a feeling we're going to get TPN S2, maybe restarting from the first episode of S2 because why not, and then an immediate rerun of either HCC or Lupin. Other options they could throw on include the FLCL sequels (seriously, we're overdue for a rerun of those), Ghost in the Shell: SAC, or even Attack on Titan from whatever season they want. Related to the last one, I think now is the time for [as] to consider giving the show a long-awaited weekday strip ahead of the really-definitely-final season (we mean it this time) coming next year.

2 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

I mean hell they should still have Big O season 2 forever, right? Could they not just throw that in a rerun slot to fill time for a couple months?

Now here's an idea: go to Sentai and ask them for HD tapes of both seasons. We need another excuse to use those sweet pillarbox space graphics. If that doesn't work, this is one way they could stall for time.

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Crazy theory for 5-hour expanded-by-DST-end Toonami:

Oof I completely forgot about DST.

Wonder what we will get for the extra hour. Obviously I would love to get Dawn of the Deep Soul or something but honestly anything would satisfy me so long as we get an extra hour of Toonami scheduling.

2 hours ago, Blatch said:

Now here's an idea: go to Sentai and ask them for HD tapes of both seasons. We need another excuse to use those sweet pillarbox space graphics. If that doesn't work, this is one way they could stall for time.

That’s money out the door though. If they have Sentai on the phone and their checkbook in their hand, they don’t need to stall for time, they need to request something new to Toonami out of the Sentai catalog. With 4 open slots, the lowest priority ones are the rerun slots. It doesn’t really matter what show they pick for that hour, it’s gonna struggle to hold 100k viewers. 

44 minutes ago, atomicinumatt said:

Oof I completely forgot about DST.

Wonder what we will get for the extra hour. Obviously I would love to get Dawn of the Deep Soul or something but honestly anything would satisfy me so long as we get an extra hour of Toonami scheduling.

Hasn’t the block just ignored DST the past few years? My first guess would be they throw an hours worth of those R&M shorts there. Of course, claiming on Facebook it’s part of Toonami, only to have it all air after the later 

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

Hasn’t the block just ignored DST the past few years? My first guess would be they throw an hours worth of those R&M shorts there. Of course, claiming on Facebook it’s part of Toonami, only to have it all air after the later 

I honestly cannot remember what [as] did for DST the last couple years. But in reality you are probably right, I could easily see them just either ignoring it or rerunning some crap like the shorts. 

If it is any actual Toonami programming I will be surprised and more than happy though.

Posted (edited)

In 2021, Toonami ran all 12 episodes of Fena: Pirate Princess from 12 AM-5 AM, taking advantage of the bonus hour to squeeze 6 hours of Fena into 5 hours.

They did likewise in 2020, marathonning all of The Promised Neverland Season 1 from 12-5 AM. That just happened to be Halloween Night.

In 2019, the bonus hour was on November 2nd-3rd, and I really can't remember what they did for it. Consult Swimpedia for the answer.

The last time Toonami really did something interesting for the bonus hour was November 5-6th, 2016, when Toonami began the movie Children Who Chase Lost Voices at the 2nd 2 AM (advertised as 3 AM).

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Like 1
1 minute ago, OwlChemist81 said:

In 2021, Toonami ran all 12 episodes of Fena: Pirate Princess from 12 AM-5 AM, taking advantage of the bonus hour to squeeze 6 hours of Fena into 5 hours.

They did likewise in 2020, marathonning all of The Promised Neverland Season 1 from 12-5 AM. That just happened to be Halloween Night.

In 2019, the bonus hour was on November 2nd-3rd, and I really can't remember what they did for it. Consult Swimpedia for the answer.

Maybe we will get PN then since its also having a mini marathon Halloween weekend? 

Posted (edited)

That's actually possible. Episodes 5-6 WOULD fit nicely at the 2nd 2 AM hour, and Episodes 7-8 would follow at 3 AM.

Then maybe finish off the rerun with 9-11 the following week beginning at 2:30? Not a bad stall tactic if they can't get a new show yet.

Edited by OwlChemist81
Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

That's actually possible. Episodes 5-6 WOULD fit nicely at the 2nd 2 AM hour, and Episodes 7-8 would follow at 3 AM.

Then maybe finish off the rerun with 9-11 the following week beginning at 2:30? Not a bad stall tactic if they can't get a new show yet.

Definitely maybe probably this then. 

With the way things have been going I do not see them spending anything for scheduling that weekend. If they do anything at all for that block then it will probably be reruns and they are already pulling out PN next weekend. My money is on that. Maybe MiA or some other reruns. 

Edited by atomicinumatt
4 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

That's actually possible. Episodes 5-6 WOULD fit nicely at the 2nd 2 AM hour, and Episodes 7-8 would follow at 3 AM.

Then maybe finish off the rerun with 9-11 the following week beginning at 2:30? Not a bad stall tactic if they can't get a new show yet.

At this point in the year, if they are still stalling for time there’s a solid chance the above prediction of nothing at all is what we are getting. Accounting for standard marathons, we only have 6 regular Toonami nights left this year. If there is nothing announced for the 5th then we are most likely done for the year 


Well, here's what we know so far:

YashaHime returns in 2 weeks. That's it. We don't know what timeslot it will be in, nor what else is airing that night at all. It's possible we could get the MiA Dawn of Deep Soul movie at 12:30 or later, but it's a pretty safe bet it won't be at Midnight. One Piece and Naruto Shippuden didn't say they weren't returning in 2 weeks, but they also didn't say they were!


I think I've seen someone mention it here before, but one Sentai property they could go after if it's available is Ushio & Tora. It's a 2015 MAPPA adaptation of a mid-90s shonen manga that's apparently pretty badass. Can't imagine it would cost an arm and a leg either.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Well, here's what we know so far:

YashaHime returns in 2 weeks. That's it. We don't know what timeslot it will be in, nor what else is airing that night at all. It's possible we could get the MiA Dawn of Deep Soul movie at 12:30 or later, but it's a pretty safe bet it won't be at Midnight. One Piece and Naruto Shippuden didn't say they weren't returning in 2 weeks, but they also didn't say they were!

This is why the stalling stuff is so annoying. They are probably already committed to a schedule for the 5th at this point, but they just won’t tell us what it is for reasons. 

1 hour ago, Top Gun said:

I think I've seen someone mention it here before, but one Sentai property they could go after if it's available is Ushio & Tora. It's a 2015 MAPPA adaptation of a mid-90s shonen manga that's apparently pretty badass. Can't imagine it would cost an arm and a leg either.

If the criteria is “has action” the Sentai catalog has a boatload of content they could be choosing from. It always irks me when I see people claim we don’t get Sentai shows because they don’t have anything that fits the block. Ushio and Tora is just one of many examples they could grab if they would step one foot out of their comfort zone

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, CountFrylock said:

it's wednesday and still no schedule update for 11/5




Still awaiting confirmation whether that's actually S6 or is indeed S5. Did they forget they aired 5 seasons?

Yay for MiA S2, but BOO for not airing the movie. And I guess the first 4 episodes of TPN will be just a one-off after all. But this does beg the question as to what airs in the 3 AM hour that night... 🤔 

Edited by OwlChemist81
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What on earth kind of mess is this? Going back to MHA S5 just screams confirmation CR shows are out no matter what. 

MiA S2 is neat, no movie is not. And thanks for putting it in front of Yashahime. 

I don’t love One Piece, but it tastes a lot better two episodes a week. Why are we dropping that? 

Personally I’m sick of Primal but given their rerun options, it’s the best card they have

  • Like 1
On 10/21/2022 at 6:31 AM, PokeNirvash said:

Between that disappointing reality, the ongoing movie embargo outside of special events, and S&P’s own brand of stinginess, Dawn of the Deep Soul may wind up being an outside-Toonami watch on my part, and only if The Golden City of the Scorching Sun is the only one to make it on the block.


1 hour ago, OwlChemist81 said:



Hot dog, we have a wiener!

Can't say I'm too surprised that they're skipping Dawn of the Deep Soul and going straight to Season 2. Or that they're relying on MHA reruns for the premiere slot. Really, I guess I'm just glad we got something instead of nothing.

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1

Now that Nov 5th is out of the way, it’s time to look at  Nov 12th. Every single year DST screws me up, but I’m looking at the 5th, and it’s the same length as any other night. But when you erase the bonus hour, we lose 2 slots. 

I did hypothesize that they may opt to cut the rerun hour, so if that’s the case here and not just poor communication about DST, I won’t be surprised. The unfortunate implication here though is they are cutting an hour, but we keep one rerun and the second OP is the other victim. In the past, I have considered AS continues to buy OP by the arc, so if this ends up being a permanent change, should we be worried that AS only bought Fishman Island and Punk Hazard, and for some reason can’t get more so they feel the need to pad out Punk Hazard?

  • Like 2
31 minutes ago, Sketch said:

Thanks for reminding me that we’re never getting Nomad on Toonami. Such a shame.

Another one lost to Crunchyroll.

Which is a damn dirty shame.

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

What on earth kind of mess is this? Going back to MHA S5 just screams confirmation CR shows are out no matter what. 

MiA S2 is neat, no movie is not. And thanks for putting it in front of Yashahime. 

I don’t love One Piece, but it tastes a lot better two episodes a week. Why are we dropping that? 

Personally I’m sick of Primal but given their rerun options, it’s the best card they have

it really feels like they could only afford 1 new show and that was MIA S2....

Demarco only clarified that MHA will be S5 reruns and that's not a typo

so i can only assume they ran out of money to acquire more than one new show at this point

30 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

Jason Demarco responded about MHA



Oof, I knew this was the case with how short the blurb was on Facebook, but it still hurts to see it. A 6 month long commitment to a midnight rerun does not paint a bright future for the block. 

And now knowing they did in fact cross their T’s and dot their i’s, I have to assume the lost hour and lost One Piece was no error either. So Toonami has 6 slots, 2 of which are reruns. Why not just give us the Two Piece combo still? 

12 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

it really feels like they could only afford 1 new show and that was MIA S2....

Demarco only clarified that MHA will be S5 reruns and that's not a typo

so i can only assume they ran out of money to acquire more than one new show at this point

It’s probably not cost related, and more like Mob S2 where it’s simply not for sale to Toonami. 

1 minute ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

Oof, I knew this was the case with how short the blurb was on Facebook, but it still hurts to see it. A 6 month long commitment to a midnight rerun does not paint a bright future for the block. 

And now knowing they did in fact cross their T’s and dot their i’s, I have to assume the lost hour and lost One Piece was no error either. So Toonami has 6 slots, 2 of which are reruns. Why not just give us the Two Piece combo still? 

It’s probably not cost related, and more like Mob S2 where it’s simply not for sale to Toonami. 

that doesn't explain why they don't wanna get anything from sentai except MIA S2....

what i find odd is unlike last year where demarco straight up admitted there was nothing and they had to stall to get into the new year for more content

it's just...radio silence on that front now with fans speculating like crazy on if there's anything to look forward to at all

Made In Abyss S2 isn't a show that can carry the block by itself(especially without the movie to tell the average viewer about things that would confuse them otherwise)and MHA S5 reruns aren't gonna do what a lead show is suppose to do...lead people to the block

tell me why would reruns of S5 attract people to toonami?


10 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

that doesn't explain why they don't wanna get anything from sentai except MIA S2....

what i find odd is unlike last year where demarco straight up admitted there was nothing and they had to stall to get into the new year for more content

it's just...radio silence on that front now with fans speculating like crazy on if there's anything to look forward to at all

Made In Abyss S2 isn't a show that can carry the block by itself(especially without the movie to tell the average viewer about things that would confuse them otherwise)and MHA S5 reruns aren't gonna do what a lead show is suppose to do...lead people to the block

tell me why would reruns of S5 attract people to toonami?


They won’t. That said, they will still probably pull better numbers than HCC did. 

We have seen this happen before. They just don’t want to start anything new or take any risks. We also don’t know what Zaslav is up to behind the scenes. Cutting One Piece down was not something I had on my bingo card and is something that actually does make me a little nervous 

  • Confused 1
6 minutes ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

They won’t. That said, they will still probably pull better numbers than HCC did. 

We have seen this happen before. They just don’t want to start anything new or take any risks. We also don’t know what Zaslav is up to behind the scenes. Cutting One Piece down was not something I had on my bingo card and is something that actually does make me a little nervous 

if i recall S5 had quite a good number of criticism's thrown it's way due to the joint training story and how they rearranged the next two stories

nobody seemed to be in any hurry to revisit S5...

Posted (edited)

You know what the craziest thing about this is? When MHA premiered last year, it never actually aired at Midnight. It followed Dragon Ball Super and Fena, airing at 12:30 AM instead.

I wonder if this means we get Season 6 next May or something, but I'm not even holding my breath on that. Perhaps when/if we get the 8 PM hour back in 2023, this rerun moves there? Doubled-up, it could still mean we get Season 6 by March or so. Then again, IIRC, we DID have the Overhaul arc of Season 4 airing in an 8 PM power hour at the beginning of 2020 while new episodes of the back half of Season 4 aired at Midnight so maybe the plan is to do something like that again?

T.O.M. certainly seems to have the Absolution on auto-pilot these days. Premiering Made In Abyss Season 2 is a plus but without first airing the canonical movie, it kinda falls flat. Guess we'll just ride into the holidays with only 4 premieres and hope better days are ahead somehow in 2023...

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

if i recall S5 had quite a good number of criticism's thrown it's way due to the joint training story and how they rearranged the next two stories

nobody seemed to be in any hurry to revisit S5...

Nobody was in a hurry to revisit Super as our lead show for 10 months either. I think we are getting MHA S5 purely because they still have a little gas left in its contract. 

1 minute ago, OwlChemist81 said:

You know what the craziest thing about this is? When MHA premiered last year, it never actually aired at Midnight. It followed Dragon Ball Super and Fena, airing at 12:30 AM instead.

I wonder if this means we get Season 6 next May or something, but I'm not even holding my breath on that. Perhaps when/if we get the 8 PM hour back in 2023, this rerun moves there? Doubled-up, it could still mean we get Season 6 by March or so.

T.O.M. certainly seems to have the Absolution on auto-pilot these days. Guess we'll just ride into the holidays with only 4 premieres and hope better days are ahead somehow in 2023...

I’m pretty sure MHA swapped up to midnight after a week or two of outrage at it being behind Super. Then Super was sent to the end where it should have been the entire time. Then the later part of it was at 12:30 because of Fena. 

It’s probably for the best to bury expectations for MHA S6 ever coming. Or any other show from Funimation besides that last stretch of AoT. S3-5 aired on Toonami 5-6 weeks behind their dub release. So it’s already a major hit that we are missing that window. And as we have seen with Mob S2, CR doesn’t seem to care how many years pass on a show, they don’t want Toonami to air it. 

On the AS front, it looks like they may be considering a permanent dropping of 8pm based on some promos on other networks advertising 9pm. Previous years never advertised the time change.  

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  • Confused 1
4 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:


No idea why he insists on being so snarky all the time. He should not be surprised people are upset that what amounts to an entire arc of the series won’t air on the block, and people have a week and a half to source it to be caught up for Toonami. 

Not getting my hopes up for more announcements. Where are they gonna go? We seem to be down an hour, and the next ending show is Yashahime sometime in January. 

Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

No idea why he insists on being so snarky all the time. He should not be surprised people are upset that what amounts to an entire arc of the series won’t air on the block, and people have a week and a half to source it to be caught up for Toonami. 

Not getting my hopes up for more announcements. Where are they gonna go? We seem to be down an hour, and the next ending show is Yashahime sometime in January. 

I Imagine most people aren't gonna do that and will just dip once they stop understanding what's happening in MIA S2

Edited by CountFrylock
Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

YashaHime and MiA probably both last until sometime in February.

which makes the fact that demarco hyped up upcoming announcements odd(coming soon...hopefully he states)

are they seriously gonna announce shows coming next year?

they've already announced the originals on board...so it would have to be acquired content announcements

and there's just nothing concluding anytime soon to insert something new in unless The MHA S5 Rerun is only for a few weeks(not holding my breath on that)

Edited by CountFrylock
  • Confused 1
14 minutes ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

No idea why he insists on being so snarky all the time. He should not be surprised people are upset that what amounts to an entire arc of the series won’t air on the block, and people have a week and a half to source it to be caught up for Toonami. 

Not getting my hopes up for more announcements. Where are they gonna go? We seem to be down an hour, and the next ending show is Yashahime sometime in January. 

DeMarco sounds like he’s at the end of his rope and this is how he deals with it.

Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Jman said:

DeMarco sounds like he’s at the end of his rope and this is how he deals with it.

seems like it....probably got a lot of people tweeting at him about the MHA S5 rerun asking if it was a typo

that combined with questions about dawn of the deep soul probably annoyed him enough to say "Look we aren't allowed to have it okay?...sorry"

Edited by CountFrylock
22 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

YashaHime and MiA probably both last until sometime in February.

MiA S2 is 12 episodes with the finale being another hour long deal. So I think that will put it concluding in the beginning of February unless it the scheduling temporarily changes for a random block?

So wait, are we really losing a whole hour of the block? It seems dumb to not at least run reruns later in the night for the hour we would be losing? What will replace these two lost slots, just regular [as] programming?

Definitely does not seem good for the block. I love MiA (I thought season 2 was amazing) so I am really excited to see it come to the block but it is worrisome if we are actually losing slots. I hope that maybe it is just for DST..


Oh wow, I wasn't expecting my thread to get this popular, let alone become the official "Made in Abyss S2 coming to Toonami" thread... Guess I'd better change the title accordingly.

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  • Haha 2
5 minutes ago, atomicinumatt said:

MiA S2 is 12 episodes with the finale being another hour long deal. So I think that will put it concluding in the beginning of February unless it the scheduling temporarily changes for a random block?

So wait, are we really losing a whole hour of the block? It seems dumb to not at least run reruns later in the night for the hour we would be losing? What will replace these two lost slots, just regular [as] programming?

Definitely does not seem good for the block. I love MiA (I thought season 2 was amazing) so I am really excited to see it come to the block but it is worrisome if we are actually losing slots. I hope that maybe it is just for DST..

Going down to a single episode of one piece per week is really gonna suck given the show's garbage pacing....

  • Sad 1
32 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

and there's just nothing concluding anytime soon to insert something new in unless The MHA S5 Rerun is only for a few weeks(not holding my breath on that)

If they had something close, you would think they would have opted for a more temporary solution. Double Naruto or Yashahime being the obvious picks. Instead opting for the 6+ month solution doesn’t make it seem like anything else is lined up

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