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some people speculate that if one piece were to return it would be in a couple years but my problem with that is the future of toonami is uncertain


nobody knows if it'll be around in 2 years or even 1 year We've seen toonami die before and it could very well happen again


We've seen the downfall of anime blocks before so this would be nothing new


Your fatalism is too much for me, bro.

I've seen toonami die  Once before and it all started with one thing that led to another


Naruto's already on the chopping block so that leaves 2 DBZ Shows HXH And Jojo as the big time players on the block


since there are rumors Jojo's leaving soon anyways  That Means The Block will be held up by 2 DBZ Shows And HXH....take HXH out of the equation and you now have A Block Held up by Severe 90's Nostalgia from Raging DBZ Fanboys




Yeah... but we still have new Samurai Jack and two new seasons of FLCL on the way, which should cover us until at least the middle of next year. And there might be even more new Toonami projects in the pipeline for later on.


Not to mention, when did you ever get the idea that Shippuden was "on the chopping block"?


Yeah... but we still have new Samurai Jack and two new seasons of FLCL on the way, which should cover us until at least the middle of next year. And there might be even more new Toonami projects in the pipeline for later on.


Not to mention, when did you ever get the idea that Shippuden was "on the chopping block"?

If Naruto takes up the 1:30 AM slot that One piece held then it's not gonna survive much longer since it's ratings weren't all that great either


no way it survives a year in that time slot


For what it's worth, OP itself managed to last for two years (well, with some moments at 2:00) down there.

that was before adult swim put it's foot down and got sick of it's shit


i don't think they'll hesitate to knock down the doors and fire people's asses if they try to keep naruto down there for two years



what?  Demarco straight up said that the decision to remove one piece was out of their control and against their wishes on twitter


basically translating to  "The Higher Ups Got sick of their beloved anime tanking the ratings and told them to knock it off"


there is no way in hell Funimation told them to quit it or Toei as that would just give them less of a vehicle to advertise



Shippuden was out scoring One Piece.




One Piece lost.  Toonami endures.  FLCL coming soon,  One less slot on permanent lockdown.


since there are rumors Jojo's leaving soon anyways

Jojo's "leaving soon" because its first season will be finished in a couple of months.  Toonami may or may not pick up the second season, Stardust Crusaders, but even if they do I doubt they'll air it immediately after the first season wraps up.


And none of us know if we'll be around in a few years ourselves, or hell, if anyone will be (Giant Meteor 2020!).  Just watch what you like and enjoy the ride while it lasts.


The only thing we can be sure of and Demarco has said it in the past as well as many others, One Piece will still be around long after Toonami goes away again. Could Toonami be gone in a couple of years? Sure it could. No one really knows though.


The only thing we can be sure of and Demarco has said it in the past as well as many others, One Piece will still be around long after Toonami goes away again. Could Toonami be gone in a couple of years? Sure it could. No one really knows though.

I'm just sad about this because to me One Piece was my reward for staying up so long on saturday night


Naruto isn't as good of a reward to me so it just encourages me to go to sleep early...


this also hurts a lot because One Piece can never catch a break on american television and it seems like unless your DBZ  You Won't be Popular on TV(there are some rare exceptions but they are pretty damn rare)


We did get four good years out of it, which is four more than anyone expected after OG Toonami made it through only half of Skypeia uncut a decade ago and then crapped out.  Who knows, maybe [as] and FUNi can work out a cheaper deal at some point down the line when they have a bit more wiggle room.


We did get four good years out of it, which is four more than anyone expected after OG Toonami made it through only half of Skypeia uncut a decade ago and then crapped out.  Who knows, maybe [as] and FUNi can work out a cheaper deal at some point down the line when they have a bit more wiggle room.

problem with that theory is most people speculate one piece returning in a couple years


but nobody has the patience for that....and even af it returns next year  that's still too long to expect fans to hold out instead of streaming the series


Well then stream it now and watch it again if it winds up on the block.  I've never understood the argument that the existence of streaming precluded someone choosing to watch something in a different context via another medium, especially when you'd be getting a different language version of the series.


Well then stream it now and watch it again if it winds up on the block.  I've never understood the argument that the existence of streaming precluded someone choosing to watch something in a different context via another medium, especially when you'd be getting a different language version of the series.

you can stream the english dub of one piece so it wouldn't be that different




personally, I feel like, as of last week, Toonami's had a phenomenal lineup that will lead to a pretty solid future. I can't see it going anywhere anytime all that soon.


remember that when it first died, the block was populated with really lame american series and third-rate toy-sales anime for months before going off the air.


One Piece is a real gem and I think taking it off is a mistake, epecially for tokyo Ghoul. the TG manga is selling wel, but i feel like the hype train's slowed down significantly. we'll get tokyo ghoul, gundam IBO season 2, AoT season 2 and then, when those end, (along with DBZ Kai and GITS: SAC), hopefully One Piece will continue its run


personally, I feel like, as of last week, Toonami's had a phenomenal lineup that will lead to a pretty solid future. I can't see it going anywhere anytime all that soon.


remember that when it first died, the block was populated with really lame american series and third-rate toy-sales anime for months before going off the air.


One Piece is a real gem and I think taking it off is a mistake, epecially for tokyo Ghoul. the TG manga is selling wel, but i feel like the hype train's slowed down significantly. we'll get tokyo ghoul, gundam IBO season 2, AoT season 2 and then, when those end, (along with DBZ Kai and GITS: SAC), hopefully One Piece will continue its run


hopefully....but i feel like adult swim has given up on one piece and won't trust toonami with that anymore after the ratings bomb it became


I'm sad to see One Piece go, and I definitely wish it was being replaced by a better show, but circumstances are circumstances and there isn't anything that can be done about it now.  And in all honesty, I really don't think One Piece should come back to Toonami.  Don't get me wrong, I would be happy if it returns, but I don't think it should.  It's had it's time on the block, and now it's time for something else to fill that niche.  It's also one less long runner for the block, which makes it all the better. 


I sadly think you're right (the thread title).  OP showed with more than enough evidence that it cannot support itself on Toonami to satisfy the staff with the format the block is in right now.  So if it DOES come back on linear American cable television, it won't be for many more years.


I sadly think you're right (the thread title).  OP showed with more than enough evidence that it cannot support itself on Toonami to satisfy the staff with the format the block is in right now.  So if it DOES come back on linear American cable television, it won't be for many more years.

people have joked that  one piece will probably outlive toonami and it's true


others have stated that one piece doesn't need toonami as much as toonami needs one piece because ratings aside(and to be fair starting at the davy back fights and jerking around the time slot didn't help)it's too big of a series to just fade away and toonami really needs cornerstone iconic shows to draw people in


You Have DBZ Naruto HXH And Jojo but aside from DBZ i don't think the others can keep a long discussion going


there's just so much to talk about when  one piece is concerned and so many good episodes so when you take that away...Your Just left with shows that will be replaced sooner rather than later(In The Case Of Jojo Or HXH)and do not have the toonami crew's full support to keep on going


same goes with naruto you never saw them hyping up naruto or gushing about it in promo's but one piece did....so it's gonna be interesting to see how they treat the shows that they don't really care for as much as one piece


people have joked that  one piece will probably outlive toonami and it's true


others have stated that one piece doesn't need toonami as much as toonami needs one piece because ratings aside(and to be fair starting at the davy back fights and jerking around the time slot didn't help)it's too big of a series to just fade away and toonami really needs cornerstone iconic shows to draw people in


You Have DBZ Naruto HXH And Jojo but aside from DBZ i don't think the others can keep a long discussion going


there's just so much to talk about when  one piece is concerned and so many good episodes so when you take that away...Your Just left with shows that will be replaced sooner rather than later(In The Case Of Jojo Or HXH)and do not have the toonami crew's full support to keep on going


same goes with naruto you never saw them hyping up naruto or gushing about it in promo's but one piece did....so it's gonna be interesting to see how they treat the shows that they don't really care for as much as one piece


Jojo actually isn't a very long series compared to the long-runners in terms of episode #, and who knows who many episodes Toonami has paid to air.  So I predict that after One Piece, Jojo will be the next long-runner to leave the block.  HxH only has 140 episodes which by this point can fit comfortably in 2 more years before it completes its run.  Regardless, the 2 year mark appears to be the point where DeMarco and company will NEED to find another powerhouse show to keep the block afloat.


I believe JoJo will not be treated as a long-runner but a serial. It will take a break after Part 2, but Part 3 will eventually air on Toonami--


--UNLESS it gets relegated to 2 AM when Tokyo Ghoul hits, as that would most likely indicate they've given up on it. Granted it almost always drops the ball from DBZ KFC, but I believe when we get to what JoJo is KNOWN for, part 3 and beyond, it will do much better.


though i do not want Demarco and crew to get cocky and think they'll still be around in 2 years


things can change quickly....so you have to be cautious and make the right moves when necessary and not just wait and hope there's enough time to get another powerhouse show that can make people forget the loss of one piece


because really what's there to watch after Jojo Leaves?


I've already seen DBZ Kai from it's time being spammed on nicktoons network


I've kinda gotten lost in the plot of Gundam Unicorn so that one's not one i look forward to much


Naruto is just sasuke and friends at this point...and i really hate sasuke


I Feel Like DBZ Super And Samurai Jack is all i care about at this point


HXH just got on my nerves with the heavens arena story arc....so by the time the city arc began i was already done....nothing it's doing is really making me super hyped to give it a second chance so I'm just kinda watching it from the sides and half paying attention when it's on







because really what's there to watch after Jojo Leaves?



... all the shows that remain??


They realize people can just watch most of what they air online any time they want!! They know they're no competition for that!  So they decide they won't even compete, and let people tune in if they want to, and so far, it's proven that enough people DO want to watch Toonami on a set time of the week.


... all the shows that remain??


They realize people can just watch most of what they air online any time they want!! They know they're no competition for that!  So they decide they won't even compete, and let people tune in if they want to, and so far, it's proven that enough people DO want to watch Toonami on a set time of the week.


Samurai Jack And DBZ Super are the only things putting butts in seats


everything else kinda differs from week to week(hit or miss kinda)but those two are probably what will be the most important shows going forward


But Nicktoons never showed these episodes!

doesn't really matter i have no real urge to watch them with Super being fresh and new


I'll watch it for awhile but unlike with super there's no rush....hell The Start of super basically spoils DBZ Kai FC so there's no real need to watch and see what happens


doesn't really matter i have no real urge to watch them with Super being fresh and new


I'll watch it for awhile but unlike with super there's no rush....hell The Start of super basically spoils DBZ Kai FC so there's no real need to watch and see what happens


I'm starting to realize you're speaking out of your emotions.


doesn't really matter i have no real urge to watch them with Super being fresh and new


I'll watch it for awhile but unlike with super there's no rush....hell The Start of super basically spoils DBZ Kai FC so there's no real need to watch and see what happens


See this is funny because I'm actually having a lot more fun watching DBZ Kai than I am watching Super right now.


That's the truth, I'm actually starting to feel the exhaustion of watching Super. I partially blame Samurai Jack coming before it for that.


I'm still not really a fan of Super.  The comedy seems really out of place in it.  Like, the comedy worked in Dragon Ball, but it really doesn't work here.  It definitely shows that Toriyama didn't try when writing it.


I'm still not really a fan of Super.  The comedy seems really out of place in it.  Like, the comedy worked in Dragon Ball, but it really doesn't work here.  It definitely shows that Toriyama didn't try when writing it.


That's because Toriyama didn't write shit.


He wrote the screenplay for the two movies and only gave Toei vague overall ideas for Super's storylines.


That's because Toriyama didn't write shit.


He wrote the screenplay for the two movies and only gave Toei vague overall ideas for Super's storylines.


Ah, I assumed he was more involved than that.


On the plus side, that means I can disregard all of Super as non-canon, much like GT and all of Bleach past episode 63.


Ah, I assumed he was more involved than that.


On the plus side, that means I can disregard all of Super as non-canon, much like GT and all of Bleach past episode 63.


Never assume Toriyama did work, the guy is lazy.. at least in his later years.


I don't think he did much with GT other than say... hey .. so there's gonna be a SS4 now.... and maybe Shenron can be.. Omega Shenron?


We're calling Toriyama lazy when the block literally has a Togashi work on it? Holy fuck some of you are fucking amazing. I really need to stay out of the Toonami section permanently.


We're calling Toriyama lazy when the block literally has a Togashi work on it? Holy fuck some of you are fucking amazing. I really need to stay out of the Toonami section permanently.

allegedly the explaination for Togashi's long Haituses is that he has some kind of chronic condition (like Lupus or something) but how anyone could call Toriyama lazy compared to Togashi is beyond me




Lazy?  No, goodness no.  Guy pumps out the new Dragon Quest that takes up all of Togashi's time every year.


Frank Miller = Outdated.  His once revolutionary writing style comes off as forced, stilted, and unfunny. 


Who hear really finds DB Super funny?  Show of hands.


Oh, Jman[/member] I just remembered something funny


whenever I bring up the Trans Marco Diaz headcanon you get mad because you want more stand-alone not stereotypical  Latino characters


Monkey D. Luffy is Latino


Oda was once asked what ethnicities each of the Straw Hats were and he confirmed Luffy to be of Brazilian descent and Usopp to be of African descent


so Luffy is Latino and Usopp is Black


...They have a Brazil in One Piece? whut

yeah the list is as follows


Luffy = Brazilian

Robin = Russian

Zoro = Japanese

Sanji = French

Franky = North American (Oda apparently considers "American" a race)

Usopp = African

Chopper = Canadian (a canadian Reindeer to be nitpicky, he's not a human)

Nami = Swedish

and Brook = Austrian


allegedly the explaination for Togashi's long Haituses is that he has some kind of chronic condition (like Lupus or something) but how anyone could call Toriyama lazy compared to Togashi is beyond me


Supposedly he has horrible back pain and supposedly he's addicted to Dragonquest.


But in reality it's likely that he just got burned out and these are just excuses to placate the fans.


Lazy?  No, goodness no.  Guy pumps out the new Dragon Quest that takes up all of Togashi's time every year.


Frank Miller = Outdated.  His once revolutionary writing style comes off as forced, stilted, and unfunny. 


Who hear really finds DB Super funny?  Show of hands.


Ehhh it terms of character and monster designs? Seems like he works hard.


But when it comes to story..... it really seems like he kind of farms it out. Did he even do anything on GT aside from dish out a few plot points?


I find Super mildly amusing but only due to nostalgia.


We're calling Toriyama lazy when the block literally has a Togashi work on it? Holy fuck some of you are fucking amazing. I really need to stay out of the Toonami section permanently.


The fact that Togashi is just dead weight at this point really isn't in dispute, at least to me.

  • 2 weeks later...

Toriyama busted his ass making Dragonball for years, when there were many points where he would've liked to stop, but kept doing it at the urging of his editors and the magazine, and probably for the fans.  He's earned his semi-retirement.


Togashi on the other hand is basically the Duke Nukem guy of manga.






Ehhh it terms of character and monster designs? Seems like he works hard.


But when it comes to story..... it really seems like he kind of farms it out. Did he even do anything on GT aside from dish out a few plot points?


I find Super mildly amusing but only due to nostalgia.

I wasn't aware Toriyama had done anything on GT or had to.  That was a just fun filler what-if series for the hell of it.

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