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Finding stuff on internet based on a picture


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So, anyone got any insight on finding information on the internet based on a picture taken by a phone?

I am trying to find some tile to match the in-laws bathroom to finish a project... the tiles are at least 20 years old and no clue how to find more of them...

Is this a thing? I don't think you can reverse image it, right? Cause how would it source it based on a pic I took.... 

Help me, obiwan(s), yall ain't shit 

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That doesn't exist...Or at least it doesn't work how you want it to...It would help you with this.  The only think I can suggest is find a place where you can chip a sample, take it to color tile  (or whatyever y'all have up there that's similar) and have the try to match and duplicate the color and texture.  That's all I got, bro.

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Your best bet is posting an image somewhere online on Mobile, switching to Desktop, right clicking on the image and selecting “Search Google For Image”.

You’ll either get unrelated images with the same color palette as the tile or vaguely related images that will point you towards the variety of tile. It might be a long shot, but if it’s the latter, it might help you find a the same kind of tile. 

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6 minutes ago, Chapinator_X said:

Your best bet is posting an image somewhere online on Mobile, switching to Desktop, right clicking on the image and selecting “Search Google For Image”.

You’ll either get unrelated images with the same color palette as the tile or vaguely related images that will point you towards the variety of tile. It might be a long shot, but if it’s the latter, it might help you find a the same kind of tile. 

What's the advantage of switching platforms?

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I think what he's suggesting is that to snap the image, save it, upload somewhere, then image search it just to see if anything related pops up.

I think the platform change my be because he not aware of how to do all of this from his phone....just a guess but I could be ALL wrong and not getting what he's laying down

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Just now, André Toulon said:

I think what he's suggesting is that to snap the image, save it, upload somewhere, then image search it just to see if anything related pops up.

I think the platform change my be because he not aware of how to do all of this from his phone....just a guess but I could be ALL wrong and not getting what he's laying down

Fuck it, I'll give a shot on imgur and see what happens... if nothing else, maybe a try hard will find it if I put something like, "rarest tile for new construction" or something... and well, the rest takes care of itself

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1 hour ago, Sawdamizer said:

What's the advantage of switching platforms?

I’m not sure if there’s a way to right click and have that option show up on Mobile. Maybe on the Chrome app, but I’m more used to doing the right click/image search on Desktop.

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Here you go:  https://www.wikihow.com/Buy-a-Discontinued-Tile

If your in laws did the work themselves, it might help to visit the local Home Depot or Lowes to see what brands they carry.  Most of the time, however, tiles that are standard porcelain with relatively basic patterns come from Daltile or one of the companies it bought up.  Out of Texas but nationwide, they're the biggest in the market by far.  If the material looks to be expensive or the tile appears to be hand made, you would need to find an importer who deals with Italian and Mexican tile, respectively.

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The field tile looks to be manufactured and the accent tiles share a similar edge, which makes me think they were likely part of group.  The accents are kind of rough looking, but that is also likely part of the manufacturing process.   Your best bet is starting with a Daltile sales rep to see if they can match it to anything in their catalog.

Ceramic tile manufacturers are notorious for changing designs on a near yearly basis, so it's unlikely any original stock exists even if you can match it.  That's part of the reason my mom started making her own tiles.  If you can't find a manufacturer who will help, you might be able to find someone who custom makes ceramic times.

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It looks very custom and maybe even hand made, if you look at the sun design (or whatever you wanna call it) in the very last picture you posted, you can see that they're not the same, which makes me rule out that they're manufactured.

They look like a painstaking project.

Edited by JehutyNinja
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13 minutes ago, scoobdog said:

How did you do it?

yandex reverse image search the pic of just the distinctive tile and investigate the results

then duckduckgo del conca galestro

which sends u to the collection on the company's site

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