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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, EmpressAngel said:

It's always possible that they already budgeted and paid for series that have been delayed to next year, like the new seasons of Dr Sone and Promised Neverland. Keep in mind that Funi, Sentai, etc are doing the Pandemic Shuffle, and if they've already been paid for a show, they might not be so willing to hand over a refund for it without going through significant contract negotiations.

It's straight up baffling to me how people with zero experience in anything entertainment related constantly shit on a guy who's been in the industry for decades and truly believe they know better than him. It's like watching six episodes of Food Wars and thinking you're a better cook than the ones on Iron Chef.

I tend to feel a bit conflicted over whether or not I think DeMarco is the right guy to run Toonami. On one hand I believe his years of experience working in television means he's more than qualified and he far better understands what the network wants out of Toonami than any of the armchair quarterbacks. On the other hand I do feel he often lets his personal tastes dictate what Toonami does and doesn't air and that can be to the block's detriment. At the end of the day it is his block so I don't really fault him for airing what he wants most of the time but when they rarely air anything that isn't a JUMP series or what folks have deemed "old man DeMarco picks", its a little hard to dismiss that critique entirely.

We have no idea what 5-10+ year old anime were not picked up for Toonami due to licensing complications but things worked out for Gundam, Lupin and recently Paranoia Agent. The fact that those three "old man picks" did air while so many other anime didn't, does makes me question whether or not various shows were passed over simply because DeMarco was unaware of them or didn't fight to acquire them when they were available. He negotiated with Sunrise and TMS directly for Gundam and Lupin respectively so that might be the biggest reason why he was able to get those franchises back on US television. That likely never would have happened if DeMarco didn't make the effort to secure those deals.

I don't believe DeMarco is oblivious to modern anime but he doesn't seem to pay attention to very much of it. I do not expect DeMarco to know about all 40 something shows that are airing in Japan every season (less currently due to COVID-19 but still more than 20) but I feel it does Toonami a disservice if he's not aware of numerous anime that would fit Toonami. It really seems like if a distributor doesn't push for a show to air and its not one of his "old man picks" then any show will be hard-pressed to get on to Toonami. On top of that,  these anime distributors are usually more than content with just streaming anime, unless the Japanese companies push for a TV airing. That's likely another reason why we see so many JUMP anime (aside from popularity), those are the kinds of shows that Japanese companies want to air on television.

4chan has a faction of probably racist and sexist good old boys who think DeMarco is a soy boy feminist who is pro man-service and anti-fan service. Their opinions of the man are laughable and should be ignored. Food Wars and Fire Force should be proof enough that Toonami will air shows that are heavy on fan service if they're deemed worth airing. So I don't personally want to subscribe to the though that something like KonoSuba won't air because of T&A but I do subscribe to the opinion that it won't air because DeMarco probably has not seen it. I've been requesting that show for years now and it is frustrating to feel like suggestions I am very passionate about are falling on deaf ears. So I can at least understand the frustration that other people feel when they request various shows that are not even considered for airing due to preferences of just three people.

Supposedly, Toonami shows are picked by DeMarco, Austin and Manning. I can't help but feel like they need an intern or someone to keep tabs on seasonal anime and what series and genres are popular in the west.  It seems like an additional opinion or two in the mix could help Toonami be a better rounded experience. I'd much rather see that than to have Crunchyroll swoop in take over.

Edited by Sketch
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On 8/9/2020 at 2:42 PM, Top Gun said:

...the literal fuck did you want him to have done that he didn't do?

To not fiddle while Rome burns?  Demarco claims they haven't just been sitting on their asses, but we all know how trustworthy he is.  He has consistently been shown to be full of shit.  I think Poke and Sketch pretty well summed up my other general issues with him.  He's become the out of touch dinosaur he once rebelled against when he first co-created Toonami, and will only put on shows he personally likes.  Still others he hasn't even seen.  He doesn't keep up with current trends.  And yes blaming people for not watching shows when they were, as the MHA fiasco proved.  Then they just kept having more and more cuts, even before covid.  Then he trucked out that old excuse of preferring a shorter block anyway.

Then when covid hit, Demarco said they were lacking money because of the loss of sports contracts.  So Adult Swim and Toonami are being subsidized by the sports being shown on another Turner networks?  In other words, he was full of shit yet again when he claimed Toonami was a well-oiled machine that not only paid for itself, but made money.

  • D'oh 1
On 8/9/2020 at 5:37 PM, EmpressAngel said:

It's always possible that they already budgeted and paid for series that have been delayed to next year, like the new seasons of Dr Sone and Promised Neverland. Keep in mind that Funi, Sentai, etc are doing the Pandemic Shuffle, and if they've already been paid for a show, they might not be so willing to hand over a refund for it without going through significant contract negotiations.

It's straight up baffling to me how people with zero experience in anything entertainment related constantly shit on a guy who's been in the industry for decades and truly believe they know better than him. It's like watching six episodes of Food Wars and thinking you're a better cook than the ones on Iron Chef.

Now that is a very likely scenario.  If their money is already tied up in shows that got delayed, they won't have much to spend on anything to fill the gaps.

Still, I can't believe you would defend Demarco.  Have you not seen the state of the block lately?  I'm talking pre-covid.  Cuts to time slots left and right, and old excuse of we like a shorter block is trucked out, and no real explanation given for the cuts.  I'm sure whatever happened wasn't his fault or his decision.  It never is.  But when something good happens Demarco is all too eager to take the praise.  Demarco has been in the business for decades but he has not innovated or kept track of current trends since at least the bulk of the last decade of his career.  He has decades of experience but has been caught with his pants down multiple times not even knowing when shows rights were expiring, and other issues with shows he should have known about or been prepared for.  He had plenty of notice on Food Wars running out of episodes but wasn't able to get the deal done in time for the next season.  Demarco knew the next season was with another company since he got the first two.  Not that I care so much about that show, but it's yet another example of incompetence.  He will only put on what he likes, assuming he has even seen it.  Like I said, he is out of touch.  And you're supposed to market to viewers, not yourself! 

I don't think I can do better than Demarco, but if I and many other viewers can point out these obvious issues and can think of probable solutions, surely there is someone out there better for the job than Demarco.

On 8/9/2020 at 6:37 PM, EmpressAngel said:

It's straight up baffling to me how people with zero experience in anything entertainment related constantly shit on a guy who's been in the industry for decades and truly believe they know better than him

It's like people saying trump isn't a good leader when he's been the leader of companies for decades and a multi-billionaire. Everything he says is right and should never be questioned because he's been at it longer and is clearly more successful and 100% knows what he's doing is for the best. People complaining don't know what they're talking about. Where's their billion dollars, where's their country they preside over? You can't blame trump for how bad the country has been, have you forgotten about COVID and there's a coin shortage and riots. It boggles my mind how anyone could criticize him. 

That's pretty much how that reads. Do not question your betters you filthy peasant swine, only consume and when they offer more schlock just smile and say yes daddy please.

You pretty much have to with DeMarco the guys skin is so paper thin. Was reading the reddit and he threatened to block someone for questioning the schedule and posting a poll from the reddit showing by majority what fans felt the best schedule would have been without changing the shows on the block.  He also deletes tweets about his birthday, guy doesn't want anyone to know how old he is, because he's just a young college hipster bro looking for a rave at heart. Anytime people even bring up his birthday he just gets all moody about it. Even the wiki and IMDB won't say how old he is. 

DeMarco would be fine if he would go out of his comfort zone more and get shows that are popular; but he may not personally be a fan of. Though also I do sympathize that money is a huge factor. I don't really know if the dubbing companies have stepped up their prices, I should try asking him that in a general sense. In the covid era I think he is more doing what he can with what he has. I remember back when they aired Eureka 7 the contract they had with bandai was to plug the hell out of bandai toys/games. So we'd end up with ben 10 toy ads in the middle of the night. However E7 was also a show he liked so him jumping through hoops for it harks back to the other complaints of him just getting shows he likes.  

His social media posts being all hush for the secret awesome thing everyone will like was damn ballmasters. He built up hopes for ballmasterz. It's like hyping your kids up for Christmas then revealing you've converted the family to Jehovah's witnesses as the surprise.  Would have been better just saying times are tough, we gotta tighten our belts if we want to stay afloat, please bare with us etc. He kinda did give that speech...after the fact when his twitter blew up with anti-ballmasterz outrage. He's like the Marie Antoinette of toonami. The peasants want content; well let them watch ballmasterz.  


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  • D'oh 1
On 8/9/2020 at 7:26 PM, PokeNirvash said:

horny bastards who dislike his distaste for meaningless fanservice

I expected them to edit SAO, but they had a disclaimer that night before the episode aired that it would be uncut. Then when they aired an edit, they said that they didn't cut it, it's the copy that funi sent them. Then funi said don't throw us under the bus you have the same shit we have on our stream. Then DeMarco was like "Oh the raised panel; yeah that's not a cut. I could see how you might think that, but I would only have considered it a cut if we went to commercial and came back after that scene, or cut it out completely". Just take the damn L and stop blaming the fans for being pissed off about you getting caught. 

On 8/9/2020 at 7:26 PM, PokeNirvash said:

Personally, I don't have any serious problem with Demarco. He's doing his best



On 8/9/2020 at 7:26 PM, PokeNirvash said:

he's doing his best well

Ehh, I mean it's probably more future building. If I were to compare DeMarco's business sense to anyone it would be Herbert Hoover. Hoover as you know was president during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl. Everyone hated him, but he wasn't technically a bad president. He set up a lot of long term projects to employ people and make the country better off and more self sustaining in the long run. People though wanted an instant fix. Also he did trickle down economics which didn't work and pissed a lot of people off further. DeMarco is similar how I view it. He does an ass ton of unpopular shit that the general viewers don't like. Though it's in an effort to make the block sustainable in the future. 

I do hate his excuse though where he says "we can't find a good fit for x right now". This implies that they have the money to get x show that everyone has been asking him about usually a popular isekai which he keeps saying "I don't have anything against them, we just can't find a good fit at the moment". Overlord put it in, Konosuba put it in. There they fit, stop acting like you have a master plan for this crap, you had PPG, Dragonball, Pokemon, Hamtaro, and Zoids on the same block. I don't think ASA/Toonami has had a theme going for it's shows since the talking robot days of ASA and even that was spotty.  

On 8/9/2020 at 7:26 PM, PokeNirvash said:


Yeah the toonami doomers are annoying, thankfully we only have 1 member who consistently does that and 2 bandwagon ones. 

On 8/9/2020 at 7:26 PM, PokeNirvash said:

hyping him up to be a delusional hypocrite

I think this but not in a meme way. He just seems like he's gotten really out of touch with things. The DeMarco defenders don't do him any favors either. The koolaid drinkers just get too pissy that their god king's decisions can be questioned as being anything but the most optimal choice. I mean remember when he had FLCL, Trigun, and Cowboy bebop on the block, how could anyone who had shows that filled my teenage years with such amazing content do anything that isn't the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's like when Apple got rid of the headphone jack and there were a group of people sucking apples dick saying "yes it's for the best, we need to innovate, headphone jacks are so 19th century". Then others were like "WTF give me my headphone jack", which was met with toxic defender getting pissed and telling them to go to android with the other peasants if they don't like living in the future. 

On 8/9/2020 at 7:26 PM, PokeNirvash said:

I like to think it was this exact meme that pushed so many people towards the cult of Demarco dislike.


Mine was more "wow that tweet sucked, why would he hype trash up like that". Then empress went all reeeee about it, like when her and toppy went reeeee that I didn't keep and post my email's to voice actors or funimation. Never did get a reaction or thank you from them for when I did though wonder what was up with that. Might have been too busy eating crow. Either way I was like eh maybe that angry frog is right. Maybe I should read more of his tweets than whatever is just getting posted here. So I did and it made him more depressing. Especially when he gave me a warning and removed some of my posts in a twitter ama that stipulated no bans. 

On 8/9/2020 at 7:26 PM, PokeNirvash said:

I may give him shit time and again, but it's almost entirely done ironically

I started out ironic but now I'm pretty on board with him just being out of touch and gate keeping the block for shows that he likes. 

On 8/9/2020 at 7:26 PM, PokeNirvash said:

I respect what he's trying to do

Agree as I do think he's doing what he thinks is best for the block. Though he's kinda his own worst obstacle. He does have a lot of things working against him, but he seems to favor taking the path of most resistance and doubling down.

Like the last Junji ito anime didn't work well. It was animated poorly on a limited budget...Maybe we should try something else. I mean we don't have a good budget to begin with so we should use it wisely. Nope! Uzumaki time bitches! "We don't have the budget to do any better and the style already has shown that it doesn't transition to animation well!".

Oh but what if we do the whole thing in black and white like the manga and have minimal movement lots of panning shots and mostly just have the background moving while the characters move like it's a fade transition stop motion animated picture book from the 60s! Not only will it be minimalist and cheap but my god think of how hipster cool that would be. No other anime have done it since that one scene in FLCL! 

"Dear god something that will only really appeal to the most artsy and manga snob weeb critic trash; and alienate the casuals that make up the majority of our viewing audience. This man is a Genius; neigh a god! Me'Lord we must hype the fuck out of this well in advance! Fuck using that money to get 2-4 already made shows for the block."

No source for if that's how it went down, but my hunches have a far better record than the few users who post "source You just have to take my word for it" or think that trends don't exist and things aren't predictable even if they happen again and again. 

  • D'oh 1

DeMarco having shit taste is a meme, but there are things he does that make sense from a business perspective, and things that...don’t.

The Uzumaki thing is fairly simple.  You can’t beat the streamers on speed of the big shows, or even ease of access unless you’re talking about areas that have poor internet accessibility.  And there’s only so much money DeMarco can pour into originals (and there’s going to be a lot less cash to go around if WarnerMedia sells off Crunchyroll to Sony or NBC Universal, to name a few prospective candidates).  So doing something in black and white stretches the dollar further.  

A Blade Runner anime?  Blade Runner’s still a name with clout even if no one saw 2049, and we all know how DeMarco feels about Watanabe.  

My main concern is a lot of these originals rely on Crunchyroll co-funding.  If WarnerMedia sells it off and they bail with those co-productions, leaving DeMarco up shit creek without a paddle, 2021 will be just as anemic even if we have the vaccine.

57 minutes ago, Jman said:

DeMarco having shit taste is a meme

It's played up worse than it is for the joke. Though it feels like the past five years he's really been shitting the bed on premier content that isn't already universally praised before they get it. 

1 hour ago, Jman said:

So doing something in black and white stretches the dollar further

So pretty much what i said, except without the asshole overtones lol. IDK about this series though. I stand by a lot of what I said about how it's going to alienate the mass majority. It'll probably get good reviews from anime critics for being different. "finally a breath of fresh air in this stagnation". Like ANN was giving  B/B+ on the last junji ito mainly just because it's junji ito's story It had about as many C grades as well but the best episode of that whole series should have never made it higher than a C- and that is being generous for how horribly done they were.  

Really I feel that the funds would be better used getting other dubs than an experimental adaptation.  I like junji ito, but other than a passion project I don't see to what end DeMarco wanted to do this. It's a very expensive way to fill a slot that is going to alienate the casual viewer. 

2 hours ago, Jman said:

My main concern is a lot of these originals rely on Crunchyroll co-funding.  If WarnerMedia sells it off and they bail with those co-productions, leaving DeMarco up shit creek without a paddle, 2021 will be just as anemic even if we have the vaccine.

At this point contracts are already made. It's more than likely that it would be more expensive to break them than it would be to finish the deal. Disney did the same thing with Star Wars Clone Wars when they bought the right and let CN wrap up "their final season". 

14 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

I expected them to edit SAO, but they had a disclaimer that night before the episode aired that it would be uncut.

this didn't happen

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, korosu said:

this didn't happen

They had the disclaimer for mature subject matter, there were social media posts from staff talking about how heavy the content was and why it couldn't be cut because it was important to Eugeo, Then they edited it. I have a funimation sub, no issues for me to just watch it uncut on there if I needed to see a shitty bra. Just a lot of blowing smoke though for damn near nothing then pretending that they weren't to blame. 

  • Like 1

I remember there being a disclaimer for the episode on Crunchyroll, but not on Toonami. I think the fact that it was SAO's first TV-MA episode was discretionary enough.

16 minutes ago, Top Gun said:

Man it must have been devastating not being able to watch the full uncut gratuitous rape sequence on an underage girl.

Technically there were two, not that it matters.

[none of this matters]

  • Thanks 1
3 hours ago, Top Gun said:

Man it must have been devastating not being able to watch the full uncut gratuitous rape sequence on an underage girl.

Not really I already saw it, and it was more of a graphic molesting than a rape. It's like the catcher and the rye outrage. Everyone flipped shit for years about how disgusting that book was, then when people actually read it expecting this over the top hype; they ended up being greatly underwhelmed. 


3 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

but not on Toonami

The toonami one I remember was the basic one they show all the time advising mature subject matter may not be etc. Then I remember all the tweets from VA's and Staff, and Crunchy. Then an edited version aired. Either way like you said none of this matters. 

8 minutes ago, EmpressAngel said:

The edited version of the gratuitous underage double sexual assault scene was enough to get the point across. Nothing of value was lost by trimming the worst bits of it.

They aren't real so there was no sexual assault. Hellsing showed a vampire nazi eating a baby on toonami. Have you ever considered maybe that's some of the appeal for animation. Because you can get away with shocking depictions that would never fly using real actors.

You can ask Elfie I'm very much a less is more guy. I think the more you leave to the imagination the better. Your mind can fill in far more disturbing or sexual imagery than just having it be spoon fed to you. However I'm also an advocate for leaving things as the creators intended. If the audience can't handle the imagery then perhaps they should not watch it. Not to mention the only reason to even watch SAO is for how comically over the top it goes on it's torture/rape scenes. 

 Most of the edits imho were either really dumb or made it look worse than it was. Like they cut the guy licking a girls knee cap, dumb edit. He tries to kiss her and she turns her head away, can't show that on a christian cable station. They cut him punching the girl in the face, really dumb edit, like do they want me to sympathize with the guy or do they want to show him being a horrible person that deserves to get stabbed. They panned up on a shot where he tares open her shirt showing her bra, which in the edit makes you think that she wasn't wearing a bra making it more suggestive than had they left it alone. Again this happened where he licks her stomach but they close in on his face in the edit and it makes you think that he's licking a little more south.  The edits to me made it far more sexual in nature than had they just left it alone. 

How all things should be done is have the disclaimer, warn people that if you're too mentally fragile; get offended by fiction and not able to discern reality from fantasy like a grown adult, then don't watch it. 

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  • D'oh 2
Posted (edited)

The worst thing about the edited-down rape scene was the forced meme on /co/ where the viewers scream at Demarco to "apologize to the voice actress" whenever something sexy/uncomfortable happens in one of the shows on the block. All because the voice director reassured Tiese and Ronie's VAs that it was all fiction.

Edited by PokeNirvash
  • Like 1
1 hour ago, HardcoreHunter said:

How all things should be done is have the disclaimer, warn people that if you're too mentally fragile; get offended by fiction and not able to discern reality from fantasy like a grown adult, then don't watch it. 

Yes, the only reason anyone would dislike watching a scene of two characters be molested and nearly raped is because they're all just fragile crybabies who can't tell fiction from reality.

I'm done with this conversation. Please stop quoting me, I think you're a genuinely disgusting person and I don't want to deal with you anymore.

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  • D'oh 1
2 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

The worst thing about the edited-down rape scene was the forced meme on /co/ where the viewers scream at Demarco to "apologize to the voice actress" whenever something sexy/uncomfortable happens in one of the shows on the block. All because the voice director reassured Tiese and Ronie's VAs that it was all fiction.

I didn't know that the /co/ toonami thread was that bad. Probably best that I didn't use it. Nothing worse than  crybabies that try and equate fiction and reality as the same thing. Especially when DeMarco had nothing to do with the dubbing process. I do remember reading a tweet though where someone was reaching out to VA's asking if they were okay after going through such "trauma". Really just people who need locked up. Like the type of person who gets that wrapped up in fiction needs locked up. They're the ones unhinged and detached that I can't really trust not to do weird shit. Same goes for people who think that a show that has been known for multiple seasons for this kind of stuff, that they don't like just continue to watch it and get more offended when it keeps happening and want it edited so that they can sit through it; then bitch that people who like to view media as it's originally intended don't like the edit. 

I mean could you imagine someone contacting the actors and asking if they were okay after playing roles in a horror film. I mean they watched their "friends die". We need more therapy for people who play cod to deal with their ptsd. They were heroes damnit; and did what was asked of them, it's not right to turn our backs on them just because the match ends!  lol It's the exact same thing in my mind when I hear about VAs being reached out to over this.   In 2018 I remember asking at a con some VA's about emotions carrying with them after a rol.  Luci told me "Not really I'm a professional". Though then there was Kellen Goff who had a breakdown over playing badguys a couple months back; so clearly Luci was a liar pants on fire. Then again Goff came back from his social media break and is offering to leave custom voice messages for people as the villains that broke his mind that he plays for money.  

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20 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

They had the disclaimer for mature subject matter, there were social media posts from staff talking about how heavy the content was and why it couldn't be cut because it was important to Eugeo, Then they edited it. I have a funimation sub, no issues for me to just watch it uncut on there if I needed to see a shitty bra. Just a lot of blowing smoke though for damn near nothing then pretending that they weren't to blame. 

If you're talking about episode 10. Toonami didn't promise to it wouldn't be edited and you probably thank me for informing them that the content was gross (I told Jason on ask.fm and suggested that airing that episode before the premiere of The Promised Neverland wasn't a good idea). They didn't even censor it in the flashbacks because they probably were not aware of it.

2 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Hey now, there are DEFINITELY other reasons for watching SAO. The animation has always been pretty dope, ESPECIALLY in Alicization!

Ufotable does fights pretty well. Was surprised that they didn't give characters glowing eyes more than they have seeing as it's kinda their trademark at this point. 


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Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said:

In 2018 I remember asking at a con some VA's about emotions carrying with them after a rol.  Luci told me "Not really I'm a professional". Though then there was Kellen Goff who had a breakdown over playing badguys a couple months back; so clearly Luci was a liar pants on fire.

I dunno, considering Luci Christian has been voice acting for well over a decade and Kellen Goff has only been in the game for a couple of years, it makes sense that their perspectives on the emotional toll or lack theoreof of voice acting in anime are vastly different.

And seriously? "Liar pants on fire"? What are you, the 4Kids dub of One Piece?

Edited by PokeNirvash
  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, Sketch said:

If you're talking about episode 10. Toonami didn't promise to it wouldn't be edited and you probably thank me for informing them that the content was gross (I told Jason on ask.fm and suggested that airing that episode before the premiere of The Promised Neverland wasn't a good idea). They didn't even censor it in the flashbacks because they probably were not aware of it.

Shocked he didn't block you for suggesting any changes to his schedule; you do not tell DeMarco what to do, the man has been in the industry for decades. Have faith in your god king; he knows best damnit!  Then again I sent an email to funi to not pick up Peter Grill because I don't want another series blacklisted and a pain in the ass to find. Thank god they didn't go for it and Sentai picked it up. They are even dubbing it the mad-lads. 

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  • D'oh 1
3 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said:

I dunno, considering Luci Christian has been voice acting for well over a decade and Kellen Goff has only been in the game for a couple of years, it makes sense that their perspectives on the emotional toll or lack theoreof of voice acting in anime are vastly different.

I think Goff is also a method actor which is going to play a hand in anything he does. Thankfully though the villains he's played have all been pretty tame. I don't think he'd have been able to live with himself knowing that he raped/molested fictional characters.  Really I think it's less of one being more professional than the other or more experienced, and comes down to just mental stability. If your mind isn't stable it's not going to be able to deal with these fluxing emotions like it's a light switch. Imbalanced though it's more like a lava lamp. Large clumps go up and they have to take time to cool before they fall back down a little at a time. 

I also think that Goff might not be voice acting much longer. His one tweet was telling people not to idolize voice actors. They're flawed people and more than likely don't hold the same ideals as yourself etc. Sounds like he ran into a case of never meet your heroes. It's possible he was talking about himself in general, but that really reads like a depressed "don't meet your heroes kid" line. So as voice actors go I think Goff may be the odd one out that wasn't suited for it long term. He's an anime fan and has talent, but like a meat grinder with only a few good fingers left should find something that isn't as damaging to them. 

  • Confused 2
15 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

The worst thing about the edited-down rape scene was the forced meme on /co/ where the viewers scream at Demarco to "apologize to the voice actress" whenever something sexy/uncomfortable happens in one of the shows on the block. All because the voice director reassured Tiese and Ronie's VAs that it was all fiction.

... he barely has anything to do with the anime. Why did everyone demand that he apologize?

11 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

I also think that Goff might not be voice acting much longer. His one tweet was telling people not to idolize voice actors. They're flawed people and more than likely don't hold the same ideals as yourself etc. Sounds like he ran into a case of never meet your heroes. It's possible he was talking about himself in general, but that really reads like a depressed "don't meet your heroes kid" line. So as voice actors go I think Goff may be the odd one out that wasn't suited for it long term. He's an anime fan and has talent, but like a meat grinder with only a few good fingers left should find something that isn't as damaging to them. 

... but isn't that true? I mean aren't ALL actors just human beings who run out of patience with some fans and aren't even close to being perfect or the way you want them to be? I do not think his career would even just because of that tweet. I seen tons of other VAs tweet that same thing.

2 minutes ago, elfie said:

... he barely has anything to do with the anime. Why did everyone demand that he apologize?

Because they love ragging on Demarco for every little thing, and also maybe because he's the one in charge of the block that's airing the shows.

Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, PokeNirvash said:

Because they love ragging on Demarco for every little thing, and also maybe because he's the one in charge of the block that's airing the shows.

Ugh. /co/....

Edited by elfie
1 hour ago, elfie said:

... but isn't that true? I mean aren't ALL actors just human beings who run out of patience with some fans and aren't even close to being perfect or the way you want them to be? I do not think his career would even just because of that tweet. I seen tons of other VAs tweet that same thing.

I agree with it, but the context with the things that happened just made it look depressing. I don't know if he got some stern advice from a colleague or what. Sounded very "wish I could go back" about it.  Probably just looking into it too much though. Just seemed like an odd tweet to have up then followed it up with a tweet saying he'll do private calls and messages for fans for cash doing his characters voices. So it was more making me think that he had a bad experience with his colleagues than having a fallout with some fans. 

21 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

Shocked he didn't block you for suggesting any changes to his schedule; you do not tell DeMarco what to do, the man has been in the industry for decades. Have faith in your god king; he knows best damnit!  Then again I sent an email to funi to not pick up Peter Grill because I don't want another series blacklisted and a pain in the ass to find. Thank god they didn't go for it and Sentai picked it up. They are even dubbing it the mad-lads. 

You might find that if you talk to DeMarco and don’t come at him like you believe he’s an idiot and don’t accuse him of screwing up, he’ll potentially listen to your feedback and sometimes (very rarely) make changes to Toonami if it’s not a tall order. But I also have had decent rapport with him since like 2006 or so.

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14 minutes ago, Sketch said:

You might find that if you talk to DeMarco and don’t come at him like you believe he’s an idiot and don’t accuse him of screwing up, he’ll potentially listen to your feedback and sometimes (very rarely) make changes to Toonami if it’s not a tall order. But I also have had decent rapport with him since like 2006 or so.

The one person on reddit that showed him that poll they made got told off by him over lineup change suggestions. They posted the poll that they showed, but the tweets are gone so I don't know the whole story on it. For all I know he could have insulted DeMarco's mother ontop of suggesting lineup times, who knows.  

Really I don't message him often because he gives the same exact blow off answers he gives anyone. It's even to the point that you can just copy pasta his response to show suggestions "It's not a good fit" "Maybe if we had the money, budget just isn't there" "We have exciting plans for new content, but that show isn't one of them" etc.  Also can't criticize anything or he removes the comment given he doesn't have a good zinger in his back pocket. Claims to have this amazing ear for musical talent. Then over hypes his friends mediocre 45+ year olds indie garage band, and gets defensive if it's questioned.  The guy just seems like he became the power trip fossil that he stood against decades ago. Then there are all the yes man people who just support every single thing he says and does.

Really though the only even mildly mean shit I've said to him on social media was in the AMA. If I'd have said that shit normally I'd have agreed 100% about the comments removal, I was laying it on kinda heavy. Though it was a no ban ama and he got thin skinned. What I realize now is that it was probably the age/out of touch remarks that bothered him. After doing some research after the fact I realized he doesn't celebrate his birthday, removes comments wishing him a happy birthday, on no site does it display his age or birth year even on the wiki's or social media. So I think what probably got at him more than my bashing the shows picked up, was that saying he's old and out of touch. Also the bit about his 45+ garage band friends hype. Someone else later did post something about him overhyping his friends music, and he didn't remove that and responded to it. Though mine had age in the mix. So I think so long as I don't bring up how old and out of touch he is; I'm probably good.  

Any show I've suggested though has probably already been suggested to him by over 200 other people at this point. Really just not worth it trying to talk to the guy, especially right now since he tied up money into Uzumaki and covid is still going on. It's just going to be the same replies no matter which show gets suggested. 

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Sketch said:

accuse him of screwing up

That was part of the ama. He asked what he did wrong, anything no bans. Like the whole AMA was supposed to be about pointing out his fuck-ups over the years but over 90% of it was people telling him how amazing he is and they wouldn't change a thing. 

On his actual page outside of that thread though, all I've ever run past him are show and lineup suggestions and have been very polite with him. Just wanted to clear that up, that I'm not being a psycho raging asshole to him 24/7 just hounding his social media. Haven't even sent him a tweet since that AMA. 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

From what I recall, the SAO disclaimer was on Hulu, that's where I watched it subbed.  Apparently it was on Crunchyroll too.  I don't remember one for Toonami.  And Demarco never promised it wouldn't be edited, so not sure where you are getting that from.  People were actually concerned about the episode and sent tweets and messages to ask.fm to him about it and he said he was aware of the scene and they would do some edits.


What do you know, Sketch was the one who sent one of the messages I was thinking of!  Although Demarco did seem to get confused between the GGO spin-off series, and the actual GGO arc in the main series that was being referred to.  I didn't think the scene with Shino and Shinkawa was meant to be an attempted rape scene though.

I also found this article, where Demarco talks about the scene after the fact, and the article goes more in-depth on SAO and its issues in general.


I don't remember anyone asking Demarco to apologize to the dub voice actors, and not sure why they would.  However, Reki himself did apologize to the Japanese voice actors.  He also said he wouldn't do any more rape scenes after the backlash the scene got.  Reki had also mentioned how the anime seemed to heighten the scene and make it more graphic and intense and gratuitous.  Reki's comments in this article -


On that SAO panel the director for Alicization said he was trying to follow in the footsteps of the director of the first 2 seasons but also set himself apart in ways.  I can think of no real differences between the seasons except for these - The awkward, jarring fan service seems to have been eliminated.  No more framing shots around girls asses etc.  And when that Integrity Knight girl Sheyta had her armor and clothes damaged/removed, and the pugilist guy said she looks like a warrior now (how the pugilists look,) it was tastefully done.  A good improvement.  Buuut it seems he tries to make the rape scenes as graphic and over-the-top and gratuitous as possible!

I don't like censorship either but Toonami had to do something to get the episode to air.  But I would also prefer that Reki didn't use rape as a cheap way to get cheap heel heat for his villains.  I mean it's not like Reki has any grand ideas when he includes these scenes, like he is going to examine and portray the trauma rape victims go through.  It's done as a cheap way to make people hate villains, motivation for the hero, and a plot point to move the story forward.  In this case to justify Kirito and Eugeo killing one of those guys and maiming the other, so they get thrown in the jail of that tower.  When you could easily have them do the same thing in defense of the girls and/or themselves without rape being involved.  There are any number of ways a violent fight could have been instigated with those two assholes without using rape, that get Kirito and Eugeo into the jail.

Edited by ben0119
Posted (edited)

I think what Demarco means when he says a show doesn't fit is that they don't have somewhere to put it in the lineup.  He has said that tons of times for tons of shows.

That was one of the excuses he gave for never airing Fairy Tail, when it was pretty obvious he never had any intentions of airing it.  I gave up any hope of that happening when he said he had never seen it.  We also know the excuse is bullshit in general, given they will just add a time slot if they really want to put a new show on and Demarco himself confirmed new shows being added aren't dependent on other shows ending.

Just did a quick search.

Heh, this guy thinking Black Clover would only run its originally allotted 52 episodes. =3

It eventually became too late of course, and now Fairy Tail is over and much of the animation in the last season was practically nonexistent and the worst I've ever seen.


This also came up in the search, which reminds me, what the hell did those three picks ever end up being?  "Super psyched, "confuse people," and "right in the pocket."  This is another thing Demarco does that I hate.  These cryptic hype ups.  Many times they will get forgotten about, or won't pan out, like those 2 shows he said they had coming at a convention and then later the deals on them fell through.  If you don't have something to announce then don't announce anything!

Why they haven't aired isekai besides SAO -


They "haven't had good opportunity to air another one."

Though from what I hear of these other isekai shows most of them don't seem appealing to me at all.

Why they didn't air Yuri on Ice, which some folks would have liked to air.  Remember, it's fair game since Demarco's declaration that they could air NON-ACTION anime.


It didn't pan out.  I'm sure a lot of shows "didn't pan out."  But I'm sure not all of them got the Nobel peace prize winning negotiatior treatment that Gundam got, either.

As we all know, Demarco is well-versed in bullshitting and has these "reasons" and many others ready to go for why shows haven't aired or won't air.  He is also trying to say whatever he thinks won't piss people off or will piss them off the least, and thinks everyone will fall for his shit.  One of the most notorious and hilarious examples was Boruto, where when it got taken off he said they were just making room for other shows and that "I'm sure it will be back at at some point."  Sounded pretty non-committal.  Then later on he says "there are no plans to bring Boruto back at this time."  He was never gonna bring it back lmfao. xD



Edited by ben0119

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