Raptorpat Posted November 4, 2019 Posted November 4, 2019 we will get it but given that I have been playing pokemon shuffle for closing in on five years, and pokemon go for over three years now, I've no real pent-up hype for it (same thing happened when sun/moon and even ORAS came out) but it will still have the opportunity to suck me in I'm sure. Quote
DBZ4ever Posted November 4, 2019 Posted November 4, 2019 For the first time since I bought Red, I will be waiting. It may not be much of a message since most will scoop it up day 1 but I don't want to give them money when the game is missing Pokemon on a new console when it could do it just fine on the 3ds. Quote
Raptorpat Posted November 5, 2019 Posted November 5, 2019 I believe their rationale for not having all the Pokemon available was developer bandwidth and not actually a tech thing. Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted November 5, 2019 Posted November 5, 2019 Not me, I only play the finest quality video games, like Fortnite, Call of Duty, Minecraft, and Five Nights at Freddy's Quote
blueraven1999 Posted November 11, 2019 Posted November 11, 2019 (edited) I'll be getting one of them. I still haven't decided which one yet though. Update: Bought Shield tonight. Just started playing it now. Edited November 16, 2019 by blueraven1999 Quote
GuyBeardmane Posted November 17, 2019 Posted November 17, 2019 Are Sirfetch'd and Ponyta in the same game? Quote
naraku360 Posted November 17, 2019 Posted November 17, 2019 On 11/5/2019 at 10:30 AM, Admin_Raptorpat said: I believe their rationale for not having all the Pokemon available was developer bandwidth and not actually a tech thing. They said it was because creating higher resolution models needed to be done from scratch and it was too unrealistic with so many Pokemon. Then datamines on early copies revealed the models were basically identical to Sun/Moon. They were cutting corners on Nintendo's biggest franchise and lied about why. Quote
Ric Posted November 17, 2019 Posted November 17, 2019 6 hours ago, GuyBeardmane said: Are Sirfetch'd and Ponyta in the same game? No it's Ponytaw in Sheild and Sirfetch'd in Sword. That was final factor that lead to me picking Shield. Which I ordered with release date shipping so I wouldn't have to go out and my package gets delayed until Monday. >_< Quote
Raptorpat Posted November 17, 2019 Posted November 17, 2019 https://www.ign.com/wikis/pokemon-sword-shield/Pokemon_Sword_and_Shield_Version_Differences Quote
HardcoreHunter Posted November 17, 2019 Posted November 17, 2019 On 11/3/2019 at 11:46 PM, DBZ4ever said: For the first time since I bought Red, I will be waiting. It may not be much of a message since most will scoop it up day 1 but I don't want to give them money when the game is missing Pokemon on a new console when it could do it just fine on the 3ds. I really don't care about the cut pokemon. I actually said that would happen years ago and everyone on /vp/ lost their shit and began calling me and others doomers, or pokeoclypsefags. "Gamefreak would never do that it's too late for that kind of a change etc". What is keeping me from buying this game is that it just looks bad. Gamefreak is one of the largest franchise holders in the world. They aren't some small indie company. There is no excuse other than greed that we had garbage for the whole 3DS era of games and now into the switch. The game on the switch should be 5x the size that it is. People are beating it in 12hrs and there's no post-game. The first console main story pokemon game should have been a huge feat. The Vita digimon games are more grand than this. Cyber Sleuth and World have open areas with wandering digimon, the pokemon field is nothing new, and those games were 60-80 hrs to finish. The pokemon switch game should have at the very least been 30 hrs to get through the main story, and even then that is asking the bare minimum of the company. B2W2 was the last game that I enjoyed, and a lot of my enjoyment really comes more from hindsight of going back and replaying them because I've had zero fun playing any of the 3DS era games. Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted November 17, 2019 Posted November 17, 2019 27 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said: I really don't care about the cut pokemon. I actually said that would happen years ago and everyone on /vp/ lost their shit and began calling me and others doomers, or pokeoclypsefags. "Gamefreak would never do that it's too late for that kind of a change etc". What is keeping me from buying this game is that it just looks bad. Gamefreak is one of the largest franchise holders in the world. They aren't some small indie company. There is no excuse other than greed that we had garbage for the whole 3DS era of games and now into the switch. The game on the switch should be 5x the size that it is. People are beating it in 12hrs and there's no post-game. The first console main story pokemon game should have been a huge feat. The Vita digimon games are more grand than this. Cyber Sleuth and World have open areas with wandering digimon, the pokemon field is nothing new, and those games were 60-80 hrs to finish. The pokemon switch game should have at the very least been 30 hrs to get through the main story, and even then that is asking the bare minimum of the company. B2W2 was the last game that I enjoyed, and a lot of my enjoyment really comes more from hindsight of going back and replaying them because I've had zero fun playing any of the 3DS era games. the problem is, GF is sitting on a franchise that's worth at least a billion dollars, and they know full well that any game they release in the main series will sell in high volume, so they have no reason to innovate or do something different, and instead it's making them more lazy. It'd be so much more if they were to give the pkmn games the Persona 5 treatment like they did with Fire Emblem Three Houses, having a more character driven story, with multiple ways to play the game. Like instead of going through all 8 gyms and then the league, like you do in quite literally every pkmn game before it (save Sun&Moon, which still ended with league battles) maybe your character could choose to side with and work with the villains of the region, there being a good and bad playthrough of the game. Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted November 18, 2019 Posted November 18, 2019 Going along with my post and the possibility of siding with the villains of the region, it could change the narrative, like instead of it being a usual case where gym leaders are nice and friendly to you, they're pitted against you as an enemy, them trying to stop you. As for personal friends of your character it could be a thing where whichever path you choose also affects who stays loyal to you, and who is out to stop you. Quote
HardcoreHunter Posted November 18, 2019 Posted November 18, 2019 I like the idea of rom hacks where you play as a grunt, but I don't see it happening in a mainline game. It took them years to pretty much sideline pokemon battles being gloried dog fights. I don't think that people would look to fondly on a game aimed at kids that allows you to take part in organized crime. They don't even allow the use of slot machines in the west since the DS remakes, and the Virtual Console pokemon games had to get a T rating for their inclusion. Also an issue with the evil teams is they peaked with Cyrus, and his plan to destroy the fucking universe and become god. The big issue though that I have with team Galactic is that it began the trend of the grunts and admins just being brainwashed gullible idiots. Yeah they did it with Galactic, it made sense in context with the whole cultist undertone of the team. Then they did it again with Plasma. Oh we're a bunch of dumb white knight PETA idiots who don't want anyone to battle, and I'm N I'll use the legendary pokemon to end pokemon battles. Except his dad was the mastermind all along and he was going to use the legendary pokemon who you pretty much had to try not to KO to capture, they're so fucking weak. As his panzer nuke tank in making the whole world surrender to him. Then they pretty much do the same plot fucking again in the next game. Then XY we have the same thing that happens, team high fashion is going to pretty much do what team galactic did except it's only going to kill everyone in a single region rather than the whole universe which kinda makes it a big downgrade. Also their leader lied to them and the beam was going to kill all of them as well. Sun and Moon continued this with skull being presented as the threat, but then you realize that aether foundation and psycho milf were the real threat, and it wasn't much of a threat at all really. It just affected a few pokemon being captured which for some reason the series have demonized owning pokemon. They even tried to do that retarded thing of You don't pick your starter, your starter picks you, except you 100% pick your starter. It would have made more sense if they had you take some sort of quiz first like in the mystery dungeon games to decide your starter. Though no you just pick them like you would any other game, but with 4mins of unskippable bullshit and if you want to soft reset for a chance at a better shiny, gender, or stats then you're going to be in for a good chunk of time. For pokemon to actually go the route of having you choose to join the evil team, they'd have to have had a period of the games leading to that point. With Digimon the games gradually became more adult overtime. Pokemon on the other hand has regressed since the 3DS era. Each game has become more and more childish in tone and hand holding. That is the difference between the Digimon games and Pokemon. I played Cyber Sleuth and Decoded. Both games pretty much assume you've been playing the digimon games since the first Digmon world on PlayStation. I had to watch some videos on youtube to learn some of the abilities and mechanics of the games. Pokemon on the other hand assumes you have no idea how the buttons on your console even work. It's odd that gamefreak regressed as much as they had. When Yokai watch was big people were expecting game freak to try something new. Instead they just copied a few things from Yokai watch to make Z moves and the Rotom Dex which were both horrible. Now the Yokai watch fad has passed and they are just lost on what people want because they no longer have a successful model to steal things from. 1 Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted November 18, 2019 Posted November 18, 2019 53 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said: Then there's Nintendo and GF bastardizing the franchise by trying to cater to those that were obsessed with playing pkmn Go, but were never really into the series by bringing over the gimmick of throwing balls at wild pkmn, removing all wild encounters, and as one of my friends whose been a life long Nintendo and pkmn fan has said, the Let's Go games were essentially "Babies first Pokemon game" with how much they dumbed it down. Just about every game after BW2 he despises. There's also how the new game is carrying over the thing from LGE&P, where you the PC serves no purpose cause now you can just change your party on the fly, anywhere. And with the show they still haven't learned that people are tired of seeing Ash Ketchum in every new iteration of the series. With the new series and him being partnered up with another boy, Go they named him, instead of Pokedex's it's looking like they'll be carrying cell phones now. Some see the whole dual character dynamic they're going for as testing the waters to see if they can continue the series without Ash being the focus character. Honestly with Ash I would have been alright with him sticking around if they finally aged him up. One Piece and many other franchises have proven that you can do a time skip and still be successful. It makes the league victory he finally managed to acquire feel pointless since he's sent out on another journey, immediately after. I think it would have been better if they did like a 2-3 year or even longer time skip, having Ash be at least 13 or 14, showing that he's matured and become a much stronger trainer during that time. They could play up the angle of it being Ash's final adventure, at the end of which it comes down to him vs Go in the last round of the pkmn league and Go wins, Ash using that as a send off. I mean, they could still go that route of having Ash and Go be the final contestants in the league, but I feel it would just cheapen his win in Alola to lose the immediate next league, and for him to leave the series after that. To be fair though, I don't even give a shit. I used to be a huge fan of the pkmn games and the show but have given up on it long ago. I owned all the games up until Ruby & Sapphire, I played one of the games in the D&P gen, I played through a rom of Soul Silver on my phone, I played a rom of the 1st Black, XY was the first one I bought in a long time when it came out, I played through it in no time at all and ended up either selling it on ebay or giving it to my nephew. I actually really liked ORAS since gen 3 was my favorite one, but I never finished it, and either sold it or gave it away. S&M I didn't like at all and gave to my nephew for his birthday. Never played Ultra, and I'm on the fence about this new one. I want to see what they did with the series, it being the first one on the Switch, but I don't want to support it. Quote
HardcoreHunter Posted November 18, 2019 Posted November 18, 2019 Ash should have won Kalos it would have been the perfect end for his story arc ontop of it being the peak of pokemon's animation quality. Then the pokemon company said that Ash will never win the league. Then Sun and Moon had the worst ratings of any pokemon series. So they first went back on their older statement of Misty never coming back, so they brought her back for a few episodes to boost ratings. Then they said that Alola doesn't have a real gym or league system, until it does, and ash wins the special Olympics of the pokemon world. It was funny because for years /vp/ wouldn't acknowledge the orange league or frontier brain victories, because muh filler. Though the alola league the casuals who read about it on facebook came out of the wood works to shit post about Ash's victory "he finally did it boys". Then get assblasted when all the people who actually followed this nonsense were not as happy. The progression for Ash should have been he wins the league then pretty much becomes the new Brock taking a couple new trainers under his wing and passing the torch and going off to train and be battled later to complete the coming of age story. Instead 10 forever, goes full retard at the start of every new season. Nothing from the last season will even matter bullshit. Platinum was better than Diamond and Pearl, and Black 2 White 2 were better than black and white. I'd also suggest Blazing Black 2 and Volt White 2 which are rom hacks. Mostly just ups the difficulty and allows you to catch every pokemon in the game. Also removes trade evolution stipulations now making pokemon evolve with items or by level or friendship and level etc. I enjoyed HGSS a lot. There are also some rom hacks for them that make the game more enjoyable. Especially since the GTS is dead. 1 1 Quote
Chapinator_X Posted November 18, 2019 Posted November 18, 2019 Doesn’t seem worth it with how cheap everything looks. The Dex thing I can somewhat get if it was to help save some memory to polish up the game and get rid of the goofier Pokémon that have shown up within the past 15 years. But the game looks like dogshit, especially on a modern game console like the Switch. Pokémon games have been reusing assets for a while, but this is the first one that looks like they slapped together old portable assets to pass off as a current gen console game. It looks like a dire and ugly HD rerelease of a PSP game. I’ll probably give it a shot in the future since Galar looks like it could be a fun region, but it just sets a bad precedent to sanction purchasing the game when so many half-measures were made so that it could be released by the end of 2019. Quote
HardcoreHunter Posted November 19, 2019 Posted November 19, 2019 12 hours ago, imchapp.in said: But the game looks like dogshit, especially on a modern game console like the Switch. Pokémon games have been reusing assets for a while, but this is the first one that looks like they slapped together old portable assets to pass off as a current gen console game. It looks like a dire and ugly HD rerelease of a PSP game. Similar to what I said about Vita games being more capable. The lack of quality and features are inexcusable. Really the only excuse I could think of to even justify cutting the dex which I'm fairly indifferent towards, would be if they implemented all new animations and fixed the models attacks. Pokemon Stadium on the N64 at least could bother to have attacks match up correctly rather than generic movements. Blastoise should be firing from his cannons like in the N64, not the center of his chest. Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted November 19, 2019 Posted November 19, 2019 1 hour ago, HardcoreHunter said: Similar to what I said about Vita games being more capable. The lack of quality and features are inexcusable. Really the only excuse I could think of to even justify cutting the dex which I'm fairly indifferent towards, would be if they implemented all new animations and fixed the models attacks. Pokemon Stadium on the N64 at least could bother to have attacks match up correctly rather than generic movements. Blastoise should be firing from his cannons like in the N64, not the center of his chest. Like I said, Nintendo and GF knows they're sitting on an IP worth over a billion, and whatever they put out will sell in high volume. I know more people now than before are calling them out on selling two versions of the same $50 game. That's been something people have gripped about for a long time, that didn't bother me too much in the old days, but it really is just a way they can milk more money out of consumers, since they know full well there's a large source of people that will gladly buy both versions. And I'd imagine GF is already working on the next pkmn game for Q3 2020, so I imagine that one would just be a refinement of what they made with S&S, so it likely won't be until the pkmn game of 2021 before we see if they've learned from their mistakes and give the fans what they want Quote
HardcoreHunter Posted November 19, 2019 Posted November 19, 2019 Ever since they introduced global trade, it negated the need for me to really need two copies of a game. At least for finishing the dex the Global trade was all you needed. Though if you wanted to have a competitive pokemon that evolves via trade, then you pretty much needed two copies, unless you know how to inject. Quote
Raptorpat Posted November 29, 2019 Posted November 29, 2019 Does anyone know if you can get more of the apricorn balls the ball guy gives you? Accidentally brushed a shoulder button while selecting a great ball and I used my friend ball on a shuckle... Quote
Distortedreasoning Posted December 12, 2019 Posted December 12, 2019 its been almost a month now, and i still dont have the game. this will be the first time since gen 3 since i miss out on buying a new gen pokemon at launch. just not a big fan of the effort put on by gf here. not sure whats going on but they are getting out done by many other companies. maybe they are just tired of pretty much making the same game over and over again? or gf was being cheap here? i dont know but its a shame since there are some cool stuff to like from what ive seen. Quote
Gyaos Posted December 22, 2019 Posted December 22, 2019 Thought about it for a long time, but I don't think the $60 price tag fits. It's not even the "Dexit" controvery that gets me. It's that Pokemon has essentially followed the same formula since 1996, aside from the occasional spin-off game that changes things up a tiny bit. It boasts the bare minimum of growth (if any) in regards to plot and character development. The game also looks like something that could have easily been released on the 3DS with a price tag of $40. There are much more interesting games out there that warrant the $60 price tag. This isn't one of those titles. Quote
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