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11 minutes ago, Jman said:

Relatively.  Now that it was a going concern, people probably flipped over.  It can't really be undersold just how massive Demon Slayer was for Netflix given that globally its total seasons easily put it in the most watched programs on Netflix according to their own data.  I think this is a simple case of "we can watch this elsewhere."

Eh, whatever. I don't even have Netflix. I do have Hulu, and I have watched this season there. But I guess it's the old-schooler in me who just wants to watch it on Toonami too. And it's refreshing that there are still some 150K of us who also feel that way.


If nothing else, Entertainment District stayed pretty consistent. Low, but it’s not all over the place. Will be interesting to see how Ninja Kamui does. Still not seeing much buzz for it outside of Toonami circles. 

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22 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Well, here you go!


1:30 and 2 AM down a bit in 18-49 though.

So on their chart, they do denote the 12a Ninja Kamui differently, but the 3am episode is not present. So either it did worse than 0.02, or despite the distinction, it’s considered a rerun regardless. Was hoping we would get to see those numbers but I guess we won’t. 

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Well, THAT'S pretty interesting:


Yes, multiple shows on [as] Saturday night made it, but the interesting part is what you DON'T see: Rick & Morty at 11:30 is nowhere to be found!

Since the #200 show cutoff is 0.105, which rounds up to 0.11, we can reasonably conclude that Ninja Kamui did equal to or better than it, since it's also 0.11. (From the data we do have, its potential range is 0.105-0.114).

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1 hour ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Lmfao this pleases me so much. Not sure why Ninja Kamui  decided to start shitting the bed, but that 90 minute stretch of shonen garbage has absolutely no draw so people bail when Lycoris ends. 

We haven’t seen 5 digits in a very long time, and I think the last time in recent memory was really close to the edge, like 95k. With Naruto at 70k that episode of Kai easily could have been in the 50k region. Just had to buy it back though, didn’t you Demarco? 

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7 hours ago, Jman said:

It’s telling Toonami’s airing of Demon Slayer bombed the same weekend the next arc preview pulled down $11.5 million.

Funny you're dunking on Demon Slayer when OP and Shippuden were the ones that got under 100K.

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6 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

Funny you're dunking on Demon Slayer when OP and Shippuden were the ones that got under 100K.

Not dunking on the show, just Toonami’s disconnect from the rest of the world.

OP - 34 episodes away from the dub catching up with the Japanese releases.

Naruto - Just got the Shang Chi director for the live action movie.

And then Demon Slayer with a glorified arc preview pulling down $11.5 million at the box office.

These are successful franchises.  Just not on Toonami.

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14 hours ago, Sketch said:


Maybe this is a fluke but that's pretty dang bad.

We haven’t seen a show dip under 90k since October 2022. And the schedule has had some pretty rough stretches since that point and still managed to keep things at 6 digits. And even with Ninja Kamui dipping hard, it’s still on the same pace as Demon Slayer was as the lead last month, where again, nothing dipped below 6 digits. There is only one factor on the schedule that changed last week that can explain such a severe loss of viewership. 

2 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Wish I could say numbers were down across the board Saturday night on [as], but I can't:


Unfortunately, NK lost a bunch from its #125 rerun R&M lead-in. 243K-165K=78K, and that's a pretty bad slide.

This is a good thing. If it continues, it will force change. 

32 minutes ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

We haven’t seen a show dip under 90k since October 2022. And the schedule has had some pretty rough stretches since that point and still managed to keep things at 6 digits. And even with Ninja Kamui dipping hard, it’s still on the same pace as Demon Slayer was as the lead last month, where again, nothing dipped below 6 digits. There is only one factor on the schedule that changed last week that can explain such a severe loss of viewership. 

This is a good thing. If it continues, it will force change. 

That lineup was arguably worse, considering it saw Yashahime drop to a mere 0.04 in 18-49 at 12:30, and the 2024 floor so far for that timeslot with Dr. Stone and Demon Slayer is 0.07. Then again, it also didn't dip into 5-digit territory until 2:30, while this one did at 1:30.

We'll see if it does. Who knew the 2:30 timeslot mattered this much? It certainly seems MHA and IGPX were able to buoy One Piece and Shippuden in a way ol' DBZ Kai might not be able to?

4 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

That lineup was arguably worse, considering it saw Yashahime drop to a mere 0.04 in 18-49 at 12:30, and the 2024 floor so far for that timeslot with Dr. Stone and Demon Slayer is 0.07. Then again, it also didn't dip into 5-digit territory until 2:30, while this one did at 1:30.

We'll see if it does. Who knew the 2:30 timeslot mattered this much? It certainly seems MHA and IGPX were able to buoy One Piece and Shippuden in a way ol' DBZ Kai might not be able to?

Yashahime was another example of thing nobody but Demarco wanted on the block, but it was on much earlier so it was able to damage the demo worse. But just last year we had a significant stretch where the block was almost all OP and Naruto and we didn’t see things crash this bad. Perhaps the lie that they had something coming encouraged people to rough it out? 

Anyway, I certainly didn’t put that much value on 2:30 either, but it does seem that slot being desirable to watch is a needed motivator to get people to sit through OP and Naruto. With Naruto wrapping up, they don’t need to worry about that too much, they can just bump OP to the last premier and contain the damage that way. 

If things continue to crater like this, I think they would be better served relocating Kai to a weekday timeslot. Maybe right after Checkered Past, there are likely some fresh faces in that audience who don’t watch Toonami, and thus would be more receptive to a DBZ rerun. Then Toonami itself either slots IGPX in to 2:30, or they cut 3, pull up the Ninja Kamui sub, then tag in IGPX when it finishes. These would be changes to make in late March after Entertainment District ends, so it wouldn’t be that long of a wait for IGPX if they went for the cut route. 

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The main problem is "premiering" anything weebish post-midnight on a block the 18yo's have no nostalgic attachment to on a dead medium.

The secondary problem is the money -- but if someone from the Zaslav camp catches wind of problema numero uno, they would finally kill this thing and place old AS original reruns or informercials (not the fake kind) in its place.

It's the financially and culturally correct thing to do at minimum not involving gutting CN/AS entirely or releasing everything here on out in 15-second bites via TikTok. Longform fiction is boomer shit, pookie.


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7 hours ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

We haven’t seen a show dip under 90k since October 2022. And the schedule has had some pretty rough stretches since that point and still managed to keep things at 6 digits. And even with Ninja Kamui dipping hard, it’s still on the same pace as Demon Slayer was as the lead last month, where again, nothing dipped below 6 digits. There is only one factor on the schedule that changed last week that can explain such a severe loss of viewership. 

This is a good thing. If it continues, it will force change. 

I can’t say I buy the theory that DBZ Kai replacing IGPX tanked the block. Why would a show at 2:30 make that much of a difference by itself? I mean who even knew about the change before hand besides people like us?

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7 hours ago, MasqueradeOverture said:

The main problem is "premiering" anything weebish post-midnight on a block the 18yo's have no nostalgic attachment to on a dead medium.

People tune in if the content is new and enjoyable. The numbers are likely never going over 300k again, but if we can keep 1-2 slots in the 200k range each week that’s good enough for 2024. Nobody is going to commit another 4 years to watching Kai over again, and that bleeds up to Naruto which people may not have been following and are not invested without a shorter carrot (IGPX in this example) after it, and OP which is just not viable to jump into on cable unless again, it’s background noise to keep you awake for something later. 

6 hours ago, Sketch said:

I can’t say I buy the theory that DBZ Kai replacing IGPX tanked the block. Why would a show at 2:30 make that much of a difference by itself? I mean who even knew about the change before hand besides people like us?

It didn’t tank the entire block. There are two quadrants here. Ninja Kamui is a simple return to the center after some early interest died off. Why now? Can’t say, I think the show has been solid each episode so far. But 165k is well within the margin for the “Toonami regulars” who tune in every single week. And the gradual slide for Demon Slayer and Lycoris is within the normal parameters as well. 

Whats not normal is the large drop going into OP that gets even worse going into Naruto. With no examples of that in over 1.5 years, we need to look at other factors. And there’s only one factor that changed last week. At that point in the block, a large portion of the audience are only regulars. And regulars are the most informed about schedule changes. And they clearly didn’t see anything worthwhile to watch after Lycoris. 

And this comes as no real surprise to anyone since we all watched Kai reruns crater the ratings a few years prior. 

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If we're blaming Kai, blame the real culprits:

1). Dragon Soul. Shit's like stabbing my eardrums with a rusty nail. WOAT theme song.

2). Me for not being able to hack past their firewalls and replace their files with my DBZ edit.

Faulconer from episode 1 with Ocean/Saban-edit pacing but totally uncensored and replacing half the dialogue with Kai's redub? Ratings over 9.000% US households.

  • Haha 1

I think the real culprit is just people watch these shows elsewhere, and Kamui is still pretty generic, even if it is tempered by DeMarco’s tastes.


Huh, checking Max, Ninja Kamui is the fourth most popular show on the service today, behind only Curb Your Enthusiasm, True Detective, and John Oliver.

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4 hours ago, Jman said:

I think the real culprit is just people watch these shows elsewhere, and Kamui is still pretty generic, even if it is tempered by DeMarco’s tastes.

It doesn’t matter if it’s generic or not, what matters is if it’s engaging to watch. So far, each episode has had one major action stretch, and each has been abnormally well animated. The audience wants to be entertained, simple as that. 

If I had to take a guess for this weeks dip, the entire first stretch of the episode was pretty slow and people faded early before the payoff at the end of the episode. 

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At this point I’m wondering what the shows could put in to attract more people.


Yes that includes the Eric Andre cameo.


1 hour ago, Jman said:

At this point I’m wondering what the shows could put in to attract more people.

That’s the wrong way to look at it. The block is never going to lure in a huge wave of lapsed viewers. The goal is keeping existing viewers engaged, and if we are lucky, grab a couple old ones back. 

I think Ninja Kamui and Lycoris lay out a good blueprint for what an enjoyable Toonami show needs. 

1. Action. This is the most important factor. There are so many “good” shows that Demarco likes to gravitate towards like Gundam that simply do not have enough action and that’s why people fade on them. People would much rather see a mediocre, but action dense show over a snoozefest that dullards who write for journalist sites watched and think makes them smart for liking. Remember, AgK was panned super hard when it was announced for the block then it had a ratings explosion the likes we have never seen. The story sucked but at least it was fun to watch. 

2. Reasonable length. The era of long runners ended quite a few years ago. Nobody wants to commit the next 1XX+ weekends to Toonami. 12-26 weekends? Much more reasonable. A show people can pick up and actually have a realistic chance of finishing. It’s hard to justify jumping into Naruto this late in the game, and watching OP (especially Dressrosa) without being able to skip the first 7-12 minutes of the episode isn’t very appealing either. 

3. Age. Keep it in the era of HD. The audience just does not click with older content for some reason. 8-10 years old? Seems to be fine considering AssClass did great, but it seems viability starts to drop rapidly around the 2010 mark. 

It’s that simple. It’s always been that simple, but Demarco is as stubborn as they come. They obviously have money to burn if Kai was an option, so phone up Aniplex and start thumbing through their catalog. 

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9 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Hear me out:

SAO Gun Gale Online

2018 original AND new 2024 season.

Or maybe Blue Exorcist 2017 and 2024?

If they want to keep up the girls with guns slot, GGO would be a decent pick. It also helps with Demarco’s usual struggles with picking a total unknown. 

I can’t remember if the 2017 BE is a permanent Hulu exclusive or not, but I do think the 2024 one is fair game. 

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13 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Hear me out:

SAO Gun Gale Online

2018 original AND new 2024 season.

Or maybe Blue Exorcist 2017 and 2024?

I actually don't get why Demarco didn't buy Sword Alt but got Lycoris instead. They're the same show, but one has the uber-popular SAO brand attached.

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4 hours ago, Greener223224 said:

I actually don't get why Demarco didn't buy Sword Alt but got Lycoris instead. They're the same show, but one has the uber-popular SAO brand attached.

They’re not even remotely similar shows.

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On 2/29/2024 at 1:39 AM, Toonamiguy321 said:

People tune in if the content is new and enjoyable. The numbers are likely never going over 300k again, but if we can keep 1-2 slots in the 200k range each week that’s good enough for 2024. Nobody is going to commit another 4 years to watching Kai over again, and that bleeds up to Naruto which people may not have been following and are not invested without a shorter carrot (IGPX in this example) after it, and OP which is just not viable to jump into on cable unless again, it’s background noise to keep you awake for something later. 

It didn’t tank the entire block. There are two quadrants here. Ninja Kamui is a simple return to the center after some early interest died off. Why now? Can’t say, I think the show has been solid each episode so far. But 165k is well within the margin for the “Toonami regulars” who tune in every single week. And the gradual slide for Demon Slayer and Lycoris is within the normal parameters as well. 

Whats not normal is the large drop going into OP that gets even worse going into Naruto. With no examples of that in over 1.5 years, we need to look at other factors. And there’s only one factor that changed last week. At that point in the block, a large portion of the audience are only regulars. And regulars are the most informed about schedule changes. And they clearly didn’t see anything worthwhile to watch after Lycoris. 

And this comes as no real surprise to anyone since we all watched Kai reruns crater the ratings a few years prior. 

So you really think people bailed on the back half because IGPX left? Even most Toonami regulars are less interested in IGPX than DBZ Kai much less the casuals.

Never thought I’d see you imply even Toonami regulars care that much about IGPX.

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Yeah, blaming Kai at the ass end of 2:30am doesn't seem logical.  The problems are far deeper, namely what's airing and if it's worth recording or staying up for when you can access more, elsewhere.  

When Toonami/Adult Swim Action was the only game in town, it was perfectly logical to blame the shows and their quality. A rerun was bad for business, people only cared about the big shounen debuting, and DeMarco's shit taste kept threatening to take the block into a tailspin.  Well the tailspin is here and it's not DeMarco's fault as far as the existing shows goes, because no matter what you air there, if it's easier to watch elsewhere, it will be watched elsewhere.  Chainsaw Man, Goblin Slayer, Chained Soldier, Oshi no Ko, none of it matters if it's easier for the consumer to watch it elsewhere on their own time.  And then some people are willing to wait so they're not on the network's schedule.  Ninja Kamui is doing surprisingly well on Max, which speaks to Toonami no longer being the primary source, even for stuff it's technically premiering.  

I make fun of this block a lot, but I do like it.  I just don't know how much longer it has, especially with anime fans being, at least in legacy views, tech-savvy and more willing than other groups to be early adopters of technology like streaming.  I mean, the war between linear television and streaming is over.  Streaming won.  Even Adult Swim has conceded defeat, with Max leaning on Adult Swim programming for their value add.  

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12 hours ago, Sketch said:

So you really think people bailed on the back half because IGPX left? Even most Toonami regulars are less interested in IGPX than DBZ Kai much less the casuals.

Never thought I’d see you imply even Toonami regulars care that much about IGPX.

Even I find it hard to believe, but the proof is in the pudding. 2:30a isn’t casual territory. Casuals are out the door an hour in. Beyond the first hour is diehard territory, and they clearly weren’t down for another loop of Kai. Just look here


Demon Slayer: 157,000(0.08 P18-49)
Dr. Stone: 140,000(0.07 P18-49)
Lycoris Recoil: 123,000(0.07 P18-49)
One Piece: 107,000(0.06 P18-49)
Naruto: Shippuden: 114,000(0.06 P18-49)


Demon Slayer: 164,000(0.08 P18-49)
Dr. Stone: 140,000(0.07 P18-49)
Lycoris Recoil: 159,000(0.08 P18-49)
One Piece: 139,000(0.07 P18-49)
Naruto: Shippuden: 135,000(0.07 P18-49)


Demon Slayer: 166,000(0.10 P18-49)
Dr. Stone: 142,000(0.09 P18-49)
Lycoris Recoil: 143,000(0.08 P18-49)
One Piece: 133,000(0.08 P18-49)
Naruto: Shippuden: 133,000(0.08 P18-49)


Ninja Kamui 165,000(0.08 P18-49)
Demon Slayer: 147,000(0.07 P18-49)
Lycoris Recoil: 121,000(0.07 P18-49)
One Piece: 94,000(0.05 P18-49)
Naruto: Shippuden: 70,000(0.04 P18-49)

Almost identical first hour performances between all these weeks, and Lycoris close but it did have a few spike weeks. Notice how in the first 3 example’s though, OP and Naruto stay competitive? Like I already said, Kai didn’t kill the ENTIRE night, but it did kill the hour of mid shonen because there was no longer anything worth staying up for after Lycoris. 

Kai is a show that appeals most to the biggest casuals. And the biggest casuals have never stayed up till 2:30a. If they want an audience for Kai, it needs to relocate to 7pm or so. The Toonami crowd is done with it. 

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Posted (edited)

Again it’s one night so far. If this continues a 2nd much less 3rd week then your theory holds some water.

Plenty of hardcore Toonami viewers are interested in rewatching Kai even at 2:30 but I completely agree it’s wasted at 2:30 and should be at 7pm or even filling 5-7pm on Saturday instead of KOTH. There was zero reason to re-up it for 2:30 but I do generally expect people will start tuning into it. It would be hilarious if they didn’t though.

On to other business, the return of Superman is expected to be announced soon. If it resumes before Kamui ends or even replaces Demon Slayer then I must wonder if they’ll stick Kamui 2nd behind a Thursday encore. If they must stick Superman before Kamui then I hope they give Superman 11:30.

Edited by Sketch
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21 minutes ago, Sketch said:

Plenty of hardcore Toonami viewers are interested in rewatching Kai even at 2:30 but I completely agree it’s wasted at 2:30 and should be at 7pm or even filling 5-7pm on Saturday instead of KOTH. There was zero reason to re-up it for 2:30 but I do generally expect people will start tuning into it. It would be hilarious if they didn’t though.

Not sure where you are seeing that enthusiasm cause I sure didn’t see any of it. The reactions I have seen range from anger they got Kai back, to indifference to a rerun slot people already ignored. The only positive responses to Kai I have seen are in the Facebook comments, who are usually people who never actually tune in. 

Long shonen rewatches are usually done via highlight reels. Even with the Kai cut, it’s still full of meaningless fluff in between the handful of iconic moments people actually want to see. 

24 minutes ago, Sketch said:

On to other business, the return of Superman is expected to be announced soon. If it resumes before Kamui ends or even replaces Demon Slayer then I must wonder if they’ll stick Kamui 2nd behind a Thursday encore. If they must stick Superman before Kamui then I hope they give Superman 11:30.

How soon do we expect? Like, next week or so, or could that be something they slip into an April Fools sneak peek reel? If it’s the latter, its actual premier could be held off long enough for Kamui to end. Considering they just started Royal Crackers 2 days ago, I feel like that will get at least a month of solo time. 

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1 hour ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Looks like Naruto fans were out in force to see the final manga chapter on cable. Don’t think the LN episodes will generate as much excitement. 

It will be interesting to see next weeks Ninja Kamui numbers. This episode was the first one thus far to not have any notable action, but next weeks looks like it will hit the ground running. If the dense action theory holds up, Ninja Kamui should turn in much better numbers next week. 

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3 hours ago, Greener223224 said:

They should show the ratings for DBZ and subbed Ninja Kamui

As of like 2 years ago, rerun ratings are no longer reported at all unless they crack the top 400 on all of cable. I think the block has done it 2, maybe 3 times in that timeframe. If you want to take a guess at them, pull up the top 400 chart and scroll to number 400. DBZ and Kamui did worse than that show. 

15 hours ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

As of like 2 years ago, rerun ratings are no longer reported at all unless they crack the top 400 on all of cable. I think the block has done it 2, maybe 3 times in that timeframe. If you want to take a guess at them, pull up the top 400 chart and scroll to number 400. DBZ and Kamui did worse than that show. 

It's only the Top 200, and it hasn't been updated yet for Toonami's most recent run.


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