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I feel so accomplished. 😐 I also got told I'd be considered for admition to West Point  They offer that to everyone that has line scores above 110 and I think mine is exactly 110 so meh.  That might be something I consider in the near future if I get the opportunity. Anyone know what going to school at West Point is actually like?  Just the massive change of weather/ climate makes that seem pretty forboding to me. I've never been that far north lol. 


Just an after thought but I have to add that I don't really know if they offer that to eveyone above 110, but I'm pretty sure I had a buddy tell me that when I was active duty. West Point always sounds intriguing.. but I'd need to know the attrition rate and have an idea of what the atmosphere is actually like aside from all the talk and it's historical significance  before I could sign up for something like that...

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How old are you I think you have to be older than me.. Anyway that works differently for veterans is probably the reason.. For example the reason I had to lose wieght to join the guard was beacuse proir service candidates are held to the same physical standards as actual soldiers in uniform. If you are a new recruit you can't get in over 35, but they adjust that cut off age based on the length of your prior service  if you are a veteran and are generally a lot more leniant towards you in all the other areas besides PFT.

If that makes sense. The cut off for a new recruit to be accepted at westpoint is 23, but that might not be the same for prior service veterans. There are a lot of programs offered by the various branches tailored specifically towards veterans though. 

I wouldn't be surprised if the staff at the MEPS here were just all off their rocker though... I had to get a secret clearance, and pretty much coraborate my entire life story to get in though so I hope not. 👌


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6 hours ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

I feel so accomplished. 😐 I also got told I'd be considered for admition to West Point  They offer that to everyone that has line scores above 110 and I think mine is exactly 110 so meh.  That might be something I consider in the near future if I get the opportunity. Anyone know what going to school at West Point is actually like?  Just the massive change of weather/ climate makes that seem pretty forboding to me. I've never been that far north lol. 


Just an after thought but I have to add that I don't really know if they offer that to eveyone above 110, but I'm pretty sure I had a buddy tell me that when I was active duty. West Point always sounds intriguing.. but I'd need to know the attrition rate and have an idea of what the atmosphere is actually like aside from all the talk and it's historical significance  before I could sign up for something like that...

I went there as a Girl Scout when I was 12.  I remember it being windy.  Does that help?

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My cousin went to West Point right after high school. I would imagine the scenario would be much different for a prior vet such as yourself, but for his experience, freshman are called "Plebs" and the upperclassmen are the big men on campus, and they make it so the plebs can literally not say one word to anyone unless they are in their rooms. Although I would think they were allowed to speak if an upperclassman or officer spoke to them first prompting them to respond, but I don't know.

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