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11 hours ago, GuyBeardmane said:

He's Normal/Fighting, which is not the best.

I don't give a dang about usefulness, look at him!

I want him on my team, even if it's just to be moral support for my other Pokebois.

11 hours ago, QueenoftheDorks said:

My knowledge of Pokemon ends at 150.

Mine too, that's why I didn't know he existed.

I'm definitely getting Sword/Shield in November though. That game looks dope. THEY GOT KAIJU POKEMON, YO

12 hours ago, cyberbully said:

Why are we talking about last gen pokemon?

Because I watched the announcement video for the new game coming in November, realized I hadn't really seen any of the recent gens, looked into it, and found THIS FUCKIN GUY


Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Skiles said:

I want to pat his head and give him a big dang hug

Sun This immensely dangerous Pokémon possesses overwhelming physical strength. Its habitat is generally off-limits.
Moon This Pokémon has the habit of hugging its companions. Many Trainers have left this world after their spines were squashed by its hug.
Ultra Sun It waves its hands wildly in intimidation and warning. Life is over for anyone who doesn’t run away as fast as possible.
Ultra Moon It boasts tremendous physical strength. Many people call it the most dangerous Pokémon in the Alola region.
Edited by TheCrimsonFucker
On 6/9/2019 at 8:52 AM, Skiles said:




according to the pokedex they just rip everything they see to shreds for absolutely no reason unprovoked


He always seemed terrifying to me. You could make a horror movie out of him. Give him a oddly high pitvhed voice and have him constantly asking for Hugs. Then when he's mailing people to death he hits it with deep voice and commenting on the yummy hugs

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3 hours ago, mochi said:

according to the pokedex they just rip everything they see to shreds for absolutely no reason unprovoked

Do I get to hug him?

8 hours ago, TheCrimsonFucker said:
Sun This immensely dangerous Pokémon possesses overwhelming physical strength. Its habitat is generally off-limits.
Moon This Pokémon has the habit of hugging its companions. Many Trainers have left this world after their spines were squashed by its hug.
Ultra Sun It waves its hands wildly in intimidation and warning. Life is over for anyone who doesn’t run away as fast as possible.
Ultra Moon It boasts tremendous physical strength. Many people call it the most dangerous Pokémon in the Alola region.

Yeahhhh, but he's so cute, though!

9 hours ago, Majin Mayhem said:

You do know that his Pokédex entry indicates he has killed his trainers right?

Well, if I could pick a way to go out, I'd go out givin' Bewear a big dang hug.


Oh someone pointed out the twist here already..  Fairy/Dark right?  I hope.. I forgot. I think he's just fairy/normal. That pokedex entry is boss though. Most of them from the SUN/MOON region are pretty dark though.. There's honestly not very many positive sounding poxedex entries for the entire gen... I think the pokedex entry writer(s) have given up on life at this point honestly. xD

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