ben0119 Posted November 10, 2016 Posted November 10, 2016 Toonami General Discussion Thread Continued from here. This thread will serve the same purpose as the original Unevenedge thread and the Toonami Folder thread back on ASMB, more or less. Play by whatever rules, or lack thereof, Luuv has enacted, and enjoy the discussion of all things Toonami.
ben0119 Posted November 10, 2016 Author Posted November 10, 2016 Toonami Show Rundown 107 - One Punch Man Review - 10/8/16 Intro - It better not take two years to get more One Punch Man! News - So we've gone from the Gundam embargo to a Dragonball embargo? The world does revolve around America! Sic? Maybe pronounced like syke? Maybe the Boing Rebound? The windup toys on Boomerang, heh. Why aren't you watching Toonami live? Now they're telling people smoking kills cats and creates a wage gap. Kids don't like to be told what to do, but telling them to smoke probably wouldn't work either, right? It's a serious Power Rangers movie. Not sure what to make of that. I thought this movie was going to be a reunion thing? Tobey Mcguire got some oooooos from the girls on Colbert the other day so he must be doing something right. Andrew Garfield's big nose was distracting. Video stores still exist? Jamie Foxx's head. o_O The suits are over-designed and too shiny. They also have super powers without the suits which defeats the whole purpose of morphing. Haunted Houses and Halloween parties and stuff go on all October pretty much. Maybe they're might be more stuff going on the actual weekend, but eh... DBZ - This episode was well put together. King Kai used Instant Transmission without touching his head. Ki blast spam is usually a sign of desperation. That was done to show that Goku is losing it and can't win. One Punch Man - Well Metal Knight had done dickish things up to this point, too. Between the gangbusters ratings, Tom using terms like "season 2" and "season finale," I'd say it's pretty much guaranteed that we get season 2. What are you talking about? This was the payoff of the whole show. This is Saitama finally getting a good fight after all the one hit fights. That was the whole point. Yeah Genos was never like Amai Mask. I think he told Saitama to leave, too. No way the overblown stuff was great! Yes go to the moon! Dude can you just not enjoy fun awesomeness? Every alien had a different design which was really unique and cool, too. Forgotten like the Parasyte school massacres, heh. But it was a surprise attack. There was nothing the heroes could do. "Oh we can talk about 'em now!" Dayum! Gundam IBO - Golly-Golly's Gundam looks pretty cool, but Akihiro's, ehh... It looks like the Turbines just painted it generic colors. The news crew was there covering the protests, which is where they picked up Kudelia at. Kudelia is the author's fanfic character LOL. Dort is the extremely bad name for the space colonies. It seemed to work pretty well in Farscape and Battlestar Galactica. But it's not sprinkled all over the place, either. I liked how "slag" was used as an expletive in Beast Wars, heh. But Mika is a brawler. The space colonies thing gets old. Mika called the other guy Chocolate Man. And let's face it, none of the viewers know these guy's real names. Hunter x Hunter - Wario > Hunter x Hunter is the moral of this discussion. It makes a lot of sense why Killua is the way he is. Leorio got screwed. I wouldn't expect him to be stronger, either. If you can get through by opening one set of doors what is the point of opening the others? Naruto - So the flashback happened in the middle of the fight. Makes more sense I suppose. Well we had to use nukes once to learn not to use them again. Pain is going to give everyone nukes at the same time, though. So it's gonna be a lot more death for everyone to learn the lesson in this case. What happened to the war economy plan? Seriously?! Never brought up again?! This show... It was hard to take the conversation seriously when Jiraiya was using that hair jutsu though. It built this all up at the last minute is the problem. Hunter x Hunter's world is nonsensical, though. I dunno Bleach will go whole swaths without Ichigo appearing. Yes we see more of the world and people in it in Dragonball than DBZ. Pain definitely has a presence. Kishimoto is making a cyberpunk manga next?! One Piece - I wanted to see Hogback suplexed too. "In case I die..." Wow Naruto OP, haha. One Punch Man Review - You're reviewing One Punch Man with just two people on? The characters don't always take things seriously. Saitama doesn't. What threads? I haven't seen that. The animation and art is great. Madhouse did an excellent job. I can see the Space Dandy in it. The comedy is creative and effective. There's still funny stuff when it's just being a good shonen, though. Noble, dopey, and robotic, heh. 10 episodes?! I was left wanting more! The humor being actual humor and not anime humor is a breath of fresh air and a big plus for sure. ONE-ZERO OUT OF TEN! Depends on if you want to rate on personal enjoyment or objective quality. I usually go for the former. Uhh there isn't a 0. 1 is the least you can go. "stay anime"
mochi Posted November 11, 2016 Posted November 11, 2016 Toonami General Discussion Thread Continued from here. This thread will serve the same purpose as the original Unevenedge thread and the Toonami Folder thread back on ASMB, more or less. Play by whatever rules, or lack thereof, Luuv has enacted, and enjoy the discussion of all things Toonami. I would get drunk but I'm not familiar with the area we moved to enough to know which of the thousands of Liquor stores in my neighborhood is the cheapest and in the mental state I'm in right now....prooooobably shouldn't get drunk
ben0119 Posted November 11, 2016 Author Posted November 11, 2016 I would get drunk but I'm not familiar with the area we moved to enough to know which of the thousands of Liquor stores in my neighborhood is the cheapest and in the mental state I'm in right now....prooooobably shouldn't get drunk Alcohol is a depressant. Not a good thing for you right now. Cool to see you, by the way.
StarPanda Posted November 12, 2016 Posted November 12, 2016 So i will more than likely miss today line up and discussions because of the UFC fights, i hope the others like Saito,DM,OSC etc find their way over here I just saw that DM got my message i hope the rest follow
mochi Posted November 12, 2016 Posted November 12, 2016 Alcohol is a depressant. Not a good thing for you right now. Cool to see you, by the way. you aren't a Trump supporter are you cause someone was just telling me you are...........and if you are I'm genuinely surprised you aren't trolling me or telling me to off myself
ben0119 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 you aren't a Trump supporter are you cause someone was just telling me you are...........and if you are I'm genuinely surprised you aren't trolling me or telling me to off myself More like a Hillary un-supporter and kind of annoyed now that I got this email from Fight for the Future. Why would I do that? You realize conservatives aren't evil mustache twirling villains, right? Plus I am not even conservative on all things. I'm pro-life, anti-death penalty, pro-environment, pro-constitution, pro-conservationism, pro-environmentalism, pro all drugs legalization, etc. And I was a patriot and a conservationist before it was cool I believe we should protect the planet and all its life forms as best we can, keep it clean, on principle. It's just logical and common sense. It doesn't matter whether manmade global warming is real. I don't own or drive a car due to my temperament, sense of direction worse than Zoro's, nervousness, and temper. I also prefer to not contribute to polluting the planet, so I ride a bike or walk wherever I need to go. Of course my other family members have cars and give me rides. I recycle, donated to UNICEF, Brown Santa, help people I meet and know as best I can. I'm a very generous and kind-hearted person, believe it or not.
ben0119 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 Any chance of us doing some things to bring in new blood, Luuv? Recruit from social media, MAL, etc?
mochi Posted November 13, 2016 Posted November 13, 2016 More like a Hillary un-supporter and kind of annoyed now that I got this email from Fight for the Future. Why would I do that? You realize conservatives aren't evil mustache twirling villains, right? Plus I am not even conservative on all things. I'm pro-life, anti-death penalty, pro-environment, pro-constitution, pro-conservationism, pro-environmentalism, pro all drugs legalization, etc. And I was a patriot and a conservationist before it was cool I believe we should protect the planet and all its life forms as best we can, keep it clean, on principle. It's just logical and common sense. It doesn't matter whether manmade global warming is real. I don't own or drive a car due to my temperament, sense of direction worse than Zoro's, nervousness, and temper. I also prefer to not contribute to polluting the planet, so I ride a bike or walk wherever I need to go. Of course my other family members have cars and give me rides. I recycle, donated to UNICEF, Brown Santa, help people I meet and know as best I can. I'm a very generous and kind-hearted person, believe it or not. fair enough, it's just that a lot of the Trump voters (and even a few of the ones like you who don't like Trump but also disliked Hilary) on the ASMB seemed to specifically have it out for me(and anyone else in my minority)so I just wanted to be cautious
ben0119 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 fair enough, it's just that a lot of the Trump voters (and even a few of the ones like you who don't like Trump but also disliked Hilary) on the ASMB seemed to specifically have it out for me(and anyone else in my minority)so I just wanted to be cautious Well I am pro equality for women, gay, and trans people so... Also some of those people are trolls, just fyi. Had to quit the dev boards today, and therefore the original ASMB, permanently, due to things getting out of hand. The downvote trolls revealed themselves, Killjoy and Sawdimizer of Babbling, (Inception downvote trolled Elfie off the boards and reported him on Deviantart for underage sexual artwork, saying Elfie is a pedophile and almost got him perma-banned from Deviantart, by the way) and Sawdimizer decided to hunt down my accounts across the internet to stalk, harass, and gain more information about me. I told him I would be forced to notify law enforcement if he continued doing what he was doing. Funny thing is he claimed I have an OKC account... I don't have any dating site accounts whatsoever. :
ben0119 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016
ben0119 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 Don't like this show or Shippuden. Going to go play Final Fantasy XI until One Piece starts. I am discontinuing the mandatory Ben double-watch policy. From now on Hunter and Naruto only get watched once by me. Toodles!
MasqueradeOverture Posted November 14, 2016 Posted November 14, 2016 For people who don't spend their hard earned podcast time with Bill Burr or Marc Maron, some new shit:
PokeNirvash Posted November 14, 2016 Posted November 14, 2016 Inception downvote trolled Elfie off the boards and reported him on Deviantart for underage sexual artwork, saying Elfie is a pedophile and almost got him perma-banned from Deviantart, by the way Come to think of it, Inception was kind of an ass, wasn't he? Him lowering his final score for Akame ga KILL! the more he thought about it was pretty obnoxious, even to the non-fans.
MasqueradeOverture Posted November 14, 2016 Posted November 14, 2016 Come to think of it, Inception was kind of an ass, wasn't he? Him lowering his final score for Akame ga KILL! the more he thought about it was pretty obnoxious, even to the non-fans. Inception seemed to hate everything that wasn't in his tiny bubble of approval, which would be bad enough if it weren't for the fact that anyone who either disliked or liked more than the 5 shows he liked had shit taste. Little piece of shit like that can't be taken seriously (I also seriously question the integrity of any anime fan that refuses to watch pre-millinenium cel-painted shows).
ben0119 Posted November 14, 2016 Author Posted November 14, 2016 Yes I told him about the ignore feature and downvotes being disabled on the old boards and he still won't come back. Probably still wouldn't come here because he said some users make him upset.
ben0119 Posted November 14, 2016 Author Posted November 14, 2016 Come to think of it, Inception was kind of an ass, wasn't he? Him lowering his final score for Akame ga KILL! the more he thought about it was pretty obnoxious, even to the non-fans. I pretty much treated him the way he deserved to be treated ever since he got here and he has been grudging on me forever for that. Well, stop being emo, then, Inception! And yeah, he's one of our more awful users. It really pisses me off he had to drive Elfie off since Elfie was one of the few people I was actually still friends with here.
ben0119 Posted November 14, 2016 Author Posted November 14, 2016 Uhh, did anyone see the Ask links I posted? Some interesting things were learned from this rather productive slate of Demarco Ask responses.
ben0119 Posted November 14, 2016 Author Posted November 14, 2016 So anyway, with this being a new forum and a good as time as any to start things with a clean slate, I am not going to tease One Piece anymore. It seems like the Goda Worshipping Elite have fallen away here, for the most part. None of those users even post anymore, and the one ringleader was just trolling and doesn't do that anymore. So... from now on I will not key in on One Piece's ratings success or lack thereof, or its fans, and will simply discuss the show itself and my views on it. Also, I've dropped the Ratings thread(s).
PokeNirvash Posted November 14, 2016 Posted November 14, 2016 Good, that should keep you off Moose's shit list for the foreseeable future.
ben0119 Posted November 14, 2016 Author Posted November 14, 2016 And my blood pressure down, lol. Plus it gives me more time to keep up with actual show discussion-type threads like the Trunks thead.
Ginguy Posted November 14, 2016 Posted November 14, 2016 I haven't been able to watch Toonami for a while, I've got a backlog to get though on DVR still, but it is nice to see people wanting to talk about the shows.
ben0119 Posted November 15, 2016 Author Posted November 15, 2016 Agreed. Increased show discussion is what was needed for a while. I hope the ratings stuff peters off, personally.
Ginguy Posted November 15, 2016 Posted November 15, 2016 Agreed. Increased show discussion is what was needed for a while. I hope the ratings stuff peters off, personally. All you can do about that is just post your thoughts on the shows. Other people will respond as their time and inclination permits.
ben0119 Posted November 18, 2016 Author Posted November 18, 2016 All you can do about that is just post your thoughts on the shows. Other people will respond as their time and inclination permits. True.
ben0119 Posted November 21, 2016 Author Posted November 21, 2016 So I guess Gman isn't going to join the UNEVEN EDGE. I mean, not that I care or anything...
MasqueradeOverture Posted November 21, 2016 Posted November 21, 2016 So I guess Gman isn't going to join the UNEVEN EDGE. I mean, not that I care or anything... Admit it, you guys had sexual tension. Good to hear that Gman and Syon have finally embraced Nihilism.
ben0119 Posted November 22, 2016 Author Posted November 22, 2016 Admit it, you guys had sexual tension. Good to hear that Gman and Syon have finally embraced Nihilism. LOL. Yeah, pretty much. I'm behind on the podcast, though. T__T But, getting myself in order, at least. These meds are helping...
ben0119 Posted November 26, 2016 Author Posted November 26, 2016 For some reason, Google Imaging "dragonball z sweatdrop" brings up awesome results!
ben0119 Posted November 27, 2016 Author Posted November 27, 2016 I'm getting anxious and worried that I've fallen behind with the Toonami Show Rundown podcast, Pre-flight, and episode threads. I need to catch up on listening, watching, and reading. Hopefully I can get caught back up soon. Don't want to start getting down over it... But, I suppose my mental and physical well-being is more important. *sigh* Did have to get some things squared away in that arena over the past several weeks.
ben0119 Posted November 27, 2016 Author Posted November 27, 2016 FINALLY, MY AVATAR LOOKS GOOD! GOOD LORD THAT WAS SO MUCH TRIAL AND ERROR! I'VE BEEN MESSING WITH IT ALL NIGHT! The final clinchers, using IrfanView, were the magic resolution of no more than 200 pixels for either side, applying sharpen after resize/resample (at first I wasn't even shrinking it!), and adjusting dpi for aspect ratio. I now have my Perfect Angelic Rukia Happy avatar! I am a happeh Benneh.
Blatch Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 So the on-air schedule finally updated, and we have Toonami schedules for the next two weeks of December, including the 17th. All I'll say about that one is... if you were expecting a replay of Children Who Chase Lost Voices, prepare to be disappointed.
PokeNirvash Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 Not sure what good airing two JoJos in one night will do, but it should be fun regardless.
OwlChemist81 Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 What the hell!? Why on Earth would they start Battle Tendencies before Christmas break!? I really hope this is retconned, as this would be completely asinine! If this was the plan all along, they should have just marathonned something this past weekend. Still holding out hope for a CWCLV/Gundam Endless Waltz double feature on Christmas Eve... That might be a tad bit unrealistic, but c'mon, how many times does Christmas Eve actually fall on a Saturday, and will Toonami even be around next time it happens!?
Blatch Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 Yeah, it sucks. I'd rather them be airing two HxHs. But I guess it's part of the tradition after them having aired just two JoJo's total before a marathon weekend.
kujojosuke Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Since JoJo is now Toonami relevant, here's an article from today about the author winning a prestigious award. The last paragraph is pretty good.
MasqueradeOverture Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Since JoJo is now Toonami relevant, here's an article from today about the author winning a prestigious award. The last paragraph is pretty good. Bullshit. That tap water has to be laced with Hamon.
viperxmns Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 AoT season 2 news, again
kujojosuke Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 AoT season 2 news, again Maybe by now Studio WIT has learned how to manage a production schedule so a bunch of episodes won't air either unfinished, with 30+ animators desperately being thrown at it, or being finished literally an hour before airtime.
MasqueradeOverture Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 AoT season 2 news, again Unless it's from ANN, I'm not buying any more AOT news.
moose Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Ugh... AoT S2.... I honestly don't even care anymore. This took way too long.
CaptainStarwind Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 AoT season 2 news, again Let's hope this is actually the case now. Of course Toonami will inevitably come to broadcast it. Between Toonami's 20th anniversary, AOT S2, new FLCL, and new Samurai Jack, Toonami has a pretty packed yet in 2017 already.
OwlChemist81 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Not to mention Gundam Unicorn Re: 0096 replacing IBO!
PokeNirvash Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Semi-unrelated, but is it necessary to include an exclamation point in every one of your posts?
MasqueradeOverture Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Semi-unrelated, but is it necessary to include an exclamation point in every one of your posts?
OwlChemist81 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 No. I only do it when I'm excited about something, but to be fair I do get excited a lot. And actually, in my last 10 posts, only half contained exclamation points.
PokeNirvash Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 That you do. MasqueradeOverture[/member] I'm honestly not sure if that's directed at him or me.
MasqueradeOverture Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 That you do. MasqueradeOverture[/member] I'm honestly not sure if that's directed at him or me. AL.
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