PokeNirvash Posted July 24, 2017 Posted July 24, 2017 I think it's safe to say the test dub have gone unchanged (unless I missed something and someone wants to correct me). Was Dave Mallow still the narrator, or was it David Vincent like last season?
Top Gun Posted July 24, 2017 Posted July 24, 2017 I like how ben's go-to defense of his opinions is "that's what lots of people say!" So the real issue is that he needs to stop listening to shitty sources. (You have the patience of a saint naraku.)
Jman Posted July 24, 2017 Posted July 24, 2017 This must be how people feel when I go on about a show.
Top Gun Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 Welcome to the club. Pull up a chair, we have booze.
MasqueradeOverture Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 Was Dave Mallow still the narrator, or was it David Vincent like last season? The narrator was the only difference I can point out. There might have been one more voice that changed, but the test dub came out like 3 years ago so my mind is hazy. Jotaro still calls his mom a bitch.
OwlChemist81 Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 Good. It's not like Straitzo narrating this would make a lick of sense!
ben0119 Posted July 25, 2017 Author Posted July 25, 2017 God fucking damn it. What is it with you and this obnoxious-ass quoting method? Last time, I tried to use the quote function and none of the post body appeared. I had to copy-paste the whole post and go through and manually change the color of the text, because that didn't copy over, and for the green for mine. And now I'm having to crack open a document for this one. FFS. Eh, Heaven's Arena isn't that bad. I mean, you treat it like Gon and Killua beating up randos was supposed to be tense and not sort of silly. '99 has some problems in HA, but I do think that arc is also a bit more fun there as well. I'll always remember you, angry Elevator Girl. I didn't say it was supposed to be intense. It wasn't funny, either. It was just more tedious bullshit on top of the previous tedious bullshit that HxH loves to revel in. I wasn't going to sit there and watch Gon and Killua level-grind and farm gold up a fucking tower. That started off cliché got funnier as it went on. I also liked Killua getting humbled. Any time that happens it's a good day. Too bad it's not canon! Just goes to show the way to make HxH bearable is not follow the manga. Ugh, now I've got Hiatus polluting my watch history. I'll have to expunge that so I don't get recommendations for that cancer. I'd rather have Kurapika go do his own thing in a natural progression, which really isn't sticking around with Gon and Killua, or Leorio go actually do his thing, given being a doctor doesn't have a whole lot to do with finding Ging, then have them forced into arcs they have no place in.The notion that it has to be a constant band of characters seems silly. And the fact that Kurapika got an entire arc dedicated to him is more than what most shonen would give. Most anime, for that matter, would probably just give a sappy backstory then more or less ignore him. I prefer being able to have him take off for a while than some phony dedication to the "party". Well Leorio was probably the most relatable character for a lot of people, so it's selling us a bill of goods to introduce him as if he's part of the main cast, then send him off to bit role land. Then why create that false notion at the beginning of the show? Don't really care if he got an arc. He won't be in the show for a hundred episodes. If I'm not a fan of Gon and Killua and I come to the realization this is their show why would I stick around? That's besides all the other issues I had with the show. And even if I did like them, I'd still be fucking pissed that Kurpika would be written out of the story for an eternity. Eh, don't know about that. I've seen other shows put focus on other characters for good sections of the story. And again, I don't mind a character taking a break, but that's not what we signed up for. The show lied to us. It didn't set it up that way. If it's a phony dedication then why are they even friends? Why bother building up those relationships if the characters aren't even going to interact for the majority of the series? It's stupid. You're also forgetting that a reason could be made for them to stick together. Someone is writing this. It's not real. It's not set in stone. Which means said writer could do what I just described. And if it is going to be the thing you described, I just... don't even. Why set it up like that? Why have everyone meet and make friends in the Exam. 4 people who meet for the first time and they forge these bonds... only for them to go off and not talk to each other or interact essentially forever after that. I just look at this way. Kurapika, Leorio, and Hisoka, to a lesser extent, they were good characters trapped in a bad show. There's quite a few like that in Naruto. It's sad, really. So, I'm not going to watch a show for a few characters I like that barely get screen time and are used poorly where pretty much everything else about the show sucks and is illogical meandering nonsense to the point of being infuriating. Fuck that. And the current arc is shaping up to be Kurapika's Chimera Ant. Whoopty-fucking doo. Is that supposed to mean something? Won't have an ending anyway. Neither will the series in general, and the show already pissed away its goodwill with me a long time ago. It does some things differently and some things the same. What it did differently happened to fix a lot o my issues with other long-running series. I don't think it's a perfect show, so I do think there are valid criticisms of it. But I actually don't think you do "get it". Not because you dislike it, but because of our lackluster breakdowns of it. “Doing things differently” apparently means a meandering “plot” full of illogical inconsistencies that bores one to tears. Don't throw me in with your lackluster breakdowns, lol. Seems to me more you guys just can't take someone taking a sledgehammer to your precious "masterpiece" so you are harrumphing left and right. It's like the Eva fanboys all over again. And if I don't “get it,” as you claim, your “education” is only making me see the show in an even worse light, haha. Yes. I am legally blind, after all. That's not an exaggeration, by the way. Sometimes I miss words. Then how do you watch subs? Not necessarily. There are a lot of fights, but I wouldn't consider it a fighting shonen. Then it doesn't belong on the block. Demarco turned down requests for things like Yugioh and .hack, after all. He must have gone against the holy tenet of thou shall not air shows that aren't action due to his fanboy love of HxH. Yes, but action comes in other forms than fights. Early HxH is more about other forms, but there are quite a few actual fights. Most were more like scuffles or altercations than actual fights, and the rest got off-screened. I mean, the show bounces between genres all the fucking time. Hunter Exam: Miscellaneous games Yeah and those “games” were fucking retarded. Behold the action and psychology of sitting in a room! Clearly a show that belongs on Toonami. Heaven's Arena: "Tournament" arc, kinda.... How long did the chopping people in the back go on for? Engaging stuff, I gotta say. Yorknew: Gang war with cat-and-mouse headgames Too little too late. Greed Island: SAO [but not shit] Well you're really winning me over with that. I'll make double-sure not to watch it due to that cheap shot. Also you might want to be more specific. Each arc of SAO was different. Chimera Ant: Sprawling epic [literal scale, not dumb "dat's so epic" variation] war I've heard from people about that. The plot is basically THE BAD GUYS WANT TO KILL EVERYONE ZOMG. Not impressed. And indeed, how epic and sprawling that it doesn't find some way to include Kurapika or Leorio... Uh... arc after Chimera Ant (arc title is kinda a big spoiler): Political espionage+Race against clock action/adventure Think I'll just stick to Jason Bourne, thanks. Dark Continent: Free-for-all deadgame death battle with pretext of epic--scale scope Which still couldn't find a place for Kurapika or Leorio! Man just so “artificial” for them to be involved in these big events that are so huge in scope! There's not really any one genre to apply to all of it since all the arcs are so bizarrely different. But does action take place in all of them? Because it was sorely lacking in the first 3 arcs. Not really sure that's justifiable for it be on the block. 30 episodes of little or no action is like picking up a single season show with little or no action and they don't do that. You can't just a have a “down payment” on action. That's not how this works. Yeah, and there's plenty of fighting. Gon and Killua are, in the grand scheme of things, pretty fucking weak early on. Unlike some shows the strength progression isn't just an immediate upgrade then fight the biggest, baddest asses until the next upgrade is needed. The viewer learns the ins and outs with Gon and Killua, and with the progression comes stronger enemies and better fights. I dunno it played up Killua as pretty OP for a while. Gon was capable of some crazy feats as well. We even got the whole “he's so special” thing from multiple characters in this show that's supposedly so different from every other shonen. Yeah well, by the time the show actually decided to start explaining powers, among other things, I long since stopped caring. Also didn't help that it was coming from boring no-personality nothing glorified background characters. “Better fights” doesn't mean “no fights” or “shit fights” just because it's the beginning of the show. You have to hook people with something. It's also a block that airs GitS, Casshern Sins, Tenchi Muyo GXP, Big O, Kick-Heart, Space Dandy.... You seem to have a pretty narrow interpretatio of "action" And with the exception of GXP all of those shows actually have some entertainment value. They also have actual action. HxH doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as most of the shows you just listed. Yugioh season 0 was fun to watch on basis of it being terrible. I liked the candles, and Leorio's bet, and watching Kurapika drop a poser was pretty hilarious. Kurapika's always too legit to quit. Well the thing with Yugioh is you don't take it too seriously. The over-the-top stuff is what makes it fun. The way the games play out, even including the card games later, is usually fun. Candles were lame. Not nearly as clever as the show thought it was. Betting was alright. Made Leorio look like an ass, though. But I did like that girl. Kurapika thing was cool but such moments were sadly very rare. Pretty sure they only spent, like, a minute talking about the phone, by the way. The others were hit or miss, but whatever. Also, don't be knocking dice games. Kaiji S2's chinchirorin was the best thing since anything ever. I mean, not really, but it's like the single worst arc until the godly payoff. Oh it was longer than that. Dice games are ok for like, one episode, or segment, of a show, at best. But the one in HxH wasn't even good. Like I said the show overplays the OH MAN DAT WAS SO CLEVER card so many times. Don't have the time to look into that show right now. If you thought that was the point, it's why people don't take you seriously. You know you can have more than one point, right? The anticlimax adds salt to the wound of Hisoka's thing. Hisoka becomes an outlet for his frustration, which is built up and the payoff fight is an excellent fight. I said major point not the only point. Lol “built up.” Well yeah that was the gist, but as I said before, this supposed build up needs to actually be good. And the show is just too directionless and drags its feet too much. I don't care about a supposed payoff fight when everything before mostly sucked. You always say this like it's profound. Just so you know, it isn't. It is. 100% hit-rate instant death effect hard counter. Actually, you do that to yourself by lobbing the insults in the first place. You have nothing to argue with so you resort to petty insults, like a child. Why should I take you or your arguments seriously when the slightest amount of rustled jimmies is going to cause you to go NANA YER A POOPOO HEAD THIS SHOW IS GOOD YOU JUST DON'T KNOW! No. A sociopath doesn't care when people they care about die, because they don't care about people. Many eastern cultures put large stock in fate. If you die, it was your time to die and that's the natural conclusion of your life.Fatalism, predeterminism, fate, destiny, so on. These are common beliefs, especially in cultures Togashi draws a lot of influence from. The fact that characters care about each other at all throws your retarded "sociopath" argument under a bus. Which is all bullshit. They care about each other so much they don't care when anyone dies and don't care if they don't speak to each other for years, and let us not forget Gon's behavior especially. Killua was raised by psychopaths. Gon has no excuse. "Nobody bats an eye" "We have nothing to compare to" They don't and we don't. And as I said, the show never sets a baseline. By our standards? No, Netero isn't a moral being. But he could be according to the people that live in the world of the show. We really have no way to know. :Technically spoilers, but not about any specific event): Netero believes in survival of the fittest to the greatest extreme. He doesn't really give a fuck about the weak. If they die in a fight, it's their fault for losing. Okay... and? Doesn't mean he's not seen as a good person in the world of HxH. These are purely going by our real world moral attitudes here. As you and others have been quick to remind us in the past, HxH is different, nothing is off the table! Moral attitudes, human psychology, everything could be not as we know it in this universe. This could be like some crazy Twilight Zone episode where something we take for granted in our daily lives is turned on its head, but for a whole show! Yeah, if he killed everyone in the room, who would stop him? Everyone in the room would be dead. Yes but Netero also said it was not against the rules. Meaning it would be fine for him to do that and get the license and whoever was left still running the Hunter Org. would welcome him with open arms into the family. They're a government agency We have N. Korea, which executes people for watching movies they don't like. This isn't that far of a stretch. Yes, but again, no baseline. So is the Hunter Org seen as like N, Korea, or is it seen as perfectly normal and just, civilized modern society? And should we be encouraged that our heroes want to join such an organization? We're left to ponder that which is what makes it so frustrating. The world is never explained. If you can't do that within the first 30 episodes, you've got a problem. It's fine to just give us a basic idea of the world and then expand on it, maybe even we learn later things aren't exactly as we thought. But we don't even get that! They are pretty powerful, but not a world leader. Well we really don't know that, do we? And? Netero wants to see what he'll do with whatever information seems the most interesting to give him. He basically says, "If you kill everyone in the room, nobody will stop you" but the joke is that Hisoka wouldn't stand a chance against Netero. So Netero is basically just in it for the lulz. Give people licenses and see what crazy shit they might do. Seems like a smart way to run an organization. Even if he doesn't have much of a moral compass (by real world standards), it could easily lead to instability, splintering, rebellion, and ones own removal and/or death. Again, we can't know that for sure. Earlier the show played it up like Killua could have killed Netero, which would have pissed me the hell off if that was true because the show was already making him obnoxiously smug and over-powered as it is. So really we can't say for sure that Hisoka couldn't take Netero. Becausethey are assassins? They don't just go around murdering people. They kill who their hired to. Most of the time. >.> Then why did you call them glorified bounty hunters? Well, there you go. They're hired killers. Why the hell are they treated like celebrities with people visiting their property on tour buses? And again, it's fucking stupid to use an argument I HAVEN'T USED against me as if I used it. It's pointless and a waste of everyone's time. Fine. But I'm poised and ready should those people ever show up. And I'm pretty sure you did use how it's different as a selling point and defense. Your quote fuckery cost you your emoticons. Sorry about that. They didn't make the transfer after I copied back from the document to here, which would have worked on the old Lithium ASMB, not sure about the other one. I wasn't going to sit here and add them all back in. This was already time-consuming enough as it is.
ben0119 Posted July 25, 2017 Author Posted July 25, 2017 I'll give you credit for actually watching the series a decent way through before dropping it, but what you say being damning? Lol no. Just because you don't like the series doesn't mean everyone doesn't like it. There are people who like the series, even with the reasons you claim are "damning" evidence that it sucks. I can give "damning" evidence why Eureka Seven AO is the worst thing mankind has ever done, but there's still gonna be people out there who like the series. You can state only your opinion, and nothing more. I said well more than "I don't like the series." I gave examples and explanations, arguments. I never said no one else likes it. Actually I've never heard of anyone say Eureka Seven AO was good lol. Oh, I can, but Top_Gun seems to think there are OBJECTIVE SCIENTIFIC TRUTHS in the realm of entertainment. >
ben0119 Posted July 25, 2017 Author Posted July 25, 2017 Ben's still on about Hiatus? Look, it sucked, I dropped it damn near instantly. No need to prolong the issue. Hiatus is prolonging the issue by its continued existence on the block. I won't be satisfied until it's gone in two years and a worthy show can take that slot. Just hoping it gets canceled and I don't have to wait that long. Besides, I can't let the show get away with things, like this recent hilarious development or Kurapika not being in the show anymore. Hiatus is to the point of parody with stuff like this. Maybe that's what it is, and that's what I'm "not getting." The whole show has just been a big joke this whole time!
ben0119 Posted July 25, 2017 Author Posted July 25, 2017 90% of Bleach characters were god awful and absolutely not worth wasting months at a time watching them shit up the page. Obviously I don't agree with that. And if you believed that, then why did you continue to follow the series? Following something you hate is illogical. Just drop it. And the two that liked your post never followed Bleach anyway so not sure why they're chiming in.
ben0119 Posted July 25, 2017 Author Posted July 25, 2017 I like how ben's go-to defense of his opinions is "that's what lots of people say!" So the real issue is that he needs to stop listening to shitty sources. (You have the patience of a saint naraku.) The hosts of Toonami Showdown are Gods Among Men. You shut your mouth. Well, the more people that agree with me, the more right I am. It's like a spirit bomb of rightness. Naw but, that hasn't been my go-to defense, if you were paying attention. Pretty sure I gave actual examples of things in the show as I experienced them of why the show sucked.
ben0119 Posted July 25, 2017 Author Posted July 25, 2017 So you ragequit, then? Fair enough. Fuck that "comedy" cancer too, by the way.
ben0119 Posted July 25, 2017 Author Posted July 25, 2017 Hey you forgot the walking test, the cooking test, and the waiting in the room test. That was the best one. They had to wait in a room until the timer was done counting down. And the first thing Hisoka does is vaporize some guys arms. No one even asks "Wow how did he do that?" and they quickly move on to other things. Even Hisoka killing an examiner the year before wasn't enough to get him uninvited from taking the test again. On hearing that the Hunter Org is apparently in the business of giving lunatic murderers like Hisoka a licence that would let him go anywhere and do almost anything, not one of them says "Hey maybe the Hunter Org is evil and we shouldn't get mixed up with this." Makes it hard to root for our protagonists when they're basically signing up to be members of an evil organization. And yeah the family of assassins being celebrities and having a demon dog that eats human flesh and leaves nothing but bones behind was also a thing. The guy just dumps the bones in the trash, no biggie. Happens all the time. The worst part of all.... was that the first 3 arcs were boring. I'll tolerate mountains of illogical nonsense if it's entertaining. Hahaha oh yeah. Oh god, yeah. Surprised they didn't play the quiet game. Yeah it's pretty ridiculous. Everyone just rolls with everything. For sure. Yeah. And yet the jail exists! > Exactly. Yugioh, JoJo, Hellsing, they're all full of nonsense. But they're fun, entertaining. This show, like you said, is about as boring and tedious as it gets. Can you imagine the Zoldycks in JoJo or Hellsing? Some crazy shit would be had. Some fun, some lulz, some action. Here, they just have some "wacky" interactions with each other and Gon. Mostly they just sit or stand around.
The1gairon Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 if you believed that, then why did you continue to follow the series? Following something you hate is illogical. Just drop it. if YOU hate the shows on the block, how come you still talk about them here!?!?
CaptainStarwind Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 Hiatus is prolonging the issue by its continued existence on the block. I won't be satisfied until it's gone in two years and a worthy show can take that slot. Just hoping it gets canceled and I don't have to wait that long. Besides, I can't let the show get away with things, like this recent hilarious development or Kurapika not being in the show anymore. Hiatus is to the point of parody with stuff like this. Maybe that's what it is, and that's what I'm "not getting." The whole show has just been a big joke this whole time! Sooooooo upping your post count?
Top Gun Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 “Doing things differently” apparently means a meandering “plot” full of illogical inconsistencies that bores one to tears. Don't throw me in with your lackluster breakdowns, lol. Seems to me more you guys just can't take someone taking a sledgehammer to your precious "masterpiece" so you are harrumphing left and right. It's like the Eva fanboys all over again. And if I don't “get it,” as you claim, your “education” is only making me see the show in an even worse light, haha. No, we just can't take your endless fucking sperging all over the place. Maybe if you realized that you can't make a coherent argument to save your life we wouldn't need to go through all of this bullshit with you. Like, why the fuck are you so obsessed with Kurapica not being in the series for a few arcs? Have you never read any sort of lengthy novel series? Because main characters drop in and out of the action all the goddamn time. Hell, Frodo didn't appear once for a few hundred pages in both The Two Towers and Return of the King. Clearly Tolkien is the worst author ever! Obviously I don't agree with that. And if you believed that, then why did you continue to follow the series? Following something you hate is illogical. Just drop it. And the two that liked your post never followed Bleach anyway so not sure why they're chiming in. Maybe because it was entertaining watching Kubo display his utter narrative incompetence on a weekly basis?
EmpressAngel Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 Obviously I don't agree with that. And if you believed that, then why did you continue to follow the series? Following something you hate is illogical. Just drop it. And the two that liked your post never followed Bleach anyway so not sure why they're chiming in. It's kinda like continuing to go to work after putting in your two weeks notice. If I know it's gonna be over soon anyway, why not see where this trainwreck is going?
MasqueradeOverture Posted July 26, 2017 Posted July 26, 2017 The hosts of Toonami Showdown are Gods Among Men. You shut your mouth. Well, the more people that agree with me, the more right I am. It's like a spirit bomb of rightness. Naw but, that hasn't been my go-to defense, if you were paying attention. Pretty sure I gave actual examples of things in the show as I experienced them of why the show sucked. We get it, you want Gman's balls in your esophagus. You don't have to remind us every three seconds.
ben0119 Posted July 28, 2017 Author Posted July 28, 2017 We get it, you want Gman's balls in your esophagus. You don't have to remind us every three seconds. Actually, they're pro-Hiatus, but their reviews keep me aprised of its continued failures. When it comes to Unicorn's suckery though, they know their shit.
ben0119 Posted July 28, 2017 Author Posted July 28, 2017 if YOU hate the shows on the block, how come you still talk about them here!?!? Which shows? I am tolerating Super because I have hopes it will improve once it gets past the Frieza arc. Plus it hasn't been all bad. Liked the slice of life episodes and the Beerus adaptation was alright. Still recommend the movies over both Arcs though. I love DBZ/Kai so of course I will continue to discuss it. Attack on Titan I don't particularly like but don't particularly hate and I am somewhat interested in what happens even if I am not the biggest fan. JoJo is replacing it though and I LOVE that show. Tokyo Ghoul is definitely in so bad it's good territory. You could teach a class on how bad it fucks up at being anime, or a story, in general. Plus Toka is another good character (relatively speaking) trapped in a bad show. So yeah there is entertainment value here, which is more than could be said for Hiatus. I got so frustrated and exasperated with Hiatus that I made the unthinkable decision of breaking my years-long self-imposed completionist rule of watching every Toonami/ASA show and non-toyetic TV anime I can. Heaven's Tower was the last straw for me. Lupin was never my favorite show or anything and I wasn't hugely excited for its announcement but I always enjoyed it a decent amount and its upbeat fun nature is a breath of fresh air to the block right now. Naruto has been going downhill for a while and has been an abomination for the most part post-timeskip, with a few bright spots and arcs. I continue to watch and discuss it to see just how bad the trainwreck will get and if it lives up to its infamy (hasn't disappointed). So yeah the show used to be good and I was invested in some of the characters so I'll keep watching to see what happens and to witness the horribleness for myself and try to enjoy the few good moments. So yeah I am a completionist in general and that extends to Toonami. There's also the fact the lineup used to be great and I believe it will be again. I'm a patient man. But, even my patience has its limits, and Hiatus exceeded them. There's also a big difference between sitting through a single season show I can't stand and sitting through a 150 ep show I can't stand.
ben0119 Posted July 28, 2017 Author Posted July 28, 2017 No, we just can't take your endless fucking sperging all over the place. Maybe if you realized that you can't make a coherent argument to save your life we wouldn't need to go through all of this bullshit with you. With your every post you reveal more of your bigotry. I think my criticisms were pretty clear. Sounds to me like you are just too aghast that someone could even not like Hiatus in the first place. Like, why the fuck are you so obsessed with Kurapica not being in the series for a few arcs? Have you never read any sort of lengthy novel series? Because main characters drop in and out of the action all the goddamn time. Hell, Frodo didn't appear once for a few hundred pages in both The Two Towers and Return of the King. Clearly Tolkien is the worst author ever! A "few arcs" consists of 100+ episodes, the rest of the anime. Some were described as epic in scope yet somehow managed to leave a main character on the sidelines. Anime/manga =/= novels. And that was a completely different story and setup. Also, just because it's something that can be done doesn't mean I have to like the decision. If someone is a Kurapika fan they're not supposed to be upset and disappointed that he won't appear for eons? There's also the fact that the series was set up with Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio being the main cast. We were given the impression we'd follow them as a group, or at least expect to see each of them with decent regularity. So, it's false advertising. Someone can also not like the direction a story takes. For instance, Sasuke isn't brought back after a single arc as one might expect, and instead goes on to be a major villain. It's like, yeah, you can do that, but fuck that. And Togashi doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as Tolkein. Maybe because it was entertaining watching Kubo display his utter narrative incompetence on a weekly basis? Must be why you love Hiatus so much, lul.
ben0119 Posted July 28, 2017 Author Posted July 28, 2017 Sooooooo upping your post count? Nope. You notice I haven't said anything about Hiatus in months. But, when I see weakness, I go in for the kill. Such is the case now. Also, Hiatus and Togashi have been filed in the same category for me as Pizza Hut. I've been boycotting them since 2002 for ruining my birthday. We tried to use some coupon and the manager lady went ballistic. Even recently had some of their pizza, as I have very rarely when OTHER people get it, and it's fucking disgusting. Maybe it always was and I didn't notice, or it got worse, I don't know. Either way, fuck Pizza Hut. Haven't seen Yu Yu Hakusho since it originally aired on Toonami and had been wanting to re-watch it for a while but I don't think I ever will now since it will just make me think of Hiatus. I don't want a single penny of my ad revenue getting back to Togashi either.
OwlChemist81 Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 Damn, that's pretty scorched-earth right there!!
Jman Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 The real question is why you would go to Pizza Hut in the first place. Then again, New York. Finding a pizza here is like finding a delayed subway train. It isn't hard.
naraku360 Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 The real question is why you would go to Pizza Hut in the first place. Then again, New York. Finding a pizza here is like finding a delayed subway train. It isn't hard. To be fair, "They ruined my birthday 15 years ago because a lady got mad" is the most hilariously idiotic reason to boycott terrible pizza I've ever read.
Top Gun Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 Nope. You notice I haven't said anything about Hiatus in months. But, when I see weakness, I go in for the kill. Such is the case now. Also, Hiatus and Togashi have been filed in the same category for me as Pizza Hut. I've been boycotting them since 2002 for ruining my birthday. We tried to use some coupon and the manager lady went ballistic. Even recently had some of their pizza, as I have very rarely when OTHER people get it, and it's fucking disgusting. Maybe it always was and I didn't notice, or it got worse, I don't know. Either way, fuck Pizza Hut. Haven't seen Yu Yu Hakusho since it originally aired on Toonami and had been wanting to re-watch it for a while but I don't think I ever will now since it will just make me think of Hiatus. I don't want a single penny of my ad revenue getting back to Togashi either. My God you are broken as fuck.
Jman Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 Proof that Ben is the most autistic person in this board who doesn't realize how much of a fool he's being. I thought that was obvious when he refused to stop watching the myriad of shows he hates.
EmpressAngel Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 Also, Hiatus and Togashi have been filed in the same category for me as Pizza Hut. I've been boycotting them since 2002 for ruining my birthday. We tried to use some coupon and the manager lady went ballistic. Even recently had some of their pizza, as I have very rarely when OTHER people get it, and it's fucking disgusting. Maybe it always was and I didn't notice, or it got worse, I don't know. Either way, fuck Pizza Hut. That is the saddest goddamn thing I've ever heard. You've held a grudge against a national food chain for a decade and a half because of a coupon problem.
naraku360 Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 That is the saddest goddamn thing I've ever heard. You've held a grudge against a national food chain for a decade and a half because of a coupon problem. This thread is now about how comically sad Ben's life is.
Daos Posted July 29, 2017 Posted July 29, 2017 Zeni you're gonna have to mount him to show your dominance.
Misaka Posted July 29, 2017 Posted July 29, 2017 Zeni you're gonna have to mount him to show your dominance. Well zeni lost that battle by default
The1gairon Posted July 29, 2017 Posted July 29, 2017 Toonami! Air something new so we can finally talk about what this thread is ABOUT for a change!! Heeeellp!
ben0119 Posted July 29, 2017 Author Posted July 29, 2017 The real question is why you would go to Pizza Hut in the first place. Then again, New York. Finding a pizza here is like finding a delayed subway train. It isn't hard. I used to like their stuffed crust pizza. It was my favorite thing. So, since that boycott I didn't have any stuffed crust pizza for a long time until I was able to buy some store bought stuff, like Digiorno's. However, last time I had it, it wasn't very good. They must have changed their recipe. But, since then, I've been able to get stuffed crust pizza from Little Caesar's. Their deep dish and their regular are great. There's also Domino's, Papa Murphy's, plenty of other options, for pizza in general. We had a local mom n' pop pizza place here and I had been meaning to go there for a while but never got around to it and it has since closed, sadly.
ben0119 Posted July 29, 2017 Author Posted July 29, 2017 That is the saddest goddamn thing I've ever heard. You've held a grudge against a national food chain for a decade and a half because of a coupon problem. But, they RUINED MY BIRTHDAY! And like I said, doesn't seem like I was missing much. Stuff is nasty.
ben0119 Posted July 29, 2017 Author Posted July 29, 2017 I thought that was obvious when he refused to stop watching the myriad of shows he hates. Goes to show how horrible Hiatus is that it forced me to break my completionist streak!
ben0119 Posted July 29, 2017 Author Posted July 29, 2017 Proof that Ben is the most autistic person in this board who doesn't realize how much of a fool he's being. Also that anti-autistic bigotry abounds and is apparently acceptable. I love how Asperger's went from being something nobody ever heard of to being routinely hated. Just goes to show that you, Top_Gun and your ilk are the same as plenty of other people I've dealt with in my life. You're just like aaaaaallll the rest. It's sad, really. Not sure why I keep expecting more from people when they continue to disappoint me. I noticed that elfie liked the post(s) too. *shakes head* Oh, and refusing to acknowledge Hunter x Hunter as the Citizen Kane of anime makes me a fool apparently. :D :D :D Sorry, but I'm not sugar-coating my views for you or anyone else.
Top Gun Posted July 29, 2017 Posted July 29, 2017 We don't hate autistic people, we hate a certain asshole who just so happens to be autistic.
naraku360 Posted July 29, 2017 Posted July 29, 2017 I don't mind you hating HxH, Ben. The fact it ruined your life makes it all the sweeter.
CaptainStarwind Posted July 29, 2017 Posted July 29, 2017 Nope. You notice I haven't said anything about Hiatus in months. But, when I see weakness, I go in for the kill. Such is the case now. Also, Hiatus and Togashi have been filed in the same category for me as Pizza Hut. I've been boycotting them since 2002 for ruining my birthday. We tried to use some coupon and the manager lady went ballistic. Even recently had some of their pizza, as I have very rarely when OTHER people get it, and it's fucking disgusting. Maybe it always was and I didn't notice, or it got worse, I don't know. Either way, fuck Pizza Hut. Haven't seen Yu Yu Hakusho since it originally aired on Toonami and had been wanting to re-watch it for a while but I don't think I ever will now since it will just make me think of Hiatus. I don't want a single penny of my ad revenue getting back to Togashi either. What the fuck is wrong with you?
CaptainStarwind Posted July 29, 2017 Posted July 29, 2017 Watch your mouth, naraku. Zeni, you a busta.
EmpressAngel Posted July 29, 2017 Posted July 29, 2017 Toonami! Air something new so we can finally talk about what this thread is ABOUT for a change!! Heeeellp! Jojo is back tonight and I am gonna fuck grandpa Joseph.
MasqueradeOverture Posted July 30, 2017 Posted July 30, 2017 everyday we stray further from god's light Why have you returned to this dark place? Go back!
Blatch Posted July 30, 2017 Posted July 30, 2017 Zeni, you a busta. Can we please stop with this? I guess it's okay to call Zeni funny names, but not the literal exact same post more than a dozen times.
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