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Should I get the XBONE ONE X or the PS4?

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Posted (edited)

I'm preparing to invest in a console once tax time comes around, and I'm not sure which one to get.

I'm leaning toward the PS4 because I've run with the PS since I was a kid, but I'm not really sure.

I know consoles tend to not be hugely different, but what are we talking in terms of online community, cross-platform vs console exclusive titles, and user experience?

Should I even bother with it this late in the cycle?

Your input is greatly appreciated.

Edited by empty

I'd go with the playstation. Their controllers have a built in rechargeable battery where the xbox you have to buy it separately. I have both but that's only because I thought online play was still free for the playstation and failed to do some research beforehand. Only reason I prefer xboxes because I like halo.


There have been more multi platform games than ever before so it mostly depends on whether you like more Japanese exclusives or Western exclusives. Or rather, if you prefer fighting games/Spider-Man/Uncharted/JRPGs or Halo/Gears/Forza. Don’t know if XBone has by structural advantages/disadvantages, but it seems like it’s down to personal preference in this console generation.


As what others have said, it really comes down to what exclusives that you're more interested in. PS4 does have Bloodborne and The Last Guardian which I would personally purchase a PS4 solely for those two games. As for online communities and integrations they're about the same, other than the PS4 having a stronger community for fighting games, but Sony isn't as warm to cross-platform as Microsoft is. Your best bet would just be to look at the current and upcoming exclusives and go from there. Plus the extra optional(some what expensive) Sony medias are kind of interesting.

Posted (edited)

PS4 Pro out of necessity. The One X literally has no games.

I don’t like the direction Sony has been going in. They’re trying to turn the PS brand into the kosher console, similar to how MS handles the Xbox. It makes getting a Switch more appealing.

Edited by Rumb0
On 12/27/2018 at 1:22 AM, empty said:

I'm preparing to invest in a console once tax time comes around, and I'm not sure which one to get.

I'm leaning toward the PS4 because I've run with the PS since I was a kid, but I'm not really sure.

I know consoles tend to not be hugely different, but what are we talking in terms of online community, cross-platform vs console exclusive titles, and user experience?

Should I even bother with it this late in the cycle?

Your input is greatly appreciated.

I would like to discuss this with you but I own a Xbox so my argument would probably be biased

Look into Xbox's game pass because it's a pretty good deal.  I think you have to have a Gold membership to have to get it but it's a pretty sweet deal. 

My closing argument is going to be that most the people I think are pretty cool on here have a Xbox, and fuck Texas


Giving you my own experience to help you make your decision:

I grew up on PS (mostly JRPG's & some racing/fighting games) and transitioned into PC gaming (still RPGs, but now I've mostly been playing mobas for the last 9 years).
I was gifted a PS4 with games for my birthday 2? years ago, and they were games I reaaaally wanted to play too!! that weren't on Steam and everything. Although I was mega excited to play them, and it's still the best birthday present I've ever received, I honestly only ran it for like 2 hours max before putting it down, and I haven't picked it back up since.

FF15 got me nauseous (I get motion sickness, always need to turn off motion blur :$), Uncharted got me bored, and I just had no interest of waiting through an installation for all the other games I really wanted to check out, even though I knew I'd enjoy them a shit ton. I ended up falling back into my old "boot up the PC and play" routine cause it's honestly just so much easier and more fun, since I grew accustomed to the communication breaks b/w gaming sessions with online friends that happen to be around (steam chat, discord, whatever). Even with the TV resting on my gaming desk by my monitors, it's just >_> not the same...  

It also felt pretty unnatural gaming from anything other than my chair+keyboard+mouse combo, making it harder to get immersed in and really feeling the time pass by, which, to me, is pretty damn guilt inducing. HUGE nono for relaxing "ignorance is bliss" game time x_x 

For online gaming, imo PC does do mobas best and any popular online game that a console will have, your PC will have them too, and you'd probably get it first on release. Plus, if you're playing FPS games, controllers do diminish the accuracy of fire which is something you might not like very much, having made the switch so late. (I am saying all this somehow assuming you're a PC gamer too :S:S)

This is just me though. I think it's awesome to have but might not be worth the money if you there's something else out there you would want to buy, so I wouldn't suggest buying either of those (IF you're so used to PC gaming yourself).


If I were to pick one though, then ofc I'd still go with the PS4 cause shit is awesome and you don't have to worry about getting used to a new controller. Especially since you grew up on it as well, you'll notice just how nicely it fits into your hands and it's a bit nostalgic in a way<3

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

PS4 is on its way, will be here Thursday. Grabbed a bundle that included Spider-Man, also picked up RE2, GTAV and The Last of Us. Probably will be picking up a couple more games when I have the cash. Definitely going to get RDR2, but most of the games I got were heavily discounted because they're pretty old. Probably gonna get Tekken 7 and some sort of FPS, but I don't feel great about Cawadoody.

What's hot these days, anyway? I haven't played games consistently since 2013.

yeah yeah PC gaymen master race console waste of money noob blah blah

I'll get a decent computer when I've got a little more cash to burn.

Edited by empty

Even though you already purchased the PS4, I will still say this, in the event you decide to expand.

Disco and I have a PS4 and an Xbox One. She prefers the PS4, while I prefer Xbox.

PS has more exclusive games than Xbox. But Xbox has Game Pass, which lets you pay a low monthly fee and gives you access to tons of games. 

PS4 Pro only upscales to 4k, while One X is in true 4k. Xbox also has a 4k Blu-ray player built into it. 

4k aside, far as HD graphics, the two systems are pretty much the same. More or less, it comes down to which controller is most comfortable for you.

I own all 4 PlayStation's. Just started playing Xbox a few years ago. But I like the Xbox better myself. Unpopular as an opinion that may be.

I am sure you will not regret your choice in buying the PS4. 

I am currently playing the Switch, which I am enjoying better than both of the other systems.


I'm a pretty big Halo/Xbox fangirl and I would say you chose well with the PS4. I have every current gen console and as much as I like and use my Xbox, it's largely for 1 or 2 games. Beyond things like Xbox Game Pass being better than PS Now, you really can't go wrong with the PS4. Just way more games. UI is slick, too, not cluttered like the Xbox. 

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