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If you injected alcohol, could you get drunk easier, would it not affect you, or would you die?


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I think you'd get drunk much faster but also likely get alcohol poisoning.  I watched a thing where they experimented with vaporizing alcohol in a sauna, and the people in the sauna got drunk as shit super fast since the vapor was being absorbed by their bodies and not just going through the stomach.

Here's a link: https://www.brainstuffshow.com/blogs/what-would-happen-if-you-took-alcohol-intravenously.htm

Edited by GuyBeardmane
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ethyl alcohol can't be injected in its pure form because it's impossible to distill to 100% purity, so there will be another liquid (probably water) it's cut with to keep it stable. as long as your quality and purity is as good as possible, i don't think it would be dangerous in small amounts. like, very small amounts. since the human body contains about 5 liters of blood, it would theoretically only take about 5ml (one teaspoon) of 90% pure ethyl alcohol to put you over the legal limit of 0.08% BAC.

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4 hours ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

Funnily enough, a couple or so days ago I randomly was wondering why people snort(ed) cocaine through their nose. Why the fuck would anyone even think to do that in first place? Like there's gotta have been a better way to ingest cocaine, even before the invention of crack.

They did it because it is more potent. It skips the blood-brain barrier and hits your system directly. 

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