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Hunter × Hunter Episode #36 Discussion!

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Only a couple episodes left in this arc before we finally get to the meat of this show.

I wish people would stop claiming an already good show "gets good" at some point, the only person hear that hates it with that much passion is Ben
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I wish people would stop claiming an already good show "gets good" at some point, the only person hear that hates it with that much passion is Ben


I'm not saying the show is bad in any way. It's just...kinda slow at first. Yorknew does well to solve that problem.

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I consider YorkNew to be the "Arlong arc" of HunterxHunter.


Like with One Piece, it has a slow but okay beginning, but when both reach their respective arcs (YorkNew for HxH, Arlong for OP) the two series really hit it off and do not stop.

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I wish people would stop claiming an already good show "gets good" at some point, the only person hear that hates it with that much passion is Ben


Whoa there.  I would not count this show as "good".  Beyond the initial Hunter test arc (which had a lot of low points too, as it went on way too long), the show is pretty dull.  This current arc is quite bad.


I'm waiting for the so-called "mature heavy themes" the show eventually takes.  Hopefully it speeds up too.

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