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Beard update


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I just got a foot cut off of mine a couple months ago. I know what you’re going through.

As crazy as it sounds, keep a compact in your pocket and pull it out after you eat and brush through it. I don’t use oil much, unless I have to speak at a banquet.

I know you’re in the public eye all day, so I get the oil and trying to keep it nice looking. Makes it harder to just run your hands through it and let the debris fall. Beards collect a lot of shit. I’ve had mine for over five years now. It’s down to my man tits now.

But no one is gonna help a dude out when he has food in it. People like to stare. Just keep a small compact and a small comb in your pocket. It’ll brush right out in a hurry.

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A good boar bristle brush will help. I only ever use oil for special occasions. I do regularly condition it though. And if needed I'll use a detangling/conditioner spray. It takes a little less time in the morning than my head hair did (before i got it cut super short) . 

The food i just be careful of. My gf lets me know if there's anything in it so I'm lucky for that. 


Mine doesn't grow super long, but it's super curly. If i straighten it it'd be down to my nipples. 

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