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3 hours ago, rpgamer said:

I'm sure it has a lot of competition, but I'd certainly nominate it for biggest mistake made by Toonami.

Wulin warriors probably wins by default, but its not anime so we won't count that.

I'd say PTE might by number 1 in just being unwatchable and unfunny. It kinda makes me sad that this was their first serious foray into comedy in quite some time. We'll never get to see Konosuba or more obscure comedies like Dfrag or Good Luck Girl on Toonami but we'll get to watch the same 15 minutes of PTE repeated with different voices.

I think the only real competition it has would be Dimension W, Casshern Sins, and Tokyo Ghoul.

Casshern sins always blows me away because I always think.... how do you make an anime about robots living in an apocalyptic future so boring?

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Yeah. Casshern would certainly be up there. But if we wanted to go back to pre-[as] (and still anime), I'd probably see Prince of Tennis as a good runner up. I don't care how good it may have been, a sports anime (tennis, no less) on a kids' ostensibly-action-oriented block was poorly thought out.

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From an objective standpoint where "mistakes" directly lead to the block being damaged, the only one Toonami made was doing another Month of Movies in 2014... and even then, that was part of a string of several blunders (AoT reruns, et al.) that lead to the big block cut a few weeks later. On the other hand, rag on Pop Team Epic all you want, but its ratings are A-OK. The fact that the block's numbers keep going down and yet we're about to expand to 10:00 p.m. seems to indicate that everyone is blithely ignoring current trends, and I do hate that. >:(

Now, if we're going to talk about stuff Toonami did that we personally don't like, I have a couple choices. Airing Tokyo Ghoul long after the height of its popularity wasn't a good look, especially since it was one of the few totally unique shows they aired in 2017. I also don't think they should've gone for Black Clover, regardless of the actual quality of the show. Right now, it's basically dead weight that few people care about.

  • Thanks 3

What about subjectively judging whether something simply damaged the block's image? My main reason for picking on PoT was just how out of place it seemed, same as PTE. No matter how well it turns out, nothing can change how much it just doesn't really fit in. I really don't like a lot of the choices happening lately (Jojo needs to be put out to pasture, Hunter doesn't really seem to know what story it wants to tell, Black Clover is... yeah), but nothing ever made me look and ask "What is this doing on Toonami?"

Like, how do you even fit anything PTE into one of Toonami's iconic thematic ads? The ones where they take clips from a bunch of different shows and put together something with a cohesive vibe, such as the new one we just got. I'd have to go back and check, but was anything PTE present in that? Is there anything you can pull out of the show to really complement the rest of the block in that same way? Personal bias says no, not really. Nothing about the show really belongs.

Idk. I just find the ratings argument to lack a lot of context and nuance. Let's be real, a Family Guy marathon every week could probably beat out Toonami ratings. Toonami needs to keep viewers, sure, but I feel like even if this is a success in that regard, it comes at the cost of Toonami's identity.

But that's just my opinion, and I've been known to have unreasonable expectations.

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Ha that was actually one of the reasons I finally dropped HxH. It gets sidetracked VERY easily. It literally interrupts one of the better arcs to have the characters go antiquing. One minute it's a big city heist anime next minute it's SAO.

Is under 400k for PTE really fine? I mean, it's airing right after two shows with really bad retention and still only getting 80 percent. It basically proves that you can get around 400k viewers by airing static.

Sports anime ain't neva gonna fly in the US. Neva eva. That's just the people in charge not understanding the difference between what they like in Japan and what we like here. Ping Pong the Animation is amazing though, everyone should go watch it.

I'm gonna say that the thing that did the most damage to the block was actually Dragonball. Years of attracting a Dragonball  oriented fanbase is going to pretty much cripple the block when Super stops airing.




I saw most episodes of Milk Chan. I had the same reaction of... well it's weird... and it's random.... if only it was funny you'd have a show.

10 hours ago, Daos said:

 We'll never get to see Konosuba or more obscure comedies like Dfrag or Good Luck Girl on Toonami but we'll get to watch the same 15 minutes of PTE repeated with different voices.

How do you know? How do you know Toonami won't air any comedy after PTE? 


As long as we're venting, I do have a list of shows I didn't want Toonami to air. Super used to be on that list until I discovered some episodes I really liked, most of them coming during the Future Trunks arc. I HATE Naruto and Boruto, but ... heh... well I got BANNED on the Toonami Discord chat for just saying that. Tokyo Ghoul can continue enjoying the death that it so loves very much. Casshern Sins turned out to be a total bore, sorry.  I ditched Black Clover in a admittedly over-dramatic reaction once it introduced a love triangle as the final straw. And I am not going to fuckin watch hours and hours of GUNDAM just to understand Unicorn.

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32 minutes ago, elfie said:

I HATE Naruto and Boruto, but ... heh... well I got BANNED on the Toonami Discord chat for just saying that.

Well maybe you should've been nicer about it instead of being all "EVERYONE WHO REMOTELY LIKES BORUTO DESERVES TO DIE".

(Yes, I fucking know that's not what you actually said.)

Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said:

Well maybe you should've been nicer about it instead of being all "EVERYONE WHO REMOTELY LIKES BORUTO DESERVES TO DIE".

(Yes, I fucking know that's not what you actually said.)

I never said that on the Discord. I said  I hated Naruto and Boruto and said my reasons why.  Maybe it was because the people with the power to ban were on Discord at the time, and it was during Toonami's SDCC livestream 15 minutes before the block started?

Edited by elfie
Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, rpgamer said:

Like, how do you even fit anything PTE into one of Toonami's iconic thematic ads? The ones where they take clips from a bunch of different shows and put together something with a cohesive vibe, such as the new one we just got. I'd have to go back and check, but was anything PTE present in that? Is there anything you can pull out of the show to really complement the rest of the block in that same way? Personal bias says no, not really. Nothing about the show really belongs.

I don't think the last music video ("Ferromagnetic Flow") had any PPTP clips, but the semi-recent "Growing" speech did, and I think what they used fit well.

10 hours ago, Daos said:

Ha that was actually one of the reasons I finally dropped HxH. It gets sidetracked VERY easily. It literally interrupts one of the better arcs to have the characters go antiquing. One minute it's a big city heist anime next minute it's SAO.

Unfortunately, I agree. The recent storyline with the King playing board games has been almost torturously boring, although I think the most recent episode improved things a little bit. Still, if I ever want to rewatch Chimera Ant, I'll probably skip really big chunks of it.

Edited by Blatch
  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, PokeNirvash said:

Or maybe the mod in question was just that unholy combination of stingy and Narutarded.

Probably. He's one of the people on the Toonami Faithful Podcast, and isn't known to be very patient or having the perfect judgment.  They do this for a hobby on their free time, so they aren't required to be professional.

25 minutes ago, elfie said:

Probably. He's one of the people on the Toonami Faithful Podcast, and isn't known to be very patient or having the perfect judgment.  They do this for a hobby on their free time, so they aren't required to be professional.

Was it Paul? I know I saw him saying that the Boruto announcement "saved" Toonami. But even if he did, he's probably not as judgmental as AnimeSavior, who blocks anyone remotely critical (even jokingly so) of the Sword Art Onlines.

  • Haha 1
3 minutes ago, Blatch said:

Was it Paul? I know I saw him saying that the Boruto announcement "saved" Toonami. But even if he did, he's probably not as judgmental as AnimeSavior, who blocks anyone remotely critical (even jokingly so) of the Sword Art Onlines.

That's the thing. I have no idea which one it was.  It could've been Caboose, who was definitely on at the time and was the one who told me to stop (stop .... a regular human conversation??).  Or it could've been Darrell, who I found out, somehow knew about what happened!


Well Elfie as a consequence of our horrible public school system, a lot of kids now grow up without the ability to discern between "trolling" and a legitimate difference of opinion. Anyone who has a different opinion is just assumed to be trolling. 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Daos said:

Well Elfie as a consequence of our horrible public school system, a lot of kids now grow up without the ability to discern between "trolling" and a legitimate difference of opinion. Anyone who has a different opinion is just assumed to be trolling. 

Which goes to show how I haven't been in any kind of educational system since 2006, and even LONGER since I ever been in a public school setting, so I regret missing the boat and seeing what exactly is causing all the problems in it now. They REALLY DON'T teach them how to deal with trolls and difference of opinion?? Are Debate Clubs a thing? I do know bullying happens outside of class now no thanks to the internet and social media.

Edited by elfie
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It gets even worse in the Universities. If a conservative speaker wants to come they won't even let them speak. They not only won't listen to what they have to say, they basically threaten to riot and disrupt the event so no one can hear what they have to say.

Jerry Seinfeld won't even play college campuses anymore because of all the oversensitive snowflakes that can't handle different opinions or ya know... jokes.


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5 hours ago, Blatch said:

Was it Paul? I know I saw him saying that the Boruto announcement "saved" Toonami. But even if he did, he's probably not as judgmental as AnimeSavior, who blocks anyone remotely critical (even jokingly so) of the Sword Art Onlines.

I will likely not ever listen to the podcast ep where they discuss the coming of Narutoson.

... so hey that Pop Team Epic, boy....

15 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

Humor is subjective, and I hate it when people treat it as objective. It's like they've never even heard of differing tastes.

Obviously people find different things funny. But there's a lot of people out there that will just laugh at anything.


  • Haha 2

Toonami has dreck like Black Clover and FLCL Progressive on the block, but it’s Pop Team Epic that has everyone clutching their pearls about the state of Toonami and the ratings? 

“You guys! It dropped a couple thousand viewers from the last show, it’s a flop!” And yet it’s nothing compared to the ratings poison Progressive is once your standard Hero Academia episode ends and anywhere between 10,000 to 100,000 viewers stop watching.


Eh, it retained worse than Reruns of FLCL last week. If you aired it right after Super you'd probably see the lowest retention we've ever seen.

BC is bad,  but it's main badness stems from being an amalgamation of every Shonen from the last 20 years. If it came out 20 years ago we'd probably all think it was top tier anime. If you just generally like most Shonen you'll probably like BC, because it's literally most Shonen. Terrible choice for Toonami? Yeah definitely.

The ratings for PTE aren't disastrous... if anything it proves you can basically air an off the air sign and still get almost 400k viewers. Most people here just don't like the show, it's not really about the ratings.

A poorly drawn oddball comedy that lacks punchlines and repeats itself after 15 minutes was never going to have much appeal to most Toonami fans.


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11 hours ago, Daos said:

It gets even worse in the Universities. If a conservative speaker wants to come they won't even let them speak. They not only won't listen to what they have to say, they basically threaten to riot and disrupt the event so no one can hear what they have to say.

Is this some kind of reference to Milo? Cause I totally understand not wanting to have a self-described white supremacist speak at your place of study and I'd probably threaten to riot over it too.

1 hour ago, Daos said:

The ratings for PTE aren't disastrous... if anything it proves you can basically air an off the air sign and still get almost 400k viewers.

Or better yet, air Off the Air.


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1 hour ago, QueenoftheDorks said:

Is this some kind of reference to Milo? Cause I totally understand not wanting to have a self-described white supremacist speak at your place of study and I'd probably threaten to riot over it too.

Or Mike Spencer.  In fact, they aren't the only 2 who want to hold public speaking events, and unfortunately the new administration has allowed them the motivation to come out of the shadows.  We are almost at the 1-year anniversary of the Charlottesville riots, and I fear another one will arrive very soon!

5 hours ago, Daos said:

BC is bad,  but it's main badness stems from being an amalgamation of every Shonen from the last 20 years.

A lot of the hate for that show is because many think "being cliche = bad", but the truth is, you can have a show that's jam-packed with tropes of all sorts and have it still be a hit. I felt that way about Megalo Box; the content of the show is your typical "average Joe tries to become a boxing champion", but how everything is presented elevates it into an excellent production. On the other hand, BC's animation and composition leave much to be desired.

I still don't understand the "PPTP doesn't have punchlines" argument, but considering that this thread has taken a political turn, I'll probably flee it forever before I try to answer that again.

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We don't speak of that.

10 hours ago, QueenoftheDorks said:

Is this some kind of reference to Milo? Cause I totally understand not wanting to have a self-described white supremacist speak at your place of study and I'd probably threaten to riot over it too.

It's every speaker that doesn't perfectly align with ultra left wing college views.



Tenchi Muyo War on Geminar... still waiting to see that on Toonami. It will show you what trashes final form is.

11 minutes ago, elfie said:

Here's a question.  If all universities have left-wing views, where did all the right-wing people running the country crawling out of a dark cave come from?

Uhh the country is still pretty much 50/50 despite Universities being extremely liberal.

  • Like 1
14 minutes ago, Daos said:

Tenchi Muyo War on Geminar... still waiting to see that on Toonami. It will show you what trashes final form is.

Uhh the country is still pretty much 50/50 despite Universities being extremely liberal.

Republicans now control the White House, House of Representatives, and the Senate.

Just now, elfie said:

Republicans now control the White House, House of Representatives, and the Senate.

And Democrats won the popular vote by several million votes.

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